Dear Authors:
On behalf of the committee of CENet2020, it gives us great pleasure to invite you to join the 10th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks (CENet2020) to be held on October 16-18, 2020 in Xi'an, China, together with parallel session in Edinburgh, UK and Ji'nan, China.
The topics focus but are not limited to Internet of Things and Smart Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Communication System Detection, Analysis and Application, and Medical Engineering and Information Systems.
The major audiences of the proceedings include academic staff and scholars at universities and research institutes, researchers and developers in the R&D departments of companies.
The first CENet was held in Nanjing in 2011, It was named ICM2011 (International Conference of Information Technology, Computer Engineering and Management Sciences), It was a great success and with more than 400 participants. The second ICM2012 The 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Information Systems, Computing, and Management, was held in Hangzhou, a mythical and romantic city. Started from 2013, the ICM was renamed CENet, it narrowed and more focused on the field of Computer Engineering and Network. The CENet2013 was held in Shanghai with sponsored by Shanghai Pudong New Aera Association for Computer. CENet 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 was also held in Shanghai, and all proceedings were EI indexed.
Moreover, now CENet is now being its 10th year and will go on more success in the future.
We cordially welcome you to CENet2020 in Xi'an, China.
CENet2020 Committee
call for papers
Original contributions are solicited on all aspects of Computer, Engineering and Networks (CENet). Particularly, research work on Information Security, Information Hiding and Cryptography, Cyber Security, and Intelligent Computing and Applications are highly encouraged. Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to the following, when related to the CENet:
AI and Machine Learning for IoT and Smart Systems
Intelligent Models in IoT and Smart Systems
Context-awareness in IoT and Smart Systems
Fog and Edge Computing for IoT and Smart Systems
Network Forensics and its Applications
Cyber Security and Privacy Protection
Cryptography Engineering and Applications
Distributed and Parallel Computing and Data Management
Service-Oriented Architecture and Optimization
Next-generation and New-generation Network
Energy Efficient and Management for Wireless and Mobile Networks
Network Modeling and Simulation
Big Data Quality and Provenance Control
Big Data Mining Tools and Systems
Medical Engineering and Information Systems
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疫情影响ICTC会议延期至5.29-31(南京,5.29-31) ACM/IEEE JCDL2020征文通知(五)|中文分论坛征文(西安,5.1截止) 2020年全国图书情报青年学术论坛征文(南宁,5.15截止) 2020年全国知识图谱与语义计算大会征稿通知(第一轮)(南昌,5.21截止) 第七届(2020)中国科学数据大会(内蒙古,5.31摘要截止) 第一届科学文献知识实体抽取与评估研讨会(EEKE2020)(西安,5.31截止)