
BAM 上海招聘 | BAM Shanghai is hiring

BAM百安木 BAM百安木 2022-01-13
BAM 正在招聘景观设计师以及有意从事景观的建筑师。
BAM is looking for landscape architects or architects interest in working in landscape.

百安木(BAM)是一家位于北京、上海和纽约的综合领域的设计工作室。创始人包括Daniel Gass、Allison Dailey 和 Jacob Walker。工作室成立于2007年,至今已经在世界各地完成了从建筑到景观甚至到舞台装置等不同类型的项目。BAM 工作室具有深厚的艺术和技艺背景,而且不断的将这些能力综合运用到项目设计中的各个阶段。

BAM 关注每一位 BAMMER 的长期培养。BAM 以合作的原则创立公司,在 BAM 我们相信每一个愿意去谋划 BAM 未来的人都有机会通过自己的工作在 BAM 的发展历程中成为重要的角色。随着 BAM 的不断发展,新的合伙人和合作伙伴会不断地增加。一个成功的案例是 BAM 合伙人关景文从一个初级设计师起步成为 BAM 自创立以来的第一位员工成长为的合伙人。关景文是 BAM 中国区的商务总监,除了财务工作,她密切参与到项目管理,熟知 BAM 的每一个项目进展,负责 BAM 的市场工作和新项目商务洽谈。

▲  BAM 独创的招牌动作。

BAM‘s Original Signature Pose.

▲  BAM 的领导团队。

BAM Leadership Team.

Ballistic Architecture Machine (BAM) is a multidisciplinary design studio based in Beijing, Shanghai and New York founded by Daniel Gass, Allison Dailey, and Jacob Walker, three close friends and former classmates, nearly expelled from architecture school for creating installation art.  BAM’s early interest in installation work lead them to gravitate away from architecture and towards the field of landscape. While the fields of architecture, art, and engineering receive an enormous amount of attention from designers and clients in China, BAM focuses on all the spaces outside of architecture to create public spaces that integrate the IDEA of nature. Founded in 2007 the studio has built projects from ARCHITECTURE to LANDSCAPES and INSTALLATIONS around the world. BAM’s studio has a background in ART and CRAFTSMANSHIP and integrates these skill sets into all phases of the design process.

BAM focuses on the long term growth of our employees also know as BAMMERS.  BAM was founded on the idea of collaboration.  BAM saying “if you do the work, that’s what if becomes,” means that anyone who wants to help to define BAM and is willing to put in the work to do it can create critical roles for them selves and help to define BAM’s trajectory.  As BAM grows we continue to bring on new partners and associates.  A prime example of this is Guan Jingwen, who started as an entry level designer and grew to the first employee to become partner since BAMs founding.  Jingwen is BAMs business director in China and apart from handling the financials she is heavily involved in project management and knows the condition of all BAMs projects, she handles promotional work and first client contact for almost all of BAMs incoming projects.

▲  北京缦合,中国。

Beijing MAHA.

▲  时间谷创意大厦,中国深圳市光明新区。
Time Valley, Shenzhen.

▲  布吉住宅景观及摩天游乐塔,深圳。

Buji Residential Development with Play-screper, Shenzhen.

▲  大兴公园东区,北京。

Daxing Park East, Beijing.

▲  大兴公园西区,北京。

Daxing Park West, Beijing.

▲  来安公园,安徽。

Lai’an Park, Anhui.

▲  颐堤港游乐场,北京。

Indigo Playground, Beijing.

▲  北京园博会-有限·无限,与彼得·沃克工作室合作。

Beijing Garden Expo - Finite, Infinite, in Collaboration with Peter Walker Partner.

▲  上海世茂深坑洲际酒店,上海。

InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland, Shanghai.

BAM 在中国有两处办公地点,北京总部和上海办公室总共有约18-25位同事,并且在继续扩张中。BAM 在之前的很长时间里保持在相对比较小规模的团队,现在对着项目的爆炸性增长,规模也在持续扩张。BAM 不是一个屠宰场,也不是 CAD 画图工厂,所以 BAM 的员工周转率非常低,员工通常会在 BAM 工作很多年的时间可以学习到大量的知识。BAM 对于员工的选择是非常谨慎的,除了工作技能,在团队中表现出的个性和领悟能力也是非常看中的。来自不同国际和国内背景的景观建筑师、建筑师、艺术家们聚集在这里分享每个人有趣的故事。

At BAM you will work on a variety of Chinese and international projects at a variety of scales, and everyone has a chance to participate in the entire process of a project from concept to construction.  BAM believes that design happens at every stage, not just the concept phase.  Designing details is just as valid a time and place to develop ideas and try new things as is a masterplan.  In Architecture and Landscape ideas come and go and are tried and tried again.  A good idea badly built is just as meaningless as an exquisitely built dumb idea.

▲  准备好以超级英雄的姿势加入 Bammers 了吗?
Ready to join BAMMERs in superhero pose?
· 项目参与 Projects
在 BAM,你将接触到各类尺度的国内和国际项目,并且每一位设计师都有机会参与到项目从概念到建成的整个设计周期。BAM 相信设计持续发生在项目的每一个阶段的,不只是概念设计。细节设计和总体规划是发生在不同时间阶段的细节推敲,景观设计和建筑设计都是新想法的不断尝试和推翻。一个施工质量很差的好想法和精巧建成的愚蠢设计一样毫无意义。
At BAM you will work on a variety of Chinese and international projects at a variety of scales, and everyone has a chance to participate in the entire process of a project from concept to construction.  BAM believes that design happens at every stage, not just the concept phase.  Designing details is just as valid a time and place to develop ideas and try new things as is a masterplan.  In Architecture and Landscape ideas come and go and are tried and tried again.  A good idea badly built is just as meaningless as an exquisitely built dumb idea.
▲  BAM 工作照。
BAM Working Pictures
· 办公室外学习 Outside Office

Design is not just about what you make in the office. You must learn to see and learn from the world around you. Design ideas are everywhere we go if you just know where to look.  At BAM there are many opportunities to learn about design outside of the office.  Apart from regular site visit to construction sites and group office trips to completed projects, every year BAM takes an international trip which is available to all BAMMERS from interns to partners at no cost to employees.  BAMs annual trip is a time to learn and study and expand our horizons and ideas through thoughtful travel. 

▲  BAM 在日本!前年和去年,BAM 带着全员(公费)到日本去考察了一些世界上最惊艳的日本园林。这不仅拉近了团队之间的距离,也使大家获得了只有通过旅行才能激发的灵感和领悟。
BAM in Japan! In 2018 and 2019 we took the entire office (at no cost to employees) to Japan to study some of the world most amazing gardens. Not only does this kind of event bring the team closer together, it provides everyone with new ideas and insights which can only come from travel.
· 培训 Training

BAM 有丰富的员工培训内容,除了 BAM 注明的“沉沦或遨游”培训方式,你还将可以参与到丰富的讲座,例如 BAM 编著的《景观视界》,是一本整合了景观设计中视觉语言沟通的双语设计手册。除了 《景观视界》的课程,细节设计也是项目落成的关键环节,BAM 整理的多年来成功的设计细节图纸是一本无论对于经验丰富的设计师还是初出茅庐的学生都值得学习的著作。除了上述内部课程,你还将有机会接触到世界顶级的景观设计师、建筑师和艺术家,并且一起讨论设计考察项目。

At BAM there are a variety of ways in which BAMMER are trained.  Apart from BAMs famous “sink or swim” training method, you will be exposed to lectures on various topics and books such as BAMs “Landscape Vision” which is a bilingual design manual which helps to create a common ground for communication through language and visual thinking.  Not only is Landscape Vision taught at BAM,  as details are critical to creating ideas in the physical world, BAMs Library of succefull constructed details in the form of a massive bible like book is an incredible resource for both highly experienced designers as well as those still wet behind the ears. Not only this you will also have chance to meet other world famous landscape architects, architects and designers who frequently visit BAM for group design reviews or project visits.

▲(左)玛莎·施瓦茨在 BAM 十年展上发表演讲;(右)丹尼尔·葛思和彼得 · 沃克一同回顾 BAM 的设计工作。

(Left) Martha Schwartz gives lecture during BAMs 10 year show; (Right) Daniel Gass reviews BAM design work produced with Peter Walker.

▲(左)彼得 · 沃克和 BAM 团队考察 BAM 的项目,并讨论细节与表达概念的紧密联系;(右)BAM 在午餐学习会上讨论 BAM 2018年设计中的详图及重要的细节想法。

(Left) Peter Walker visits BAM project with BAM team and discusses details and their close relationship to expressing concepts; (Right) BAM lunch-and-learn session discussing the 2018 BAM details, important detail ideas and considerations for the year-in-design.

▲  Ballistic Detail 收录了 BAM 多年的卓越的细节详图。

Ballistic Details is a year on year compilation of all of BAM’s most amazing a successful details. 

▲  如果你想学习细节详图,想改变人们对“中国制造”的印象,欢迎加入 BAM 团队,和我们一起建造美观又超难的细节!

If you want to learn how to detail, if you want to change how people view “made in China” come work with us to make beautiful yet super tough details!

▲  在 BAM,我们做模型不只是为了表现品质或美观。BAMMERS 做模型是为了测试想法。模型是我们设计中重要的一环。项目处在哪个阶段不重要,从概念到施工,模型、设计草图、测试和尺度体验对于我们的工作方式却是至关重要的。

At BAM we don’t just make models for their presentation qualities or beauty. BAMMERS make models to TEST IDEAS. Models are a critical element in our way of working.  It doesn’t matter what stage the project is in. From concept to construction models, moquettes, tests and scale experiments are critical to how we work.
· 职位需求(Candidates):






精通常用的设计软件如 AutoCAD,AdobeCS,熟悉 Rhino更佳。

Ability to work in small or large teams.

Experience in all phases of design, from initial concepts to detailing and construction supervision.

Ability to craft persuasive, logical design diagrams.

Strong presentation and representation skills.

English fluency is a key requiremen.

Highly skilled in AutoCAD and Adobe CS, Rhino skills a plus. 
· 待遇和福利(Starting Salary and Benifits):





Annual salary (1 or 2 year labor contract)

10 paid leave days;

Social Insurance;

Housing Fund

· 申请(To Apply):

有意者请将简历和作品集发送至(Submit portfolio and CV to):


点击下方图片阅读 BAM 往期精彩:

Click the following pictures to read more about BAM:

