

CIS科研君 CIS科研社 2021-03-12




录取学校:哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University

录取专业:East Asian studies


标化考试成绩:托福118 SAT1550 GPA:3.9

课题教授及课题名称:James McClain-The History and Culture of Japan 日本历史与文化研究 


其他课外活动:AMC 12, USACO, Dance Club



Columbia University has been my dream school since I visited it a few years ago. From its teaching philosophy of the core curriculum to the endless opportunities NYC offers, I found Columbia to be my dream institution. I was truly shocked to be honest when I opened my portal and saw an acceptance letter as I considered Columbia to be an ultimate reach.





It was recommended by my counselor from Bonday. I didn’t have any knowledge of Professor McClain before applying to the program, but I started to read into his research and publications after. I chose to do a program under Professor McClain because the course completely matched with my interests, as well as the format of the capstone project which gave us flexibility in how we present our research. The professor was a very accomplished scholar in the field of Japanese studies and I thought it was an opportunity that cannot be missed.

As I answered earlier, I took some time to read the professor’s books in English to get a grasp of what the course would mainly be like. I had learned Japanese history before, so the information was not entirely new for me.








He truly is an experienced and insightful professor. Also very approachable. As this year was a very unusual one with all courses conducted online, I had some concerns about lacking the engagement of a live classroom. However, the professor’s teachings were the exact opposite of dull and boring, with materials and visuals in the presentation easy to follow. His tone throughout the lectures was mostly sincere and serious, but he occasionally cracked a joke or two. During discussions Professor McClain played the role of a guide to our conversations, occasionally adding or elaborating on someone’s point, and steered us towards the main themes and topics; the students had the opportunity to connect with their personal experiences and thoughts to shape the discussion. The atmosphere was very welcoming and everyone felt at ease to ask questions or clarifications, to which the professor always answered in depth.

The frequent discussions we had as a class did not always go smoothly. Some of us were reluctant to speak up initially, resulting in stagnation of the discussion. Our lack of preparation beforehand (and perhaps our hesitations with online learning) proved to be the cause and the professor pointed out that he had been disappointed. I understood that a discussion was a collective experience where we gain perspectives of others only if everyone contributed. Future discussions turned out to be much more engaging as everyone expressed much deeper thoughts on the materials.

My peers were some of the most brilliant people I have ever met! They were an integral part of the course as they complemented the professor's teachings by adding their personal experiences to every topic. With students attending schools in both China and the United States, their interests were equally diverse, from tea ceremonies to immigrants in Japan. The class was split into three research groups where we exchanged comments on our projects; the other students’ valuable insights to my project helped expand and improve my argument.






I believe the CIS program contributed to my acceptance at Columbia significantly. Not only did I gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culture — from aesthetics to religion, participating in a course taught by such a renowned professor gave me better qualifications as an applicant. I also think his recommendation provided a strong basis for my interest as an East Asian Studies major as well as my ability to conduct research. 

I was able to experience what an undergraduate-level research session was like. For the capstone project, we had weekly discussions where each of us shared our progress and received feedback. I learned how to analyze other students’ topics as well as how to give constructive advice. As we conducted our own research, the ability to find and use sources was a must. I gained a lot of experience in looking for accurate sources and incorporating them into my thesis throughout the weeks.

I received honors from the professor in my final report. The professor commented, “Z was not the most vocal person in my class, but his contributions to discussions were always informative and helpful”. My presentation and final project were “intellectually conceived, visually stunning, and compelling in its insights”. Which I'm glad about.



“Fashion and textile of Edo and modern period Japan” was the topic for my capstone project; as my research progressed, I found a lot of the sources collected to be visual, which was difficult to incorporate into a paper as written descriptions. I took the one-on-one time with the professor to search for a suitable method to present my findings. I explained how I wanted to present my findings on a website for others to see conveniently, but was stuck with how to construct it as a “virtual museum”, showcasing the garments and textile. The professor offered the idea to construct a page dedicated to the images and consequent pages to add descriptions and my ideas/findings. Later times when I had trouble looking for sources, I would regularly consult my TA, who provided me with a lot of help to what kind of resources I should be using.





Having a streamlined and focused interest in your intended major conveys genuine passion and resolution. On top of solid academics and tests, I think that extracurriculars (especially research) are a major factor in applications. Participating in a demanding research program shows that not only are you willing to learn academics, but you are also taking more initiative to dive into your personal interests.

I would recommend future students to use as much time communicating with the professors and TA as much as possible. They are the ultimate resources that can help you appreciate Japanese culture. Ask the professor for book recommendations, hear his opinions on timely events, and take his words on how to how to structure your research. The TA’s are past participants of the program so they also understand your troubles and can help you out with the small things.

文字丨基于CIS Z同学英文采访原稿翻译整理


录取汇总 | 耶鲁 | 哈佛 | 剑桥 | 杜克 | 康奈尔 | 哥大 | 斯坦福 | 西北 | 芝加哥 达特茅斯 | 宾大 | 帝国理工 | 约翰霍普金斯 | 卡耐基梅隆 | 莱斯 | 加州伯克利 | 纽大 | 尔顿学院 | 哈弗福德学院 | 华威 | 圣路易斯华盛顿








哈佛生物Samuel Kunes | 芝大历史Richard Payne | 耶鲁统计和社会科学John Emerson | 卡耐基梅隆计算机Jonathan Aldrich | 耶鲁电子工程Roman Kuc | 布朗生物化学Jason Sello | 宾大电气工程Jan Van der Spiegel | 卡耐基梅隆计算机David Woodruff | 斯坦福土木工程Ronaldo Borja | 密歇根大学天文Eric Bell | 南加大电影Steven Albrezzi 


2019:见证CISer的蜕变之旅 | 美国顶尖名校课堂尽在眼前!

2018:没想到,你们竟然是这样的教授 | 喜欢这位教授,就像喜欢上一座宝藏! | 一切都比预料中的美好无数倍














