20180303口语真题 Task1
Which of the following sections do you want to add to your school’s newspaper:
1) Local food
2) Tourist information
2) Movie
I think sections about the local food would attract most students. Students in my school come from various cities and countries and they’re always interested in the local delicacies. Although there may be relevant information on TV or tourist brochures, those so-called “must-try” often fail to live up to their fame. I think the school newspaper could provide better coverage by recommending signature dishes in some restaurants or introducing some truly special, mouth-watering local snacks, which are usually hidden in some alleys and can only be recognized by the local people. In contrast, students tend to get information about movies from apps on their smartphone; also, tourist information may not be of high demand among students considering that they don’t have much time for traveling.
20180303口语真题 Task2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
School should teach students about moral values such as honesty.
I think school needs to teach students about moral values. Although many parents may consider it their responsibility to cultivate such qualities through family education, they may not do a good job since for one thing, parents may not possess appropriate teaching skills and besides, some children tend to have problems communicating with their parents once they’ve reached certain age. In contrast, teachers are experienced in convey information to learners in the most efficient manner. What’s more, school provides good context to develop such moral values like honesty and integrity. For example, students are taught not to cheat on tests, to follow certain rules and regulations, and to do community services each semester. When they try to meet this kind of requirement, they’re also receiving the education concerning moral values.
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