
PRC Civil Code: Chapter 9-Sales Contracts

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PRC Civil Code: Chapter 20-Technology Contracts (P2)Article 595    A sales contract is a contract whereby the seller transfers the ownership of a subject matter to the purchaser, and the purchaser pays the price for it.第五百九十五条   买卖合同是出卖人转移标的物的所有权于买受人,买受人支付价款的合同。Article 596 The contents of a sales contract generally include terms such as the name, quantity, quality and price of the subject matter, time limit for performance, place and method of performance, packaging method, inspection standards and method, settlement method, and the language used in the contract and the effectiveness thereof.第五百九十六条   买卖合同的内容一般包括标的物的名称、数量、质量、价款、履行期限、履行地点和方式、包装方式、检验标准和方法、结算方式、合同使用的文字及其效力等条款。Article 597    Where the ownership of the subject matter cannot be transferred due to the seller's failure to obtain the right of disposal, the purchaser may rescind the contract and request the seller to bear the liability for breach of contract.Where the transfer of a subject matter is prohibited or restricted by laws or administrative regulations, such provisions shall apply.第五百九十七条   因出卖人未取得处分权致使标的物所有权不能转移的,买受人可以解除合同并请求出卖人承担违约责任。法律、行政法规禁止或者限制转让的标的物,依照其规定。
Article 598    The seller shall perform its obligation to deliver the subject matter to the purchaser or to deliver a document entitling the purchaser to taking delivery of the subject matter, and to assign ownership of the subject matter.第五百九十八条   出卖人应当履行向买受人交付标的物或者交付提取标的物的单证,并转移标的物所有权的义务。Article 599    In addition to the document for taking delivery of the subject matter, the seller shall deliver to the purchaser the relevant documents and materials as agreed or under transaction practices.第五百九十九条   出卖人应当按照约定或者交易习惯向买受人交付提取标的物单证以外的有关单证和资料。
Article 600    With respect to the sale of a subject matter with intellectual property rights, except where laws provide otherwise or the parties agree otherwise, the intellectual property rights in respect of such subject matter do not belong to the purchaser.第六百条   出卖具有知识产权的标的物的,除法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定外,该标的物的知识产权不属于买受人。Article 601    The seller shall deliver the subject matter at the agreed time. Where a period of time for delivery is agreed upon, the seller may deliver at any time within the said time period.第六百零一条   出卖人应当按照约定的时间交付标的物。约定交付期限的,出卖人可以在该交付期限内的任何时间交付。Article 602    Where the parties have not agreed, or have not come to a clear agreement, on a deadline for the delivery of the subject matter, the provisions of Article 510 and Item (IV) of Article 511 hereof shall apply.第六百零二条   当事人没有约定标的物的交付期限或者约定不明确的,适用本法第五百一十条、第五百一十一条第四项的规定。
Article 603    The seller shall deliver the subject matter at the agreed place of delivery.Where there is no agreement in the contract between the parties on the place to deliver the subject matter or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 510 hereof, the following provisions shall apply:(I)If the subject matter needs to be transported, the seller shall deliver the subject matter to the first carrier so as to hand it over to the purchaser;(II) The subject matter does not need to be transported, and the seller and purchaser know the place of the subject matter when concluding the contract, the seller shall deliver the subject matter at such place; where the place is unknown, the subject matter shall be delivered at the seller's place of business at the time of conclusion of the contract.第六百零三条   出卖人应当按照约定的地点交付标的物。当事人没有约定交付地点或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,适用下列规定:(一)标的物需要运输的,出卖人应当将标的物交付给第一承运人以运交给买受人;(二)标的物不需要运输,出卖人和买受人订立合同时知道标的物在某一地点的,出卖人应当在该地点交付标的物;不知道标的物在某一地点的,应当在出卖人订立合同时的营业地交付标的物。Article 604    The risk of the subject matter being damaged or lost shall be borne by the seller prior to the delivery of the subject matter, and by the purchaser after the delivery of the subject matter, except where laws provide otherwise or the parties agree otherwise.第六百零四条   标的物毁损、灭失的风险,在标的物交付之前由出卖人承担,交付之后由买受人承担,但是法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定的除外。Article 605    Where, for reasons attributable to the purchaser, the subject matter is not delivered at the agreed time, the purchaser shall, as from the time it breaches the contract, bear the risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter.第六百零五条   因买受人的原因致使标的物未按照约定的期限交付的,买受人应当自违反约定时起承担标的物毁损、灭失的风险。Article 606    Where the seller sells a subject matter that is delivered to a carrier for carriage and is in transit, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties, the risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter shall be borne by the purchaser at the time when the contract is established.第六百零六条   出卖人出卖交由承运人运输的在途标的物,除当事人另有约定外,毁损、灭失的风险自合同成立时起由买受人承担。Article 607    After the seller transports the subject matter to the place designated by the purchaser and delivers the subject matter to the carrier under the contract, the risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter shall be borne by the purchaser.Where there is no agreement in the contract between the parties as to the place of delivery or such agreement is not clear, and the subject matter needs to be transported according to the provisions of Item 1 of Paragraph 2 of Article 603 hereof, the risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter shall be borne by the purchaser after the seller has delivered the subject matter to the first carrier.第六百零七条   出卖人按照约定将标的物运送至买受人指定地点并交付给承运人后,标的物毁损、灭失的风险由买受人承担。当事人没有约定交付地点或者约定不明确,依据本法第六百零三条第二款第一项的规定标的物需要运输的,出卖人将标的物交付给第一承运人后,标的物毁损、灭失的风险由买受人承担。Article 608    Where the seller has placed the subject matter at the place of delivery under the agreement or in accordance with the provisions of Item 2 of Paragraph 2 of Article 603 hereof, while the purchaser fails to take delivery in breach of the agreement, the risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter shall be borne by the purchaser as of the time of breach of the agreement.第六百零八条   出卖人按照约定或者依据本法第六百零三条第二款第二项的规定将标的物置于交付地点,买受人违反约定没有收取的,标的物毁损、灭失的风险自违反约定时起由买受人承担。
Article 609    The failure of the seller to deliver the documents and materials relating to the subject matter as agreed upon shall not affect the transfer of the risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter.第六百零九条   出卖人按照约定未交付有关标的物的单证和资料的,不影响标的物毁损、灭失风险的转移。Article 610    Where the subject matter does not meet quality requirements, and as a result it is impossible to realize the purposes of the contract, the purchaser may refuse to accept the subject matter or may rescind the contract. Where the purchaser refuses to accept the subject matter or rescinds the contract, the risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter shall be borne by the seller.第六百一十条   因标的物不符合质量要求,致使不能实现合同目的的,买受人可以拒绝接受标的物或者解除合同。买受人拒绝接受标的物或者解除合同的,标的物毁损、灭失的风险由出卖人承担。Article 611    Where the risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter is borne by the purchaser, the purchaser's right to demand the seller to bear liability for breach of contract because the seller's performance of its obligations is not in conformity with the agreement shall not be affected.第六百一十一条   标的物毁损、灭失的风险由买受人承担的,不影响因出卖人履行义务不符合约定,买受人请求其承担违约责任的权利。Article 612    Unless otherwise provided for by law, the seller is obliged to warrant that no third party shall have any right in respect of the delivered subject matter.第六百一十二条   出卖人就交付的标的物,负有保证第三人对该标的物不享有任何权利的义务,但是法律另有规定的除外。Article 613    Where the purchaser knows or ought to know, at the time of concluding the contract, that a third party has rights on the subject matter to be sold, the seller does not assume the obligation prescribed in the preceding article.第六百一十三条   买受人订立合同时知道或者应当知道第三人对买卖的标的物享有权利的,出卖人不承担前条规定的义务。Article 614    Where the purchaser has conclusive evidence to prove that a third party has the rights on the subject matter, it may suspend the payment of the corresponding price, unless the seller provides a proper guaranty.第六百一十四条   买受人有确切证据证明第三人对标的物享有权利的,可以中止支付相应的价款,但是出卖人提供适当担保的除外。
Article 615    The seller shall deliver the subject matter of the contract according to the agreed quality requirements. Where the seller provides the quality specifications for the subject matter, the subject matter delivered shall comply with the quality requirements set forth therein.第六百一十五条   出卖人应当按照约定的质量要求交付标的物。出卖人提供有关标的物质量说明的,交付的标的物应当符合该说明的质量要求。Article 616    Where there is no agreement between the parties to the contract on the quality requirements of the subject matter or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 510 hereof, the provisions of Item 1 of Article 511 hereof shall apply.第六百一十六条   当事人对标的物的质量要求没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,适用本法第五百一十一条第一项的规定。Article 617    Where the subject matter delivered by the seller does not meet quality requirements, the purchaser may claim that the seller shall assume liability for breach of contract in accordance with the provisions of Articles 582 to 584 hereof.
第六百一十七条   出卖人交付的标的物不符合质量要求的,买受人可以依据本法第五百八十二条至第五百八十四条的规定请求承担违约责任。Article 618    Where the parties agree to relieve or exempt the liability of the seller for the defects of the subject matter, and the seller fails to inform the purchaser of the defects of the subject matter intentionally or due to gross negligence, the seller shall have no right to claim for relief or exemption of its liability.第六百一十八条   当事人约定减轻或者免除出卖人对标的物瑕疵承担的责任,因出卖人故意或者重大过失不告知买受人标的物瑕疵的,出卖人无权主张减轻或者免除责任。Article 619    The seller shall use the agreed method of packaging when delivering the subject matter of the contract. Where there is no agreement in the contract on packaging manner or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 510 hereof, the subject matter shall be packed in a general manner; in the absence of a general manner, a packaging manner sufficient to protect the subject matter and conducive to resource conservation and ecological environment protection shall be adopted.第六百一十九条   出卖人应当按照约定的包装方式交付标的物。对包装方式没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,应当按照通用的方式包装;没有通用方式的,应当采取足以保护标的物且有利于节约资源、保护生态环境的包装方式。Article 620    When the purchaser receives the subject matter, it shall inspect the subject matter within the agreed inspection period. Where there is no agreement on the inspection period, the goods shall be inspected promptly.第六百二十条   买受人收到标的物时应当在约定的检验期限内检验。没有约定检验期限的,应当及时检验。Article 621    Where the parties have agreed on an inspection period, the purchaser shall, within the said inspection period, notify the seller of any circumstances whereby the quantity or quality of the subject matter is not as agreed. Where the purchaser is negligent in notifying the seller, the quantity or quality of the subject matter is deemed to be in compliance with the contract.Where the parties have no agreement on an inspection period, the purchaser shall notify the seller within a reasonable period, commencing on the date when the purchaser discovered or should have discovered the quantity or quality non-compliance. Where the purchaser fails to notify within a reasonable period or fails to notify within two (2) years from the date of receipt of the subject matter, the quantity or quality of the subject matter shall be deemed to be in compliance with the parties' agreement. However, if the subject matter has a quality guarantee period, the said quality guarantee period shall apply, and the said two-year provision shall not apply.Where the seller knows or ought to know that the subject matter provided does not conform to the terms of the contract, the purchaser is not subject to the time limits for notification prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs.第六百二十一条   当事人约定检验期限的,买受人应当在检验期限内将标的物的数量或者质量不符合约定的情形通知出卖人。买受人怠于通知的,视为标的物的数量或者质量符合约定。当事人没有约定检验期限的,买受人应当在发现或者应当发现标的物的数量或者质量不符合约定的合理期限内通知出卖人。买受人在合理期限内未通知或者自收到标的物之日起二年内未通知出卖人的,视为标的物的数量或者质量符合约定;但是,对标的物有质量保证期的,适用质量保证期,不适用该二年的规定。出卖人知道或者应当知道提供的标的物不符合约定的,买受人不受前两款规定的通知时间的限制。Article 622    Where the inspection period agreed upon by the parties is too short, and it is difficult for the purchaser to complete the inspection within the inspection period due to the nature of the subject matter and transaction practice, the period shall be deemed only as the period for the purchaser to raise objection to the appearance defects of the subject matter.Where the agreed inspection period or quality guarantee period is shorter than the period stipulated in the laws and administrative regulations, the period stipulated in the laws and administrative regulations shall prevail.第六百二十二条   当事人约定的检验期限过短,根据标的物的性质和交易习惯,买受人在检验期限内难以完成全面检验的,该期限仅视为买受人对标的物的外观瑕疵提出异议的期限。约定的检验期限或者质量保证期短于法律、行政法规规定期限的,应当以法律、行政法规规定的期限为准。Article 623    Where the parties do not agree on an inspection period, and the delivery note, confirmation slip, etc. signed by the purchaser states the quantity, model number, specifications of the subject matter, the purchaser shall be deemed to have inspected the quantity and checked whether there is any visible defect, unless there is adequate evidence to subvert.第六百二十三条   当事人对检验期限未作约定,买受人签收的送货单、确认单等载明标的物数量、型号、规格的,推定买受人已经对数量和外观瑕疵进行检验,但是有相关证据足以推翻的除外。Article 624    Where the seller delivers the subject matter to a third party as instructed by the purchaser, and the inspection standards agreed by the seller and the purchaser are inconsistent with those agreed by the purchaser and the third party, the inspection standards agreed by the seller and the purchaser shall prevail.第六百二十四条   出卖人依照买受人的指示向第三人交付标的物,出卖人和买受人约定的检验标准与买受人和第三人约定的检验标准不一致的,以出卖人和买受人约定的检验标准为准。Article 625    Where, in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations or the agreement between the parties, the subject matter shall be recycled after the expiration of its valid service life, the seller shall be obligated to recycle the subject matter by itself or by entrusting a third party.第六百二十五条   依照法律、行政法规的规定或者按照当事人的约定,标的物在有效使用年限届满后应予回收的,出卖人负有自行或者委托第三人对标的物予以回收的义务。Article 626    The purchaser shall pay the price in the agreed amount and according to the agreed method of payment. Where there has been no agreement, or no clear agreement, the provisions of Article 510 and Items II and V of Article 511 hereof shall apply to the amount of the price and the method of payment.第六百二十六条   买受人应当按照约定的数额和支付方式支付价款。对价款的数额和支付方式没有约定或者约定不明确的,适用本法第五百一十条、第五百一十一条第二项和第五项的规定。Article 627    The purchaser shall pay the purchase price at the agreed place. If there is no agreement in the contract on the place of payment or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 510 hereof, the purchaser shall make payment at the seller's business place. However, if it is agreed that the delivery of the subject matter or the document for taking delivery thereof is conditional upon the payment of the price, the payment shall be made at the place where the subject matter or the document for taking delivery thereof is delivered.第六百二十七条   买受人应当按照约定的地点支付价款。对支付地点没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,买受人应当在出卖人的营业地支付;但是,约定支付价款以交付标的物或者交付提取标的物单证为条件的,在交付标的物或者交付提取标的物单证的所在地支付。
Article 628    The purchaser shall pay the purchase price at the agreed time. Where the time for payment is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, nor can it be determined in accordance with Article 510 hereof, the purchaser shall make payment at the same time it receives the subject matter or the document for taking delivery thereof.第六百二十八条   买受人应当按照约定的时间支付价款。对支付时间没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,买受人应当在收到标的物或者提取标的物单证的同时支付。
Article 629    Where the seller delivers the subject matter in a quantity greater than that agreed in the contract, the purchaser may accept or refuse to accept the excess quantity. Where the purchaser accepts the excess quantity, it shall pay for the excess quantity at the agreed price; where the purchaser refuses to accept the excess quantity, it shall promptly notify the seller.第六百二十九条   出卖人多交标的物的,买受人可以接收或者拒绝接收多交的部分。买受人接收多交部分的,按照约定的价格支付价款;买受人拒绝接收多交部分的,应当及时通知出卖人。
Article 630    The fruits of the subject matter belong to the seller if accrued before delivery, and to the purchaser if accrued after delivery. However, if the parties have agreed otherwise, such agreement shall prevail.第六百三十条   标的物在交付之前产生的孳息,归出卖人所有;交付之后产生的孳息,归买受人所有。但是,当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 631    Where a contract is rescinded due to non-compliance of any principal component of the subject matter, the effect of rescission extends to the ancillary components. Where a contract is rescinded due to non-compliance of any ancillary component of the subject matter, the effect of rescission does not extend to the principal component.第六百三十一条   因标的物的主物不符合约定而解除合同的,解除合同的效力及于从物。因标的物的从物不符合约定被解除的,解除的效力不及于主物。
Article 632    Where the subject matter of a contract is made up of a number of items, and one of the said items does not conform to the parties' agreement, the purchaser may terminate the portion of the contract in respect of the said item. However, if the separation of the said item from other objects significantly impairs the value of the subject matter, the purchaser may rescind the contract in respect of several items.第六百三十二条   标的物为数物,其中一物不符合约定的,买受人可以就该物解除。但是,该物与他物分离使标的物的价值显受损害的,买受人可以就数物解除合同。Article 633    In the event that the seller delivers the subject matter in installments, if the seller fails to deliver one installment of the subject matter or the delivery fails to satisfy the terms of the contract so that the said installment cannot realize the contract purpose, the purchaser may terminate the portion of the contract in respect thereof.If the seller fails to deliver one installment of the subject matter or the delivery fails to satisfy the terms of the contract so that the delivery of subsequent installments of the subject matter cannot realize the contract purpose, the purchaser may terminate the portion of the contract in respect of such installment as well as any subsequent installment.If the purchaser terminates the portion of the contract in respect of one batch of the subject matter and the said batch of the subject matter and the other batches of the subject matter are interdependent, the purchaser may rescind the contract in respect of batches of the subject matter delivered and undelivered.第六百三十三条   出卖人分批交付标的物的,出卖人对其中一批标的物不交付或者交付不符合约定,致使该批标的物不能实现合同目的的,买受人可以就该批标的物解除。出卖人不交付其中一批标的物或者交付不符合约定,致使之后其他各批标的物的交付不能实现合同目的的,买受人可以就该批以及之后其他各批标的物解除。买受人如果就其中一批标的物解除,该批标的物与其他各批标的物相互依存的,可以就已经交付和未交付的各批标的物解除。Article 634    Where the purchaser making payment by installments fails to pay the price due and the amount unpaid accounts for one fifth of the total price, and still fails to pay the price due within a reasonable time limit after being urged, the seller may request the purchaser to pay the total price or rescind the contract.Where the seller rescinds the contract, it may require the purchaser to pay a fee for the use of such subject matter.第六百三十四条   分期付款的买受人未支付到期价款的数额达到全部价款的五分之一,经催告后在合理期限内仍未支付到期价款的,出卖人可以请求买受人支付全部价款或者解除合同。出卖人解除合同的,可以向买受人请求支付该标的物的使用费。Article 635    In a sale by sample, the parties shall place the sample under seal, and may specify the quality of the sample. The subject matter delivered by the seller shall comply with the samples as well as the quality specifications.第六百三十五条   凭样品买卖的当事人应当封存样品,并可以对样品质量予以说明。出卖人交付的标的物应当与样品及其说明的质量相同。Article 636    In a sale by sample, if the purchaser is not aware of a latent defect in the sample, the subject matter delivered by the seller shall nevertheless comply with the normal quality standard for a like item, even though the subject matter delivered complies with the sample.第六百三十六条   凭样品买卖的买受人不知道样品有隐蔽瑕疵的,即使交付的标的物与样品相同,出卖人交付的标的物的质量仍然应当符合同种物的通常标准。Article 637    The parties to a sales transaction by trial use may agree on a trial period for the use of the subject matter. Where such period is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, nor can it be determined in accordance with Article 510 hereof, it shall be determined by the seller.第六百三十七条   试用买卖的当事人可以约定标的物的试用期限。对试用期限没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,由出卖人确定。Article 638    A purchaser who purchases items on a trial basis may either purchase the subject matter or refuse to purchase the subject matter during the trial period, as appropriate. Upon expiration of the trial period, if the purchaser fails to express whether or not to purchase the subject matter, it shall be deemed to have purchased the subject matter.Where the purchaser in a sale by trial use has made partial payment within the trial period or has sold or leased the subject matter or established security interest over the subject matter, the purchaser shall be deemed to have agreed to purchase the subject matter.第六百三十八条   试用买卖的买受人在试用期内可以购买标的物,也可以拒绝购买。试用期限届满,买受人对是否购买标的物未作表示的,视为购买。试用买卖的买受人在试用期内已经支付部分价款或者对标的物实施出卖、出租、设立担保物权等行为的,视为同意购买。Article 639    In a sale by trial use, if the parties have not agreed, or have not come to a clear agreement, on a fee for the use of the subject matter, the seller shall have no right to demand payment by the purchaser.第六百三十九条   试用买卖的当事人对标的物使用费没有约定或者约定不明确的,出卖人无权请求买受人支付。Article 640    The risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter during the trial use period shall be borne by the seller.第六百四十条   标的物在试用期内毁损、灭失的风险由出卖人承担。Article 641    The parties may agree in a sales contract that the ownership of the subject matter shall belong to the seller if the purchaser fails to pay the price or perform other obligations.Where the seller retains ownership of the subject matter of the contract without registration, the subject matter may not be used against any bona fide third party.第六百四十一条   当事人可以在买卖合同中约定买受人未履行支付价款或者其他义务的,标的物的所有权属于出卖人。出卖人对标的物保留的所有权,未经登记,不得对抗善意第三人。Article 642    In the event that the parties agree that the seller shall retain the ownership of the subject matter of the contract, if the purchaser is under any of the following circumstances before the ownership of the subject matter is assigned, causing damage to the seller, the seller shall have the right to take back the subject matter, unless otherwise agreed by the parties:(I)Fails to make payment as agreed and still fails to make payment within a reasonable period after being urged to do so;(II) The specified conditions are not fulfilled as agreed; or(III) Selling, pledging or otherwise disposing of the subject matter improperly.The seller may negotiate with the purchaser to take back the subject matter; where negotiation is unsuccessful, reference may be made to the procedures for realization of security interests.第六百四十二条   当事人约定出卖人保留合同标的物的所有权,在标的物所有权转移前,买受人有下列情形之一,造成出卖人损害的,除当事人另有约定外,出卖人有权取回标的物:(一)未按照约定支付价款,经催告后在合理期限内仍未支付;(二)未按照约定完成特定条件;(三)将标的物出卖、出质或者作出其他不当处分。出卖人可以与买受人协商取回标的物;协商不成的,可以参照适用担保物权的实现程序。Article 643    After the seller takes back the subject matter in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the purchaser may request to redeem the subject matter if the reasons for the seller's taking back the subject matter are eliminated within the reasonable redemption period agreed by both parties or specified by the seller.Where the purchaser does not redeem the subject matter within the redemption period, the seller may sell the subject matter to a third party at a reasonable price; where there is a balance after deducting the amount unpaid by the purchaser and the requisite expenses from the sale proceeds, the balance shall be refunded to the purchaser; the purchaser shall pay any shortfall.第六百四十三条   出卖人依据前条第一款的规定取回标的物后,买受人在双方约定或者出卖人指定的合理回赎期限内,消除出卖人取回标的物的事由的,可以请求回赎标的物。买受人在回赎期限内没有回赎标的物,出卖人可以以合理价格将标的物出卖给第三人,出卖所得价款扣除买受人未支付的价款以及必要费用后仍有剩余的,应当返还买受人;不足部分由买受人清偿。Article 644    In a sale by bidding, matters such as the rights and obligations of the parties and the bidding procedure, etc. are governed by the relevant laws and administrative regulations.第六百四十四条   招标投标买卖的当事人的权利和义务以及招标投标程序等,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定。Article 645    The rights and obligations of the parties to an auction and the procedures therefor shall be governed by the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations.第六百四十五条   拍卖的当事人的权利和义务以及拍卖程序等,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定。Article 646    If there are provisions in the law for other non-gratuitous contracts, such provisions shall apply; in the absence of such provisions, the relevant provisions on sales contracts shall apply mutatis mutandis.第六百四十六条   法律对其他有偿合同有规定的,依照其规定;没有规定的,参照适用买卖合同的有关规定。Article 647    Where the parties agree on a barter transaction involving assignment of title to the subject matter, the relevant provisions on sales contracts shall apply mutatis mutandis.第六百四十七条   当事人约定易货交易,转移标的物的所有权的,参照适用买卖合同的有关规定。Tap "Read More" to visit our website
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