20181201口语真题 Task1
If you’re going to start a small business, what kind of business will you choose?
I’d like to start a morning call service. It may sound funny but actually I’ve given it some serious thought. I keep early hours and it’s no trouble for me to get up around 5 a.m. However, I know that many people are nocturnal and they find it a torture to drag themselves out of bed early in the morning. As a result, they often sleep in and even miss some important events. I think I may start an on-line business and offer morning call service for people who put an order, I mean, they give me the exactly time when they need to be waken up, and my employees would keep calling them till they answer the phone. What’s more, we would offer information related to weather and traffic conditions. I heard that some people have been running this business for years and I would try to do better than them.
20181201口语真题 Task2
Your teacher will encourage competition among classmates. Do you think it’s a good idea?
Generally speaking, I don’t think it’s a good idea to encourage competition within the class. On the one hand, some students, who tend to be competitive, may take the whole thing too seriously and end up having a tense relationship with their classmates. On the other hand, there may be other students who want to stay away from competition, either because they wanna avoid conflict or simply because they regard such an idea childish. As far as I’m concerned, there’re some alternatives that teachers could consider in order to improve students’ school performance. For example, instant reward may work and it doesn’t have to be something big. I think things like in-class parties, snacks during the breaks will do. Students need these little refreshment to get unwind, which helps boost efficiency.
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