
亚行简报 | 中国的城市矿产及其与潜在绿色循环经济的融合

亚洲开发银行 亚洲开发银行 2023-04-05
亚行简报 第124期 | 中国的城市矿产及其与潜在绿色循环经济的融合
ADB Brief No. 124 | Options for Urban Mining and integration with a Potential Green Circular Economy in the People’s Republic of China

过去40年来,伴随着可支配收入的不断增加,中国的快速城镇化、工业化和经济增长导致土地被大量消耗、自然资源被大量开采。 中国一直在利用城市矿产来回收电子废弃物,减量化、再利用、资源化的3R原则已得到广泛认可。 该简报为政策制定提供了部分方案,旨在促进城市矿产主流化,使城市矿产转化为绿色循环经济的一部分。“绿色循环经济”的涵义更为广泛,它内化了环境和社会成本,并在设计和制造产品时考虑全生命周期。
This brief discusses how the People’s Republic of China can apply urban mining and work toward a green circular economy concept aiming at achieving zero waste inthe future.
Rapid urbanization, industrialization, and economic growth in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) over the last 40 years have contributed to massive land consumption and extraction of natural resources. The country has been applying urban mining to recover resources in areas of e-waste and the 3R principle of reduce–reuse–recycle is widely accepted. The brief provides options for policy development to mainstream urban mining and make it a part of a broader concept of a future green circular economy that internalizes environmental and social cost, and considers full life cycles when designing and making products.


  • 城镇化、工业化以及生活水平提高仍然是导致资源消耗和土地使用过度增长的原因之一,并因此产生了更多的废弃物和碳排。

    Urbanizationand industrialization, along with improved well-being, still cause a disproportionate increase of resource and land use, generating more waste and carbon emissions.

  • 城市矿产可以通过回收废弃材料等方式,让各种可再利用的零部件和稀缺资源重新进入价值循环。这事关重大,应当主流化。为减少资源和土地消耗,推广低碳生活方式,迫切需要向新模式转型。

    Urban mining recovers discarded materials and brings components and scarce resources back into the value cycle. This is important and should be mainstreamed. New transformative models are urgently needed to reduce resources and land consumption and promote low-carbon lifestyles.

  • 中国的目标是建立绿色循环经济,这种经济将充分考虑物质世界中一切事物的资源开采、加工、生产、包装、物流、销售、使用、共享、再利用、再循环等环节,将当前外部化的环境和社会成本内部化,以实现废弃产品和材料的回收利用,并最终实现产品全生命周期设计。

    The PRC aims at a green circular economy that would recover discarded products and materials and eventually move toward full life cycles in product designs, considering resource extraction, processing, production, packaging, logistics, sales, use, share, reuse, recycle, etc. of everything in our material world and internalizing currently externalized environmental and social costs.




