本视频由 Michael Greger医生于2016年9月28日制作,来自 NutritionFacts.org。
Michael Greger 医生是畅销书《HOW NOT TO DIE》一书作者,中文译本:繁体版书名为《食疗圣经》。简体版书名为《救命》,将于今年5月出版。
摘要:改变生活方式不仅更安全,更便宜。 还更有效,因为这才是治疗疾病的真正原因。
The most likely reason most of our loved ones will die is heart disease.
It’s still up to each of us to make our own decisions as to what to eat and how to live — but, we should make these choices consciously, educating ourselves about the predictable consequences of our actions.
Atherosclerosis, hardening of the arteries, begins in childhood.
到了10岁,几乎所有吃标准美国饮食长大的孩子动脉中都已经有脂肪条纹- 也就是心脏病的第一阶段。
By age ten, the arteries of nearly all kids raised on the Standard American Diet already have fatty streaks — the first stage of the disease.
Then, the plaques start forming in our twenties, get worse in our thirties, and then can start killing us off.
In our heart, it’s called a heart attack. In our brain, it can manifest as a stroke.
So, if there is anyone watching this, older than age ten, then the choice isn’t whether or not to eat healthy to prevent heart disease; it’s whether or not you want to reverse the heart disease you likely already have.
Is that even possible?
When researchers took people with heart disease, and put them on the kind of plant-based diet followed by populations that did not get epidemic heart disease, their hope was that it might slow the disease process down — maybe even stop it.
But, instead, something miraculous happened.
The disease started to reverse; to get better.
As soon as patients stopped eating artery-clogging diets, their bodies were able to start dissolving some of the plaque away, opening up arteries without drugs, without surgery — suggesting their bodies wanted to heal all along, but were just never given the chance.
That improvement in blood flow to the heart muscle itself (on the left) was after just three weeks eating healthy.
Let me share with you what’s been called the best-kept secret in medicine.
The best-kept secret in medicine is that sometimes, given the right conditions, the body can heal itself.
You know, if you whack your shin really hard on a coffee table, it can get all red, hot, painful, swollen, inflamed — but, will heal naturally, if you just stand back and let your body work its magic.
But, what if you kept whacking your shin in the same place, day after day — in fact, three times a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner).
It’d never heal!
You’d go to your doctor, and be like, “Oh, my shin hurts,” and the doctor would be like, “No problem,” whip out their pad, write you a prescription for pain killers.
You’re still whacking your shin three times a day. Oh, it still really hurts like heck, but oh, feels so much better with those pain pills on board. Thank heavens for modern medicine.
It’s like when people take nitroglycerine for crushing chest pain — tremendous relief, but you’re not doing anything to treat the underlying cause.
Our body wants to come back to health, if we let it.
But, if we keep redamaging ourselves three times a day, we may never heal.
One of the most amazing things I learned in all my medical training was that within about 15 years of stopping smoking, your lung cancer risk approaches that of a life long nonsmoker.
Isn’t that amazing?
Your lungs can clear out all that tar, and eventually, it’s almost as if you never started smoking at all.
And, every morning of our smoking life, that healing process started, until… wham!…our first cigarette of the day, reinjuring our lungs with every puff — just like we can reinjure our arteries with every bite, when all we had to do all along, the miracle cure, is just stand back, get out of the way, stop redamaging ourselves, and let our bodies’ natural healing processes bring us back towards health.
The human body is a self-healing machine.
Sure, you could choose moderation — hit yourself with a smaller hammer.
But, why beat yourself up at all?
I don’t tell my smoking patients to cut down to half a pack a day. I tell them to quit.
Sure, a half pack is better than two packs a day — but, we should try to only put healthy things in our mouths.
We’ve known about this for decades: American Heart Journal, 1977. Cases like Mr. F.W. here; heart disease so bad, he couldn’t even make it to the mailbox — but, started eating healthier, and, a few months later, he was climbing mountains. No pain.
There are all these fancy, new, anti-angina, anti-chest pain drugs out now. They cost thousands of dollars a year.
But, at the highest dose, may be able to prolong exercise duration — as long as 33 and a half seconds.
It does not look like those choosing the drug route will be climbing mountains anytime soon.
See, plant-based diets aren’t just safer and cheaper. They can work better, because you’re treating the actual cause of the disease.
编后记:本视频由翻译志愿者 Sabrina Yam 翻译。老玉米只是做编辑工作。
很荣幸的是老玉米经过考核也成为 NutritionFacts.org 网站的翻译志愿者,并已经完成一些尚未公开视频的翻译工作,新制作的视频在公开前会尽量翻译成多种语言。
什么快乐陷阱?你掉进去了吗? (老玉米翻译并制作中英文双语字幕,国内首发)
延伸阅读:吃素是技术活儿?《食疗圣经》作者Michael Greger 医生手把手教你怎么吃最有营养!
特别推荐符合 “低脂全蔬食” 原则的健康食谱公众号:
Michael Greger 医生畅销书《How Not To Die》简体中文版《救命》今年5月出版,点此了解详情。(友情链接,老玉米不参与书的销售)