主题:Information for a Sustainable World: Addressing Society’s Grand Challenges
时间:23 - 28 October 2020
地点:Wyndham Grand Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA
ASIS&T(Association for Information Science and Technology,国际信息科学与技术学会)成立于1937年,是目前图书馆情报学、信息技术、信息管理等领域最具学术影响力的国际学术组织之一。学会下设17个特别兴趣小组、14个区域分会和39个学生分会,其会员遍布全球50多个国家和地区,出版有JASIST、Bulletin of the ASIS&T等专业刊物,每年举办年度大会及相关主题峰会。第83届ASIS&T年会将于2020年10月23-28日于匹茨堡举办。
For papers and posters, one author must attend the meeting in person to present their work. Multiple co-authors are encouraged to attend as well. For panels, alternative events, and workshops, all presenters listed on the submission must present in person. If others provide assistance in formulating the presentation but will not be attending the meeting, you may acknowledge their contribution at the end of the submission, but do not list them as a presenter.
Long Paper
Long papers should discuss, analyze, and critique theories and concepts, or report original, unpublished research; all papers must be substantiated by experimentation, simulation, theoretical development, empirical evidence, analysis or application in practice. Submissions will be judged on such criteria as quality of content, significance for theory, relevance for practice, method, design, originality, and quality of presentation. Long paper presenters will have 20 minutes to present their paper at the meeting.
Length: The maximum length for a long paper, including title, abstract (not more than 200 words) and references, is 8,125 words. All citations and references must be in APA format.
Any tables, figures, or other graphics should be embedded in the document. If accepted, you will be asked to submit any tables, figures, or graphics separately from the text of your document.
Peer Review: Submissions must be anonymized and will be refereed by a double-blind review process. Do not include any author names on the paper you upload.
Name the file [last name, first initial] Long_Paper2020
Short papers are similar to long papers in terms of scope, but may also report work in progress. Submissions will be judged on such criteria as quality of content, significance for theory, relevance for practice, method, design, originality, and quality of presentation. Short paper presenters will have 10 minutes to present their paper at the meeting.
Length: The maximum length for a short paper, including title, abstract (not more than 200 words) and references, is 3,025 words. All citations and references must be in APA format.
Any tables, figures, or other graphics should be embedded in the document. If accepted, you will be asked to submit any tables, figures, or graphics separately from the text of your document.
Peer Review: Submissions must be anonymized and will be refereed by a double-blind review process. Do not include any author names on the paper you upload.
Name the file [last name, first initial] ShortPaper2020
Posters are designed to invite questions and discussion and offer a unique opportunity to present late-breaking results, work in progress, data sets, methodological tools, or research that is best communicated in a poster format. Authors are expected to address how the work will be presented at the meeting. Since all posters are presented at the same time, only one poster per presenting author can be accepted. If more than one is accepted, a coauthor must be available to attend the meeting and present the poster. If there are no coauthors, then only one poster can be accepted per author.
Length: The maximum length for a poster submission, including title, abstract (not more than 200 words) and references, is 1,325 words. All citations and references must be in APA format.
Any tables, figures, or other graphics should be embedded in the document. If accepted, you will be asked to submit any tables, figures, or graphics separately from the text of your document.
Peer Review: Submissions must be anonymized and will be refereed by a double-blind review process. Do not include any author names on the poster submission you upload.
Name the file [last name, first initial] Poster 2020
Call For Volunteer
Responses: due March 30, 2020
Paper proposals due: April 10,2020 April 27, 2020
Paper decision notification: May 20,2020 June 1, 2020
Layout-ready accepted papers due: June 5,2020 June 15, 2020
Workshops & Tutorials
Workshop and tutorial proposals due: April 27, 2020
Workshops and tutorials decision notification: May 18, 2020
Panels and Alternative Events
Panel and alternative event proposals due: April 27, 2020
Panels/Alternative Events decision notification: June 1, 2020
Layout-ready accepted panel and alternative events due: June 15, 2020
Poster proposals due: June 5, 2020
Poster decision notification: July 17, 2020
Layout-ready accepted posters due: August 3, 2020
Doctoral Colloquium
Proposal submissions due: June 15, 2020
Notifications regarding submitted proposals: July 17, 2020
All award nominations are due April 27, 2020
除以上列举的三种类型的征文外,本届ASIS&T还有Panel and Alternative Event、Workshop、Tutorials、ASIS&T unCommons (Featuring SIGs and more)等类型的征文,欲知详情,请点击下方阅读原文跳转官网查看。
第五届IEEE云计算与大数据分析(ICCCBDA 2020)(成都,4.10-13召开) 2020年首期大数据信息分析师培训班(西安,4.20-24召开) 2020年全国首期医学查新员培训班(西安,4.20-24召开) 第一届档案学研究生学术论坛(济南,4.1截止) 高校图书馆面向“十四五”战略规划学术研讨会(上海,4.1截止) ACM/IEEE JCDL2020征文通知(三)|海报与展示征集(西安,4.6截止) ACM/IEEE JCDL2020征文通知(十)|实践案例征集(西安,4.6截止)
疫情影响ICTC会议延期至5.29-31(南京,5.29-31召开) ACM/IEEE JCDL2020征文通知(五)|中文分论坛征文(西安,5.1截止) 2020年全国图书情报青年学术论坛征文(南宁,5.15截止) 2020年全国知识图谱与语义计算大会征稿通知(第一轮)(南昌,5.21截止) 第七届(2020)中国科学数据大会(内蒙古,5.31摘要截止) 第一届科学文献知识实体抽取与评估研讨会(EEKE2020)(西安,5.31截止)
2020 ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Regional Conference(武汉,6.24-25召开) 全国高校图书馆战“疫”时期服务线上教学优秀案例征集研讨活动(6.30截止) 引入论文辅导老师制度!第十九届中国计算语言学大会(CCL 2020)(海口,6.1截止) 征文|2020图书馆营销推广策略与战略学术研讨会(6.10截止) 2020年全国档案工作者年会(杭州,6.20截止) “图书馆与社会教育——历史、现在和未来”学术研讨会(6.30截止) 《图书馆工作与研究》2020年增刊征文(6.30截止)