
独家专访:没钱、疫情、丧父、战争 他依旧完成了这部科幻短片

潘乐意 Hi VFX 2024-04-26

既然大家对上一期的专访内容很喜欢,我就继续给大家联系更多优质的作者,我们更多地去看看世界电影人都在做什么。也感谢大家的支持!这一次Hi VFX独家专访了捷克导演Adrián Adamec关于他的最新短片电影《NEVEN》。(感谢导演提供的大量资料,我花了好久做资料整理和再编辑,希望这一期大家看的够嗨!收获够多!

用导演的话说《NEVEN》这个作品是一个关于爱、友谊和希望的故事。这部电影是他与斯洛伐克社区剧院Divadlo z Pasáže合作制作的,该剧的主演是患有唐氏综合症的演员Peter Hudec。这部短片电影探索的一个话题就是,当前方看起来无路可走的时候,继续生活意味着什么。






(还是先让大家欣赏下,导演Adrián Adamec的这个作品《NEVEN》)

(这期专访结尾可看NEVEN VFX Showreel 和幕后制作花絮)


Thanks! For me, this project started with Peter Hudec (actor). A saw their theater play and fell in love. It was even before the idea for the film, I knew I wanted Peter to be the lead. He has pure kindness in his eyes. Pure soul behind them. He is acting because he loves art, it is everything for him. Didn’t start doing it because being an actor is “prestigious”. He just loves it. People like him can give me the drive to spend 2 years working on short films like this. I need people I really love around me. We are all working hard on something that is "ours" not just mine. I wanted for him to see himself on a big screen and feel what it is like to be a “hero” of his story. Not many actors with down syndrome do have opportunities to star in a role like this. His acting was very naturalistic and I saw that as a big advantage. He never repeated any action, every take was different and special. Of course working with actors with disabilities limits you in many ways. But that’s what filmmaking is about, its problem solving. You plan your movie and then you negotiate with reality. But it was all worth it and because of him this project is very special for me.

谢谢,对我来说,这个作品《NEVEN》使用演员Peter Hudec,是因为从我第一眼看到他在剧院的表演,我就深深喜欢上了。甚至在早于这个电影本身的故事想法出来之前,我就希望这个作品的表现可以由他来主导。因为在他的眼中你可以看到纯粹的善意和在背后的干净的灵魂。他出演这些因为他爱艺术,艺术就是他的一切。他做这个并不是为了功名利禄。他就是纯粹地爱艺术。人们对他的喜爱也让我有两年的冲劲儿在这个短片电影中。我需要那些我真的很爱的人在我周围。我要与这些人在一起努力工作,那才是“大我”,而不仅仅只是“小我”。我想让他在大屏幕上看到他自己,我想让他感受到在他故事里成为一个“英雄”的感觉。很少有唐氏综合症的演员能有这样的机会在影片中出演。他的表演非常的自然,而且这种独特反倒成了他的一种优势。他从不重复表演任何的东西,每一镜他的表演都不同且很特别。当然,与身体有些欠缺的演员合作本身也会受到一些限制。但是,这不就是电影制作本身的意义吗?面对问题,解决它!你计划你的电影,然后你要与现实去协商很多问题。但是,一切都是很值得的。因为他的参演,这个项目对我来说意义非凡。


Started planning in summer 2020, production started in November of that year. Production was delayed many times because of covid so we finished filming all scenes with Peter in April of 2021 and two more filming days in June for flashback scene. Then it took one year for me to edit the movie, create all assets and do 200 vfx shots. I was one man army almost all the way. Few shots were composited by Vladimir Valovič, he is a very experienced compositor working on biggest Hollywood movies. He liked the project and jumped in to work on a few shots.

这个项目我是2020年夏天开始策划的,同年的11月开始进行拍摄。这期间,因为新冠,制作也被延迟了好多次。最终,我们在2021年4月完成了与Peter的所有场景的拍摄,并在6月又拍摄了两天的闪回场景。然后,我花费了一年的时间进行电影的剪辑,同时,制作所有的资产,和200多个视效镜头。我几乎就是一个人作战。有一小部分的镜头的合成工作交给了Vladimir Valovič,他是一个在很多大制作的好莱坞电影中有丰富合成经验的人。他很喜欢这个项目,就参与制作了几个镜头。


Probably trying to execute it without a budget. I paid for one location with a little bit of money and bought some food. We used equipment we owned and locations that were easy to access. Then combining it with covid made it a bit harder. That was challenge #1 and then #2 was postproduction. It's a less stressful part of filmmaking for me because I know I have a movie. I just need to edit it and do all the vfx. When I wrote a list of all the vfx that needed to be done I almost gave up. It was too many shots and I had to finish one vfx shot every day. Some of them were easy pain outs but some of them were completely computer generated shots. I said to myself “Okay, lets not look at it from that high of a perspective but lets go step by step, shot by shot. This month is all about this scene and this day is all about this one shot. Don’t look at the top of the mountain, just look down and go step by step.”


4 . 在此之前的电影中你是否使用过UE?你觉得使用UE最大的优点和缺点分别是什么?
Never actually jumped on UE. I think it's an amazing tool and I like the results many talented artists are able to create in UE. Usually I try to film plates, as many as possible and add "fantastic" elements into it. Even if plates aren't that amazing. It's important for me that it feels real. Story needs that. I'm also okay with doing fully CG shots. Hate green screens. Suck the excitement of filmmaking out of me.


5. 是什么样的原因促使你去做这样一个短片?

I love filmmaking. It's pure magic that can transport you to another world, or make you understand one we live in. Movies helped me throughout my life so much, and saved me in many many ways. When I found out as a kid that people were making them, I knew what I wanted to be - a filmmaker. So right now I'm in the process of learning how to make this magic come to life. I'm a total novice, and see myself in the process of learning the basics, failing and learning from my mistakes. I really hope that one day I will be able to create a movie that can amaze someone, help them to escape reality for a few hours and inspire them to create their own art. Power of storytelling is monumental. I want to learn as much about it as I can.

Projects like this are good exercise. I'm also able to do what I always wanted to do and I like for every new project to be a challenge for me . I loved every minute working on this project and all the people I met along the way. I hope to make as many as possible and learn as much as possible.


6. 您是零成本去做这个短片电影的吗?那您是如何解决道具、演员、特效等这些问题的呢?

Yes. You learn from your favorite filmmakers, when they talk about their beginnings, how they “thinking” about pulling projects off without money. Guillermo Del Toro, Gareth Edwards, James Cameron, Robert Rodriguez... They all had to do it. It's very important to adjust your ideas, setting and props to your environment. I knew we could access someabandoned locations for free so I was writing with that in mind. I know what kind of locations are in my country so I will write with them in mind. We used or borrowed old props. I live in a small city so it's easy to find help. People lend us many props, trucks they were not using during the weekends or generators. I knew a guy who was a good climber and he was able to create wire rigs for us. Another friend is a welder and a great technician so he was able to create air cannons from junk… and you go like that. You put on the “table” all things you have access to and think how you can tell a story with them.

是的。我们可以从我们最喜欢的电影人那里去学习,听听他们讲述最初他们是如何思考在没钱情况下做电影的。Guillermo Del Toro, Gareth Edwards, James Cameron, Robert Rodriguez...(感觉我要恶补)这些人他们都要面临这个问题。所以,在没钱的情况下,调整你故事的想法,场景的设置,环境里的道具等等都是非常重要的。我知道我们可以免费进入一些废弃的地点,所以我在构思故事时就考虑到了这一点。我知道我的国家内有什么样的地方,所以我就把这些记在心里。我们借用旧的道具。因为我生活在小城市中,所以寻求帮助也是比较容易的。大家借给我们很多道具,周末不用的卡车或发电机。我认识一个攀岩高手,他能帮我们做钢丝架。另一个朋友是焊工,也是一名优秀的技术人员,所以他能够用废品做出空气炮……然后你就把这些全都摆到台面上来,就去思考如何用这些去讲述一个故事。

7. 在这部作品中您在概念设计、资产制作上大概都花费了多少的时间呢?
It took 2-3 months to create assets. I don’t know the exact number but I created a CGI double, robot Neven and Black Maria (bad robot) in two versions – normal and damaged. Drones, burned bodies and some small props. Anti Air-missile robots just for one shot in the background... Maybe I'm forgetting some. Pretty straight forward process for me, I did it many times and created many assets for my previous projects. I like to create them on my own. I'm not using components from 3D packs, but creating every single screw. I don’t mind using packs for environment shots, but “hero” assets like this I like to create. Didn’t have much time in pre-production for proper conceptual art / designs. I did boards of art and designs I like and did a mashup of those - straight to 3D modeling. It's a mix of things I like. But I love concept art and putting more time into them for my next project. Love collecting artbooks.

我在资产制作上大概花费了2-3个月的时间。我记不清具体的数字了。Neven(小机器人) 和 Black Maria(机器坏人)做了两个版本:一个正常的,一个损毁的。以及一些胳膊、烧坏的身体和一些小部件。还有防空反导弹机器人,只有一个镜头在背景里出现。可能我还忘记了一些。对我来说,这个易如反掌。因为我之前的项目做过很多资产。我喜欢创作他们。我不是用三维包中的组件来完成,而且我去创建每一个零部件来完成它们。我并不介意在环境镜头中用资产包。但是,对于一些“关键镜头”我还是喜欢亲手去打造它的每一个地方。在这个项目中,我并没有很多时间去进行前期的概念设计工作。我当时做了我喜欢的艺术板,然后将它们进行混搭,直接进3D建模。这就是我喜欢的东西的混合体。但是我会希望在我下一个作品中投入更多的时间在概念设计上。我太喜欢收集艺术书籍了。(导演诚不欺我,给到我的概念图就六张,哈哈哈哈)

You prep as much as you can, play a movie in your head, shotlist it, storyboard it, shoot it and hopey that it will work. For the practical side of filmmaking, we created a puppet for the cameraman to focus on and Peter to look at. Also great lighting reference. Many times I was sitting next to Peter standing-in for Neven and he was looking at me. Then in post-production I was looking at some videos of dogs and bots as reference. But it was mostly based on my gut feeling and doing keyframe animation. I did rotomation for Big Robot, filming myself doing the action and then keyframing it based on that.

你要尽可能多的去做准备,要在你的脑海中去走完一整部电影,列出制作清单,做好故事板,拍摄它,然后它肯定就有效果。从电影制作的实践这一方面来说,我们制作了一个木偶,让摄影师专注于拍摄,也让Peter知道往哪里看。当然,很棒的照明参考也很必须。很多时候,我都会作为Neven的替身坐在Peter旁边让他看着我。然后到了后期阶段,我就通过看一些狗和机器人的视频作为制作参考。但它主要还是基于我的直接感觉和做关键帧动画。我为大机器人(坏机器人)做了一些ROTO,然后我拍摄了我自己的动画,再在这个基础上K关键帧 。

《NEVEN》VFX Showreel



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