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开发投资 | Developer

Next Century Partners

建筑设计 | Architect

贝聿铭 Pei Cobb Freed&Partner

室内设计 | Interior

雅布 Yabu Pushelberg

雕塑设计 | Sculpture

jaume plensa


Fairmont Century Plaza, Los Angeles

洛杉磯費爾蒙世紀廣場酒店位於美國洛杉磯世紀城。自1966年開業以來,這座標誌性的新月形酒店接待了眾多好萊塢名流、外國政要和歷屆美國總統。目前,酒店已經停止營業並進行精細修復和翻新工程,預計將於2020年第三季度重新開業,更名為洛杉磯世紀廣場費爾蒙酒店(Fairmont Century Plaza, Los Angeles)。
Fairmont Century Plaza Los Angeles is located in Century City, Los Angeles, USA. Since its opening in 1966, this iconic crescent-shaped hotel has hosted many Hollywood celebrities, foreign dignitaries, and successive US presidents. At present, the hotel has ceased operations and undergoes fine restoration and renovation works. It is expected to reopen in the third quarter of 2020 and will be renamed the Fairmont Century Plaza, Los Angeles.

The addition of this landmark hotel will help Accor Hotels in the US market to achieve business growth and expansion, especially in the field of luxury hotels. The signing of this project has enriched the Group's luxury hotel products and is another milestone set by Accor Hotels in the North American market following the acquisition of Fairmont and its sister brands Raffles and Swissôtel in 2016.

雅高酒店集團中北美洲首席運營官Kevin Frid表示:“費爾蒙很榮幸成為歷史悠久的Century Plaza Hotel的管理者,我們將攜手Michael Rosenfeld和Next Century Associates團隊,讓這座標誌性建築再續輝煌。源於加州的費爾蒙品牌創立於1907年,經過一個多世紀的努力,現已擁有屢獲殊榮的國際酒店網絡,我們很高興這次能夠回到發源地,擴大在加州南部地區的酒店網絡。洛杉磯世紀廣場費爾蒙酒店項目不僅對這個城市和區域意義重大,對我們這一全球知名的品牌亦是重要的里程碑。”
Kevin Frid, Chief Operating Officer of North and Central America at AccorHotels, said: "Fairmont is honored to be the manager of the historic Century Plaza Hotel. . The California-based Fairmont brand was founded in 1907. After more than a century of efforts, it now has an award-winning international hotel network. We are very happy to return to the birthplace this time and expand our hotels in southern California. Network. The Fairmont Los Angeles Century Plaza project is not only significant for this city and region, but also an important milestone for our world-renowned brand."

A comprehensive redevelopment project worth approximately $2.5 billion includes 394 rooms and 63 branded apartments in the original iconic building, as well as two new 46-story luxury residential buildings, including 290 luxury apartments, plus approximately 100,000 square feet Boutique shopping area and more parking facilities.

世界知名建筑公司Pei Cobb Freed, Gensler and Marmol Radzinger和国际知名设计团队Yabu Pushelberg将在米诺儒·雅马萨奇(Minoru Yamasaki)设计的Century Plaza Hotel建筑基础上进行重建。团队将重建酒店著名的大堂,将其连接到一系列公共广场和喷泉,引领宾客进入占地两英亩,周围林立着各色餐厅和零售精品店的中央花园。
World-renowned construction companies Pei Cobb Freed, Gensler and Marmol Radzinger and internationally renowned design team Yabu Pushelberg will rebuild on the basis of the Century Plaza Hotel building designed by Minoru Yamasaki. The team will rebuild the hotel’s famous lobby, connecting it to a series of public squares and fountains, leading guests into a two-acre area surrounded by a central garden of various restaurants and retail boutiques.

This well-known Los Angeles landmark covers six acres and is located in one of the most famous neighborhoods in the world. The hotel is located in the location of the former 20th Century Fox Studios, facing the famous fountain at the intersection of Avenue of Stars and Constellation Avenue. The hotel is surrounded by more than 10 million square feet of Class A office buildings, apartments, restaurants, retail and entertainment venues, and is adjacent to Beverly Hills, one of the most exclusive retail areas in the United States.

費爾蒙正進一步增強與Woodridge Capital的密切夥伴關係,後者是一家總部位於洛杉磯的綜合房地產開發和投資公司。雙方曾成功合作開發舊金山費爾蒙酒店和夏威夷費爾蒙蘭花酒店。
Fairmont is further strengthening its close partnership with Woodridge Capital, a comprehensive real estate development and investment company headquartered in Los Angeles. Both parties have successfully cooperated in the development of the Fairmont San Francisco Hotel and the Fairmont Orchid Hotel in Hawaii.

Woodridge Capital Partners首席执行官Michael Rosenfeld表示:“我们很高兴能通过洛杉矶世纪广场费尔蒙酒店的改造项目,为洛杉矶创造新的历史。多年来Woodridge和费尔蒙已建立牢固的合作关系,在各自的市场中充分发挥所长,极大地推动了合作业务的发展。我们期待将其打造成面向洛杉矶居民和游客的绝佳场所。”
Michael Rosenfeld, CEO of Woodridge Capital Partners, said: "We are very pleased to create a new history for Los Angeles through the renovation project of the Fairmont Los Angeles Century Plaza. Over the years, Woodridge and Fairmont have established strong partnerships in their respective Fully utilizes its strengths in the market, and has greatly promoted the development of the cooperative business. We look forward to making it a great place for Los Angeles residents and tourists."

The Fairmont Los Angeles Century Plaza project marks the further expansion of Fairmont’s California market, enriching the brand’s existing luxury hotels and resorts, including the brand’s flagship hotel: the iconic Fairmont San Francisco, located in the brand’s birthplace, Sonoma Fairmont Resort and Spa, San Jose Fairmont Hotel, Claremont Spa Club, Fairmont Private Retreat, Ghirardelli Plaza, Santa Monica Fairmont Fairmont Hotel and Santiago Del Mar Fairmont big hotel.

雅高酒店集团中北美洲首席运营官Kevin Frid 补充道:“加州风情是我们品牌的精髓,加州典型的闲适而优雅,无限魅力在品牌中无处不在,宾客在世界各地的费尔蒙酒店都能有所体会。我们希望这家位于洛杉矶的酒店能够尽快开业,传承西海岸地标的悠久历史,以精致红地毯引领宾客进入令人叹为观止的洛杉矶世纪广场费尔蒙酒店。”
Kevin Frid, Chief Operating Officer for North and Central America of AccorHotels, added: "California is the essence of our brand. California's typical leisure and elegance, infinite charm is everywhere in the brand, and guests can be at Fairmont hotels around the world. Experience it. We hope this Los Angeles hotel will open as soon as possible, inherit the long history of West Coast landmarks, and lead guests to the breathtaking Fairmont Los Angeles Century Plaza with exquisite red carpet."

Fairmont has more than 70 hotels around the world and plans to continue to expand its global footprint. Newly opened hotels include the Fairmont Hotel Istanbul Kwasar, the Fairmont Hotel Chengdu Palm Springs in Western China, and Fujairah in the Middle East Fairmont Hotel. New luxury hotels expected to open in the second half of 2017 also include the Fairmont Hotel Amman Jordan and the Fairmont Hotel Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In the second half of this year, Fairmont will also unveil a new top hotel in Austin, Texas.

费尔蒙是一个奢华酒店品牌,曾多次荣获TripAdvisor卓越奖等客户评选大奖,以及酒店业和媒体评选大奖,如AAA五星钻石奖、《Condé Nast Traveler康泰纳仕》“酒店金榜”和《Travel + Leisure漫旅》“全球酒店500强”等荣誉。
Fairmont is a luxury hotel brand that has won numerous customer awards such as TripAdvisor Excellence Awards, as well as hotel industry and media awards, such as the AAA Five-Star Diamond Award, "Condé Nast Traveler" "Hotel Gold List" and "Travel + Leisure" "Travel" "Top 500 Global Hotels" and other honors.

The Fairmont Century Plaza Residences

费尔蒙世纪广场酒店公寓提供豪华的全套服务,拥有用五星级酒店的所有设施。63层及联排别墅由Yabu Pushelberg设计,费尔蒙居民将可以使用酒店的屋顶游泳池,水疗中心和免费的AccorHotel白金级会员资格。私人设施包括居民专用大厅,礼宾楼层和图书馆休息室。

The Fairmont Century Plaza Hotel Apartments provide luxurious full-service, with all the facilities of a five-star hotel. The 63-story and townhouse was designed by Yabu Pushelberg, and Fairmont residents will have access to the hotel’s rooftop swimming pool, spa and free AccorHotel Platinum membership. Private facilities include residents' hall, concierge floor and library lounge.

Yabu Pushelberg不遗余力地创造了住宅和公共空间,在柔和的设计空间中,细节是豪华的,没有伪装的,永恒的。这种方式开始于酒店大堂,延伸于居民生活,无论是住在酒店或是公寓,优雅总是伴随。

Yabu Pushelberg spares no effort to create residential and public spaces. In the soft design space, the details are luxurious, without camouflage, and timeless. This approach starts in the hotel lobby and extends to the residents' lives. Whether living in a hotel or an apartment, elegance always accompanies.


"Design respects the inheritance of architecture, and everything has been inspired by historical buildings since the lobby. We hope that Century Plaza will seize the top lifestyle in Los Angeles and advance the design," Yabu said.


Every room has a fireplace, which is rare in Los Angeles. Considering the California lifestyle, the layout is mostly open. The bathroom has a freestanding bathtub and enjoys the present life with a wide view.

Tower Residences


The facilities of the tower apartment are very spacious, and the interior and exterior have been carefully considered to meet the various needs of residents. Each apartment is equipped with luxurious facilities: swimming pool, fitness center, spa, screening room, library, games room, wine cellar, party space.


The tower apartment at Century Plaza redefines the luxurious life of Los Angeles. The elegant enclosed manor house is comparable to any world-class hotel.

Residences Plan

酒店公寓 Hotel Residences

塔楼公寓 Tower Residences




Architectural design company: Bayes Architects



Founded in 1992, Bayes Architects is a full-service international architectural design firm. It is good at all aspects of the professional field and has a clear corporate goal: excellent design. The founders of Beishi Architects, Mr. Bei Jianzhong and Mr. Bei Lizhong, once as important core members of their father, Pei Yuming Architects, adhered to and abide by the design commitments. In the 20 years of architectural design practice with the founding of Bayes Architects, it has accumulated a wealth of professional knowledge and experience, forming an innovative and unique design concept and style.

室内设计公司:雅布 Yabu Pushelberg

▲George Yabu & Glenn Pushelberg

Yabu Pushelberg于1980年由乔治·雅布(george yabu) 和格里恩·普歇尔伯格(glenn pushelberg)成立,致力提供各式各样的设计方案。两位设计师的设计理念,均建基于采用不同的物料、程序和意念多作尝试,为每个项目加添前所未有的元素,开启新的可能性。Yabu Pushelberg也会将内涵注入设计,而非纯粹将意念化为形态。 

Yabu Pushelberg was founded in 1980 by george yabu and glenn pushelberg, and is committed to providing a variety of design solutions. The design concepts of the two designers are based on using different materials, procedures and ideas to try more, adding unprecedented elements to each project and opening up new possibilities. Yabu Pushelberg will also inject the connotation into the design instead of purely transforming the idea into form.

Yabu Pushelberg 作为全球设计界的“教父”,操刀科威特四季、曼谷柏悦、北京华尔道夫、纽约时代广场Eidition、杭州柏悦、深圳柏悦,为每个作品创造前所未有的元素,从纯粹将意识化为形态,这种独特的概念成为Yabu 的设计灵魂,并为其作品赋予无限的可能性。

As the "godfather" of the global design community, Yabu Pushelberg flies to the four seasons of Kuwait, Park Hyatt Bangkok, Waldorf Astoria Beijing, Eidition Times Square New York, Park Hyatt Hangzhou, Park Hyatt Shenzhen, creating unprecedented elements for each work, from pure Consciousness becomes form, and this unique concept becomes Yabu's design soul and gives his work unlimited possibilities.





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