

赵倩 托福大咖训练营

20180113口语真题 Task1

The school plans to evaluate students based on their performance in group assignments rather than individual works. What are the advantage and disadvantage of it?


I think it’s beneficial to evaluate students according to their participation in group assignments instead of individual works. In this way, students are gonna be encouraged to attach much importance to group work and gradually learn to be a team player. When cooperating on certain tasks, students would exchange ideas and take others’ perspectives into consideration; at the same time, they’ll think about how to convince others without making them embarrassed. All these are important communicative skills that would benefit students in the future. However, such kind of evaluation has potentially negative consequence. For example, students may neglect the independent study, yet it is also a necessary skill since there’ll be some time when we have no one to turn to but to rely on ourselves to figure out problems. And also, self-motivation is another quality that could be cultivated during individual work.

20180113口语真题 Task2

When you have disagreement with your parents over some issues like political events, would you try to convince them to accept your opinion or respect their view?


I always respect my parents’ opinions even though they contradicts with mine because I think there’s no point trying to make others abandon their own views and accept others’, especially when it comes to political issues, which are so messy that they invite conflict themselves; as a result, it is natural for us to hold various views. If I try to persuade them every time we differ, I’m gonna be exhausted and they probably will consider me aggressive. Besides, I think conversation among family members serves to strengthen our bond, and that’s what matters the most, I mean, not who is right or wrong. It is fun to listen to different views and how others explain or defend their ideas. Sometimes we may discuss or even debate over certain issues, but we’d never force our opinions on others or even get mad during the process. 



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