

阿达希尔 阿达希尔的漫游 2022-12-28

今天早些时候,我们的Caley Smith老师发来了教学大纲


Caley 玉照

Sanskrit 1: Sound, Script, and Sentence

梵语第一单元: 语音、文字和句子

Course Description: Each Sanskrit course I offer is a series of 8 lectures, one per week. In each course, students will be introduced to new elements of Sanskrit grammar and practice their use. 



Sanskrit 1 Objectives: Students will learn the Sanskrit sound system and the most common script used for Sanskrit, called Devanāgarī. Further, they will come to understand the most common types of nouns and verbs as well as their application in simple sentences. While mastery of Sanskrit vocabulary is very limited at this stage, Sanskrit 1 shows the student the core conceptual landscape of the language, upon which they can build as they slowly approach mastery through future studies.  


(按:天城体字母长这样:देवनागरी  写的是 Devanāgarī,即“天城”)

But what is Sanskrit? And why should we study it? 


Let’s first answer “what is Sanskrit,” before we ask why we should study it.  

The prehistory of Sanskrit is that it is the descendant of Proto-Indo-European, a language which is also the parent of as diverse a spread of modern languages as English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Armenian, Farsi, Hindi, and many others. It is also the parent of ancient languages like Greek, Latin, Hittite, and Tocharian. 



Sanskrit belongs to a clade of Indo-European called Indo-Iranian. It began its life as a hieratic language, known as Vedic Sanskrit, used in public rituals at the end of the Bronze Age in the regions today called the Panjab and Haryana. These rituals served the religious and governmental needs of a tribal alliance of pastoralists around 3000 years ago. While it faded as the primary spoken language of these communities, it endured as a special holy tongue, passed on by families of Vedic priests. 



旁遮普 Punjab,波斯语 panj āb 意思是"五水",指印度河的五条支流)

We believe that shortly before the invasion of Alexander the Great at the end of the 4th century BCE, there lived a man in a region called Gandhara, in a city called Taxila, named Pāṇini. Pāṇini seems to have been part of an old Vedic tradition of grammatical analysis, which focused on understanding this language, by now no one’s first language, and keeping it alive. He created the first Sanskrit grammar, a highly terse oral text which could be memorized and unpacked by the trained student to access every single Sanskrit grammatical rule. Some think Pāṇini was the greatest linguist to have ever lived. Because of his opus, rather than dying out, Sanskrit would survive. We call his form of the language “Classical Sanskrit.” 


《波你尼语法入门》我的恩师 段晴 教授的大作

Sanskrit was the not language of our earliest inscriptions from India! When writing began in India, it was for Emperor Aśoka’s royal proclamations (3rd century BCE), and they were in the language he spoke, not Sanskrit. When Aśoka made new inscriptions at sites of his conquest far from home, he had those inscriptions translated into those local dialects. We are not entirely certain how the idea that Sanskrit would be a useful translocal language came into being. It might have been a Buddhist idea, to transmit the Dharma in a language that could be read by knowledgeable experts on both Indian coasts. This is supported by the fact that our earliest surviving kāvya, or Classical Sanskrit poetry, is by a 2nd century CE Buddhist: Aśvaghoṣa. The 2nd century CE was also the time when the latest scion of a dynasty of Saka warlords, a king named Rudradāman, set up an inscription praising his virtues in a place today called Junagadh. It’s our first example of proper Classical Sanskrit panegyric, or royal praise, in the kāvya style. You see, Rudradāman, like Aśvaghoṣa, evidently saw the potential Sanskrit had as translocal language. At the same time, by “Sanskritizing” himself, Rudradāman, was able to erase his foreignness. For the Sakas were speakers of an Iranian dialect originally. This strategy proved so successful, that it was picked up later by some better-known dynasts: the Guptas. 




《佛所行赞》的梵汉对照本,黄宝生 译注





The use of Sanskrit as the official language of Gupta art and science is what ushers in “the Classical period” proper. This period, which begins in the late 4th century CE, sees the production of the works of the great playwright and poet Kālidāsa, who was evidently deeply influenced by Aśvaghoṣa. This period also sees the proliferation of technical manuals (called śāstra) used for philosophy, crafting technique, political science, and ethical instruction. Texts like the Nītisāra teach the reader how one builds, runs, and defends a kingdom. Texts like the Ratnaśāstra teach the reader how to mine and craft jewels. Texts like the Bodhicaryāvatāra teach the reader the proper ethical and meditative practices which awaken and develop one’s Bodhisattva-nature. Yes, from the Classical period on, Sanskrit becomes an urban and courtly language that never totally died out, although at different times and specific places, Sanskrit literary culture variously weakened or strengthened. 


《云使》迦梨陀娑 著 罗鸿 译

《罗怙世系》梵汉对照本 迦梨陀娑 著 黄宝生 译注

《沙恭达罗迦梨陀娑 著 季羡林 译

Thanks to the seafaring empires of South India, Sanskrit literature travelled to Southeast Asia, where the epic the Rāmāyaṇa would deeply influence local ideas of kingship. Cambodia has the most Sanskrit inscriptions of any country other than India. The version of the character Hanuman in the Thai Ramakien, based on the Rāmāyaṇa, would go on to influence the figure of the Monkey King, best known from the Ming-era novel Journey to the West. Through Buddhism, Sanskrit would penetrate Nepal, Tibet, and Central Asia. It would spread along the Silk Road through the Tocharian oasis-kingdoms of the Taklamakan Desert, spreading Mahāyāna and Tantric Buddhist ideas into China, Korea, and Japan. In short, although Sanskrit began its life in ancient India, it is truly a world language. Its literature has influenced all of Asia, and, in fact, it has influenced Europe too. Common English words like “orange” (ultimately from nāraṅga) and less common words like “juggernaut” (ultimately from jagannātha) were borrowed into the languages of Europe long before the modern period. 

由于南印度的航海帝国,梵语文学也流行于东南亚。史诗《罗摩衍那》深刻影响了当地王权的观念。在印度以外,柬埔寨的梵语石刻数量最多。由《罗摩衍那》衍生出了泰语史诗《拉玛坚》(Ramakien),其中猴王哈努曼这一角色催生了明代小说《西游记》中的美猴王。通过佛教,梵语进入了尼泊尔、西藏和中亚,并沿丝绸之路传入塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘讲吐火罗语的绿洲王国。大乘和密宗传入了汉地、朝鲜和日本。简而言之,虽然梵语起源于古代印度,但这是一门真正的世界语言,其文学影响了整个亚洲,甚至欧洲。英语中的orange来自梵语 nāraṅga不那么常用的juggernaut来自梵语 jagannātha。这两个词早在现代之前就借进了欧洲诸语言。


So: Sanskrit is a world language with world literature. It contains the accumulated knowledge of millennia of religious, scientific, and philosophical literature. It also contains rich narrative works and poetry, and song, which, beyond the purpose of accruing knowledge, is a pleasure to consume. There is a great deal to be gained by mastery of Sanskrit literature. There is also a great deal to be gained simply in the study of Sanskrit. Sanskrit, as students will learn, is an extremely precise language. Mastering it tests and develops human memory, expands the way one thinks about language. In short, even just learning the language, without reading any texts, is a great augment to one’s person. For these reasons, I strongly suggest you commit time and mental resources to this endeavor. 


Format of the Class: Because of the nature of the course (large group, remote teaching), the format will be a 2-hour session once per week, primarily lecture with open Q&A. I will make available an assignment to do during the week in your spare time that held cement the previous lesson into your memory. Lesson 5 and Lesson 8 will be a guided translation exercise, in which we apply the lessons learned so far to undo the sandhi and translate Sanskrit sentences. 


Recommended Grammar: The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit by Antonia Ruppel

推荐教材:The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit by Antonia Ruppel

Recommended Dictionary: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary by V.S. Apte

推荐字典:The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary by V.S. Apte

Schedule of Topics: 


Lesson 1: Phonetic Inventory of Sanskrit; Vowel Coalescence, Conversion, and Ablaut



Lesson 2: The Sanskrit Noun conceptually, a-stem (masculine and neuter)


Lesson 3: The Sanskrit Verb conceptually, the thematic present indicative (class 1, 4, 6, 10)


Lesson 4: Internal and External Sandhi rules


Lesson 5: Sentence Translation Exercises  


Lesson 6: The feminine ā-stem; adjective agreement 


Lesson 7: The personal pronouns


Lesson 8: Sentence Translation Exercises 








Caley Smith,现任华盛顿大学(西雅图)梵语讲师












