
BAM 新项目 | 上海佘山世茂洲际酒店盛大开幕

BAM BAM百安木 2022-01-13

香港名流,直升机从天而降,明代画作,还有来自俄罗斯的摇滚乐队演奏《Beat It》……世茂集团协同洲际举办了一场引人瞩目的盛会!

Hong Kong celebrities, a daring helicopter landing, Ming Dynasty paintings, and a Russian rock band playing ‘Beat It’... Shimao & InterContinental throw one hell of a party!!!

▲  图片来源:世茂集团

Image credit: Shimao

在此,BAM 很荣幸地向大家宣布:上海佘山世茂洲际酒店开幕了。该项目是世界上第一家、也是唯一一家建设于采石坑内的酒店,也是与建筑与景观结合的标志性代表作。作为景观设计负责人,BAM 已经在此项目上投入了 5 年的时间。

BAM is pleased to announce completion of the InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland. The project is the world’s first hotel descending into a quarry and an iconic example of the architecture working with the landscape. BAM has worked on the project for five years as the landscape architect.

▲  开幕典礼的“回声”(Echo)首秀,此后该节目将为酒店的客人每晚播放。

The opening party featured the inaugural showing of ‘Echo,’a program which will play nightly for guests of the hotel.

酒店位于松江区,其前身是一个废弃的上世纪 50 年代的安山岩采石坑。安山岩的名字来源于一种粘稠的熔岩流,这种熔岩流形成了厚厚的堆叠和圆顶状物。采石坑的岩壁为人们揭示了地质的发展历史,被挤压的岩片的形状及几何排列的图案,都在描述着一段古老的岩流状态。

有趣的是,出产安山岩的采石坑和附近天马山是以“松江画派”(Songjiang School)著称的中国山水画风格的故乡。松江画派始于 1567-1644 年间的明末时期。松江画派的创建为后来“上海画派”(Shanghai School)奠定了基础。也有人说,正是松江当地的这些岩石为画家们带来了灵感。

对于本项目的景观设计,BAM 也从采石坑的自然空间力量中获得了启发。“我们希望有一天能在这个采石坑举办一场疯狂的科技派对。”Jake Walker 在一次现场考察后说道 —— 然而 Jake 不知道的是,这个派对他一等就是 5 年。

The hotel is located in an abandoned 1950’s andesite quarry in the Songjiang District. Andesite takes its name from a type of viscous lava flow that forms thick drifts and dome shapes. The rock walls of the quarry reveal a geological history, an ancient drift of lava.

Interestingly the native andesite stone formations of the quarry and of the nearby Tianma Mountain are home to a Chinese landscape painting style known as the Songjiang School. Formed in the Late Ming Period of 1567-1644, the Songjiang School of painting created a foundation for the later Shanghai School. One could argue the native stone formations inspired the landscape paintings.

For the landscape design of this project BAM was immediately inspired by the natural power of the quarry space. ‘We hope to fill this quarry with a raging techno party one day’remarked Jake Walker after one site visit.  Little did Walker know he would have to wait another 5 years for that party to take place.

▲  左:明代松江派绘画大师董其昌的作品;右:Jake 和 Dan 从采石坑基底向上攀登,2014年。

Left, A painting from the Songjiang School master Dong Qichang. Right, Jake Walker and Dan Gass climbing up from the base of the quarry in 2014.

▲  图片来源:世茂集团

Image credit: Shimao

在自然条件如此强大的场地之中打造一座建筑,这种直接与矿坑并置在一起产生了巨大的建筑力量:在采石坑的自然不规则形状中,人工建筑的几何造型脱颖而出。但实际上,在采石坑内没有什么是“自然的”,整个景观都是人工创造出来的,因此哪里是建筑设计的终点、哪里是景观设计的起点 —— 这条分界线是很难去界定的。

For architecture inserted into such a powerful site condition there is an immediate juxtaposition which lends the architecture strength. The geometry of the architecture stands out from the irregular forms of the surrounding quarry. But given that within the quarry nothing is ‘natural’and the entire landscape is made by humans, it becomes difficult to understand where architectural design ends and landscape design begins.

▲  BAM 在 B14 层设计了一个泳池建筑,作为景观设计的一部分。(图片来源:世茂集团)

BAM designed the pool house architecture on the B14 level as part of the landscape. (Image credit: Shimao)

BAM 在 B14 层平台上的景观设计包含泳池的部分设计。BAM 主导泳池建筑的设计并与项目建筑师、工程师和室内设计师合作,使结构与景观更加紧密地结合在一起。

除了泳池,在 B14 层还有与酒吧毗邻的阶梯式露台,为客人在采石坑的边缘提供了一个享受鸡尾酒和观看日落的好去处。此外,在该平台的南部边缘的花园露台上坐落着一系列豪华小屋,周围是被皮革包裹的镀铜栏杆。最后,瀑布喷泉池作为入口处的标志性装置,与瀑布流入采石坑的景观遥相呼应。

BAM’s landscape design of the level B14 deck includes the design of a piece of the pool house. BAM worked with project architects, engineers, and interior designers, to lead the design of the pool house so the structure could more closely integrate with the landscape.

Elsewhere the B14 deck features a series of stepped terraces adjacent to the bar, places for enjoying a cocktail and watching the sunset over the edge of the quarry. At the Southern edge a series of luxury cabanas emerge as copper covered garden terraces with leather railings. Finally, the entry features a cascade fountain which completes the architectural metaphor of the waterfall descending into the quarry.

▲  图片来源:世茂集团

Image credit: Shimao

▲  BAM 在 B14 平台上增添了几个小屋的阳台作为私人露台花园。随着时间的推移,栏杆上的镀铜将会生锈,与采石坑翡翠色的泳池达到色彩上的呼应。

BAM added several cabana balconies to the B14 deck as private terrace gardens wrapped in copper. Over time the copper will patina and begin to match the emerald color of the quarry pool.

当建筑师打造了隐喻自然的瀑布时,景观设计师的任务是创造“真实的东西”。在 3 年的工作中,BAM 与水利工程师、生物净化专家和湖泊专家密切合作,创建了一个隐藏的抽泵系统,该系统可以将水从采石坑地下 70 米的地方直接泵入地面。水会经过一系列的生物过滤器,最后被存储入一个大的蓄水池中。这个蓄水池产生了一个 3 米宽的瀑布,流入到 BAM 设计的一个较低的露台中,并再次延伸出第二个 5 米的瀑布,落入采石坑的湖内。

While the architects create metaphors of waterfalls the landscape architects are tasked with creating the real thing. Over the course 3 years BAM worked closely with hydraulic engineers, biofiltration experts, and lake specialists to create a hidden pump system that shoots water the 70 vertical meters from the quarry pool up to the ground level. There it runs to a series of biofilters and is stored in large holding pool. The pool creates a 3m wide cascade which BAM located to spill onto a lower terrace, and create a second 5m fall into the quarry pool.

▲  图片来源:世茂集团

Image credit: Shimao

▲  作品中的隐藏设计:抽水设备、暴雨排水预警系统、生物过滤器、通风换气系统,这些看不到的元素都在为采石坑提供干净健康的水源。

Stealth Design at Work: Pumping equipment, storm warning systems, biofiltration, aeration, all go into developing a healthy quarry pool.

采石坑底部距离地面近 70 米,有些地方甚至还会向下深入 20 多米。为确保安全,抽泵系统具有冗余和动力备份功能的设计。而且一旦有暴雨预警,抽泵系统会在暴风雨前自动降低采石坑的水位。此外,在采石坑中创造一个平衡的生态系统也是一个很大设计的挑战。

The quarry pool is almost 70m below the ground level and more than 20m deep in some places. As a safety measure, the pumping system is designed with built in redundancy and power backup. Additionally, If large amounts of rain are forecasted the pump system automatically begins lowering the quarry water level in advance of a storm. In addition, the design faces the challenge of creating a balanced ecosystem in the quarry pool.

▲  艺术家郑路为酒店大堂的入口提供了一件庞大的艺术品。这条龙活灵活现!

Artist Zhenglu delivers a whopping piece of lobby entrance art for the hotel drop off. The dragon lives!

在地面层,入口的一系列景观设计包含高高的石墙,将土壤和树木稳稳地包围起来。这样一来,入口就好像是从土地中雕刻出来的,当人们走入的时候,会有种观看土地中被挤压的石头的感觉。BAM 设计这样的景观,是为了让客人能直观地感受“深入土地”的压力;接着,当客人靠近酒店入口时,才会感觉到一种突然的释放。透过大厅的玻璃,客人会第一次真正看到广阔的采石坑本身。

At the ground level, the landscape design of the entry sequence includes tall stone walls holding back the earth and trees. It is as if the entry is carved into the earth, and as you enter you feel you are viewing the compressed stone of the earth itself. BAM’s landscape is intended to make guests immediately feel this compression of actually entering into the earth, and then you feel a release as you approach the hotel entry. Here through the glass of the lobby you begin to taste the first glimpses of the expanse of the quarry itself.

▲  石头围墙为了给客人创造这样的的第一印象:向酒店里走的过程,就如同往土地内部深入一样。

Retaining walls create the impression one is entering into the earth as they approach the hotel.

在项目设计过程中,BAM 为酒店客人设计了一条环绕采石坑顶部的探险环路;还在西南方向的边缘设计了一个游乐公园,公园里设有可俯瞰采石坑的咖啡馆。我们可以在项目的很多计划和效果图中找到这些设计元素,但最后却没有被实现。

During the design process of the project BAM proposed an adventure loop path around the top of the quarry for the hotel guests. At the Southwest edge of the site BAM developed playground gardens with an overlook cafe building. Although these design elements can be seen in many of the plans and renderings of the project, they are not built.

▲  设计过程中的平面图和超逼真的渲染图。

Plan and a hyper-realistic rendering from BAM’s design process.

BAM 非常感谢并祝贺所有参与过这个标志性项目的设计师、经理、施工方、顾问、客户和运营商们!特别感谢在过去 5 年里 BAM 所有付出过的杰出设计师!

BAM would like to thank and congratulate all of the designers, managers, builders, consultants, clients, and operators involved on this iconic project!  Thanks especially to all of the talented BAM designers involved over the last 5 years!

▲  日落时分的酒店近景,拍摄于瀑布位置。(图片来源:世茂集团)

A sunset shot from the waterfall for the closer. (Image credit: Shimao)

上海佘山世茂洲际酒店是 BAM 第一个完成的酒店项目。目前 BAM 在三亚、扬州和东京已有新的酒店项目,敬请读者们继续关注!

The InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland is BAM’s first completed hotel project. Readers should stay tuned, BAM has several new hotel projects underway in Sanya, Yangzhou, and Tokyo!


节日特刊 | BAM 的万圣节

BAM 案例 | 未来之城——安徽省来安县

BAM讲座 | BAM于UCCA举办“游乐场热潮”讲座

