Pitsou Kedem 讲者寄语
Usually, the observer meets the architectural act only in its finished configuration. Some visit the building and some are impressed by photographs. Either way, the experience is in the context of the final result. In this master class, I will try to reveal to you the design secrets, the details you don't see, the special private spice. The working methods, the trial-and-error cases - in fact the "x-ray" of the project. Through a number of projects, I will demonstrate to you the work process, and especially how to bridge this huge gap that always exists between the imagination, the planning intent, and the actual execution. Sometimes what we don't discover in the result is even more fascinating than it.
Speaker introduction
Pitsou Kedem在英国建筑联盟学院毕业后,2000年成立了工作室。深受现代主义建筑大师密斯·凡德罗理念的影响。工作室的设计语言和概念建立在现代主义风格上,他的作品涵盖了时代的价值观和原则以及现代主义运动的设计理念。Pitsou Kedem受印际之邀,将于05月28日(星期日)下午14:00~17:00线上授课【四国豪宅の世界大师课】,欢迎扫码报名。
Pitsou Kedem founded the studio after graduating from the Architectural Association School of Architecture in 2000. Influenced by the concept of modernist architect Mies van der Rohe. The studio's design language and concepts are based on modernist styles. His work covers the values and principles of the times and the design philosophy of the modernist movement.
大师课第一部分包含工作室的介绍,对成立以来项目类型的总结。对奠定工作室项目基调的建筑语言和建筑价值理念加以阐释,其中包含了创始人Pitsou Kedem先生在英国建筑联盟学院(Architectural Association School of Architecture)的学习阶段,以及对从那以后一些作品的回顾。因为回头来看,是这些事物在过往22年中影响了他的职业生涯。
Presentation of the studio, review of areas of activity since its establishment.A demonstration of the architectural language and values on which the studio's projects are based, including a look at Pitsou Kedem's studies at AA in London and a review of some works from that period, which in retrospect influenced his professional path throughout its 22 years.
独家课件剧透 © Pitsou Kedem
A bridge between planning and execution:In the architectural act, most of the times there is a considerable gap between planning and between the image that is presented before and the actual execution. Pitsou will expand on the reasons for the gaps, and the ways and efforts the studio invested to realize the planning vision in detail.
第三部分Pitsou会通过分析8个不同项目来说明事务所是如何解决和实现其中每个项目的规划。他会向大家揭露那些不为空间使用者或建筑参观者所知的‘隐藏’部分,也就是建筑完成的过程本身。这些分析中包含图纸,设计细节,丰富的照片,在施工过程中的场地等。该部分主要是为了让大家了解搭建规划和实施之间桥梁的一个或许是最重要的环节。在Pitsou的创业初期,作为一位年轻建筑师的他总是在探索关于项目执行阶段的经验,和不同匠人的不同技术相关的知识,但那时的他感觉无从下手。因此在本期课程中,他会重点讲述该部分的内容。这就像一张X光照片,它不只是拍摄了对象本身,还揭露了那些不可见的事物。Pitsou will expand and demonstrate through 8 different projects how the studio solved and realized the planning of each project. He will show the "hidden" part from the user of the space or the viewer of the building, the work processes themselves. The demonstration will include drawings, details, photos from various workshops and the sites themselves during construction. The main idea is to share with the participants in the class perhaps the most important parts of building the bridge between planning and execution. As a young architect, at the beginning of my career, I often looked for knowledge about the stages of execution, about different techniques of different craftsmen and always had trouble finding it. Therefore in this master class I will try to expand mainly on this part. Like an X-ray photograph that reveals what is hidden from view and usually teaches more than photographing the person himself.
独家课件剧透 © Pitsou Kedem
第四部分光与影的奥秘:Pitsou Kedem职业生涯中的一大核心点围绕着光线和阴影的使用,以及它们何种程度上丰富了整个空间体验。在该部分中,我们会首次分享一段关于我们最新一个项目的4分钟视频。该短片拍摄用时数天,记录了事务所追寻捕捉空间中的光与影之谜的历程。The mystery of light and shadow:The central thesis surrounding Pitsou Kedem‘s career revolves around the use of light and shadows and their ability to enrich an experience in space. In this section, for the first time, a short 4 minutes film, made not long ago from one of the last projects completed by the studio will be presented. The film, shot over several days, follows the studio's constant quest to capture the mystery and magic of light in space.
第五部分艺术品:近年来,事务所也采用与空间设计同样的思路和执行策略去设计了一些艺术物品。Pitsou会向大家展示事务所为顶级意大利公司设计的三件物品,其中包含了每件物品的独家创作过程。The studio has been applying the same ways of thinking and execution solutions in recent years in the design of objects. Pitsou will present 3 objects designed for leading Italian companies, including the unique work processes for each object.
撰文 Writer :Ting 排版 Dditor:Yuan图片版权 Copyright :Pitson Kedem