第29届ACM信息与知识管理国际会议(CIKM2020)将于2020年10月19日至23日在爱尔兰戈尔韦(Galway, Ireland)举行。
Workshops and Tutorials: | October 19th-20th, 2020 |
Main conference: | October 21st-23rd, 2020 |
会议征集包括Full and Short Research Papers,Applied Research Papers,Workshop Proposals,Tutorial Proposals在内的多类论文,每类论文征集主题与重要时间点如下:
Call for Papers – Full and Short Research Papers
2020 Theme:
Data and knowledge for the next generation: sustainability, transparency and fairness
Topics of interest:
Data and information acquisition and preprocessing (e.g., data crawling, data quality, data privacy, data wrangling) 数据和信息获取和预处理
Integration and aggregation (e.g., semantic processing, data provenance, data linkage, data fusion, knowledge graphs, data warehousing, privacy and security, modelling) 集成和聚合
Infrastructures (e.g., cloud computing, data-intensive computing, database systems, indexing and compression, search engine architectures, distributed systems) 基础设施
Special data processing (e.g., multilingual text, sequential, stream, spatio-temporal, graph, multimedia, scientific, and social media data) 特殊数据处理
Multi-modal data and knowledge processing (e.g., natural language processing, speech recognition, computer vision, knowledge graphs) 多模态数据和知识处理
Analytics and machine learning (e.g., OLAP, data mining, machine learning and AI, scalable analysis algorithms, event detection and tracking, deep neural networks, deep learning) 分析和机器学习
Information access and retrieval (e.g., web search, question answering and dialogue systems, retrieval models, query processing, personalization, recommender and filtering systems) 信息访问和检索
Data presentation (e.g., visualization, summarization, readability, understandability, VR, speech input and output) 数据展示
Users and interfaces for information and data systems (e.g., user behaviour analysis, user interface design, personalization, interactive information retrieval, interactive analysis, spoken interfaces) 信息、数据系统的用户和接口
Crowdsourcing (e.g. task assignment, worker reliability, optimisation, trustworthiness, best practices) 众包
Comparative evaluation, performance studies and benchmarks (e.g., online and offline evaluation, best practices) 比较评价、性能研究和标准
Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: | April 24th 2020 |
Paper submission deadline: | May 1st 2020 |
Acceptance notification: | July 3rd 2020 |
Camera ready due: | August 14th 2020 |
Call for Applied Research Papers
The Applied Research Track aims at attracting submissions from both industry and academia that either solve or advance the understanding of issues related to deploying AI, IR and big data technologies as part of actual applications.
The Applied Research Track is distinct from the Research Track in that submissions focus on applied work describing the implementation of a system that solves a significant real-world problem and demonstrates application benefits as well as impact. Submissions must clearly describe how their work has been deployed and for how long.
Topics of Interest:
Business Intelligence (e.g., Advertising and E-commerce, Finance, Marketing and Crowds, Recommender systems) 商业智能
Social Networks and Social Good (e.g., Crowdsourcing, Network sciences, Social media and publishing, Social sciences, User modeling, Web mining) 社交网络和社会公益
Healthcare and Bioinformatics (e.g., Clinical Decision Support, Clinical Research, Healthcare and Caregiving, Patient Empowerment, Genomic applications) 医疗保健和生物信息学
Computing Infrastructures (e.g., Big Data infrastructures Cloud,Map-Reduce, MPI, Data protection, Design of experiments, Interpretable models, Large-scale optimization, Scalable algorithms) 计算基础设施
Emerging Applications (e.g., AI in Education, Internet of Things, Cyber Security, Intelligent Transportation) 新兴应用
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: | June 1st 2020 |
Paper submission deadline: | June 8th 2020 |
Acceptance notification: | July 24th 2020 |
Camera ready due: | August 14th 2020 |
Call for Workshop Proposals
We look for prospective submissions of highly interactive full-/half-day workshops proposing novel research, deepening established research topics or presenting practical applications on the many aspects of the data lifecycle (data acquisition, preprocessing, modeling, integration/aggregation, storage, analysis and consumption).
Workshops bringing communities around the CIKM2020’s special theme of sustainability, transparency and fairness are particularly welcome. Interdisciplinary workshops bridging across different communities are also highly encouraged.
Important Dates:
Workshop proposal submission: | March 30th 2020 |
Proposal acceptance notification | April 14th 2020 |
Workshop paper submission: | July 15th 2020 |
Paper acceptance notification: | August 15th 2020 |
Call for Tutorial Proposals
CIKM 2020 will host tutorials covering topics of interest for the CIKM community, which include information and knowledge management. Half-day and full-day tutorials that are of interest for the research community will take place before the main conference, on 19-20.10.2020. Tutorial attendees will pay a separate registration fee to cover the facility costs.
CIKM 2020将主办涵盖CIKM社区感兴趣的主题的教程,其中包括信息和知识管理。研究社区感兴趣的半天和全天的教程将在主要会议之前,即2020年10月19日至20日举行。参加辅导班的学员将支付单独的注册费来支付设备费用。
We encourage proposals for both half- and full-day tutorials from active researchers and experienced tutors. Ideally, a tutorial is on a specific topic of interest and will provide a self-contained overview of a topic and then cover the state of the art research and developments on the topic of interest. The general areas include, databases, information retrieval, knowledge management, and other topics of relevance for the CIKM community.
Important Dates:
Tutorial proposal submission: | April 17th 2020 |
Proposal acceptance notification: | May 5th 2020 |
疫情影响ICTC会议延期至5.29-31(南京,5.29-31召开) ACM/IEEE JCDL2020征文通知(五)|中文分论坛征文(西安,5.1截止) 2020年全国图书情报青年学术论坛征文(南宁,5.15截止) 2020年全国知识图谱与语义计算大会征稿通知(第一轮)(南昌,5.21截止) 第七届(2020)中国科学数据大会(内蒙古,5.31摘要截止) 第一届科学文献知识实体抽取与评估研讨会(EEKE2020)(西安,5.31截止)
2020 ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Regional Conference(武汉,6.24-25召开) 全国高校图书馆战“疫”时期服务线上教学优秀案例征集研讨活动(6.30截止) 引入论文辅导老师制度!第十九届中国计算语言学大会(CCL 2020)(海口,6.1截止) 征文|2020图书馆营销推广策略与战略学术研讨会(6.10截止) 2020年全国档案工作者年会(杭州,6.20截止) “图书馆与社会教育——历史、现在和未来”学术研讨会(6.30截止) 《图书馆工作与研究》2020年增刊征文(6.30截止)