The following article is from 上海交通大学自然科学研究院
近日,上海交通大学软物质与活性物质合作研究组(Wilczek量子中心“Matteo Baggioli团队”、自然科学研究院/物理与天文学院“张洁团队”)在活性颗粒物质的局域振动研究中取得重要进展。研究组基于活性布朗粒子体系实验证实了两年前被预测的弦状局域振动及其对应的零群速度色散关系。该研究对理解非晶固体本征振动的奇异性这个上世纪留下的待解之谜有积极意义。相关研究结果以Dispersionless Flat Mode and Vibrational Anomaly in Active Brownian Vibrators Induced by String-like Dynamical Defects为题目在线发表于Physical Review Letters期刊。
Figure 1: (Left) the experimental identification of the dispersionless flat mode (DFM); (Right) the origin of the DFM in the emergence of string-like dynamical defects.
研究团队成员包括博士生蒋存源,郑梓涵,陈杨锐博士(现明尼苏达大学博士后研究员),Matteo Baggioli教授与张洁教授。该论文第一作者为博士生蒋存源,通讯作者为Matteo Baggiol教授与张洁教授。该研究得到了国家自然科学基金委与上海市教委科研创新计划的支持。研究团队向国家自然科学基金委,上海市教委,上海交通大学,以及物理与天文学院以及自然科学研究院致以诚挚的感谢!
Recently, the Soft Matter and Active Matter Collaborative Research Group, led by Prof. Matteo Biggioli at the Wilczek Quantum Center and Prof. Jie Zhang at the Institute of Natural Sciences of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, made significant progress in the study of vibrational dynamics in active granular matter. Based on a vibrating Brownian platform, the research group experimentally confirmed the emergence of string-like dynamical defects as the fundamental origin of vibrational anomalies and the corresponding dispersionless flat mode in amorphous granular systems. This research is significant for understanding the long-standing mystery of vibrational anomalies in disordered systems. The related findings were published in the Journal of Physical Review Letters under "Dispersionless Flat Mode and Vibrational Anomaly in Active Brownian Vibrators Induced by String-like Dynamical Defects."
Research background
Since the 1980s, a large number of unexplained low-frequency vibrational modes have been observed in various disordered systems, ranging from glasses to soft colloids and biological macromolecules, through both experimental observations and computer simulations. These low-frequency vibrational modes are not unique to any specific disordered system and are not of phononic origin as for ordered crystals; instead, they are emergent phenomena resulting from the disorder itself. Consequently, what is the inherent relationship between disorder and low-frequency vibrations? This question has been a central theme throughout research on disordered systems. About fifteen years ago, one of the mainstream views on this issue gradually recognized that these low-frequency vibrational modes are a form of localized vibration. Subsequently, with the advancement of computer simulation technology, some studies predicted that these low-frequency localized vibrations should exhibit a string-like nature and correspond to an emergent mode whose dispersion relation is independent of the wavevector: ''flat''.
Methods and results
The research team can achieve homogeneous and random driving for homemade non-polar particles through a homogeneously driven quasi-two-dimensional vibrating platform. Under vibration of a certain frequency and acceleration, the single particle velocities – both translational and rotational conform to a Gaussian distribution of zero means. Hence, they are referred to as Brownian particles, similar to pollen particles in a thermal bath. The system's structural and dynamic information can be obtained by employing high-precision image processing and particle tracking techniques. The research team distinguished a dispersionless flat mode coexisting with the acoustic phononic branch sound from the dynamical structure factor signal. Subsequently, they found that its frequency corresponds to an anomaly in the vibrational density of states, universally observed in disorder systems and known as the ``boson peak”. Finally, they could associate the vibrational anomaly and the flat mode with randomly distributed string-like dynamical defects, explaining their microscopic origin.
This study validates recent theoretical advances in the study of vibrations of amorphous systems with comprehensive and reliable experimental results. It enriches the characterization and analysis of the glassy state of active granular systems, providing significant insights for the further understanding of the marvelous phenomena brought about by disorder in both passive and active systems.
The research team members include doctoral students Cunyuan Jiang, Zihan Zheng, Dr. Yangrui Chen (Now a postdoc at the University of Minnesota), and Profs. Matteo Baggioli and Jie Zhang. The paper's first author is PhD student Cunyuan Jiang, and the corresponding authors are Prof. Matteo Baggioli and Prof. Jie Zhang. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Innovation Program of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. The research team sincerely thanks the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the School of Physics and Astronomy, and the Institute of Natural Sciences.
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