
2018.01.28托福考试 I 口语答案示例

赵倩 托福大咖训练营

20180128口语真题 Task1

Describe something that you thought was negative the first time you went to school, but turned out to be positive.(同2016.09.24)


My primary school didn’t allow us to buy take-out from off-campus stores or food stands. When I first heard about this policy, I was totally against it since I loved snacks such as chips and fried chicken wings. Plus, since my parents prepared home-cooked meals for me every night, I’d like to have something else for a change when staying on campus. At first, many students tried to sneak out of school and grab a bite of the junk food from time to time, but we soon got tired of it and made peace with our school’s policy. Surprisingly, it turned out to be beneficial for us. I realized that junk food was not that tempting after all, I mean, if I didn’t eat it for several days in a row, I wouldn’t miss them any longer. Besides, as time went by, we gradually developed a relatively healthy diet habit. We stayed away from greasy, high-calorie food most of the time and would only indulge ourselves a little bit on certain special occasions. I think this was one of our school’s efforts toward cultivating a healthier lifestyle for children.

20180128口语真题 Task2

Some professors don’t allow students to record their class lectures. Do you agree with this policy?


I’d support it if professors don’t allow students to record their lectures since it has something to do with copyright. Although most students wouldn’t tape lectures and then sell the videos to others, I do know some people who have tried to make commercial profit out of such courses without professors’ permission or even awareness. Besides, I don’t think video-taping lectures are gonna do much help; instead, it may backfire since once students realize that they could listen to the lectures later, they probably wouldn’t be attentive in class, which would end up wasting them lots of time. Moreover, although some students may claim that recording lectures would enable them to better understand or review for the exams, there’re plenty of alternatives. For example, they could borrow notes from classmates, send e-mails to or have face-to-face conversation with professors. They could even attend the same lectures offered in another time or at another location. Students need to find the most effective ways to solve their problems in study.

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