译者前言:还记得这两位医生吗?他们是一对夫妻,是《Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole》(保持简单,保持全食物)畅销书作者。
此演讲是康奈尔大学《蔬食营养》课的额外阅读资料(Bonus Resource),虽然不属于正式课程内容,但非常值得一读。
此外,为更好地理解蛋白质,建议首先阅读 “ 你可能想不到最常见的蔬食中就含有8种必需氨基酸 ”,文章解释了 RDA 与 EAR 的关系,帮助理解蛋白质需求量 。
Hi, I’m Doctor Matt Lederman, a board-certified internist, who specializes in nutrition and life style medicine.
Protein is a big concern for people thinking about converting to a plant-based diet. And sometimes even more of a worry for plant-based athletes, so I’m going to try and address some of those concerns here today.
The short answer is that we get way too much protein per day.
In fact, the last thing we need to worry about is not getting enough protein. Instead we should be concerned with the excessive levels of protein that we are getting. This stresses our bones, kidneys, and liver, as these are organs that get stuck cleaning up the mess. Contrary to popular belief, excess protein is not good for athletes.
In 1904, Yale athletes learned that decreasing protein intake to 64 grams per day, increased performance by 35%, and they were eating over 100 grams of protein to start with.
How does muscle mass get built up?
It is partly genetics, which we have no control over.
It is partly hormones, which we can manipulate with drugs, such as anabolic steroids and growth hormone.
And it is partly the frequency of which the muscle is loaded, such as weightlifting, which we do have control over.
So the key here is that muscle mass is increased when we load it with weight.
Once loaded, the muscle hypertrophies, or enlarges. This happens to all muscles.
例如,这种情况心脏很常见。 当心脏在高血压情况下工作时,例如高血压的人,心脏中的肌肉会在一段时间后开始肥大或扩大。即使在没有补充额外蛋白质的人群中,心脏肥厚也会发生。
For example, it is very common in the heart. When the heart has to pump against high pressure, people with high blood pressure for example, the muscle in the heart starts to hypertrophy or enlarge after a period of time. And that hypertrophy happens even in people who do not supplement with extra protein.
For some reason people think that if they eat tons of protein, it somehow gets pushed from their guts right into their biceps, but that is just not true.
In fact, right in my medical biochemistry textbook it says in bold letters, “ Adults cannot increase the amount of muscle or other body protein by eating an excess amount of protein.” It then says, “ If dietary protein is consumed in excess of our needs, it is converted to glycogen and triacylglycerols, which are then stored. ” Converting excess protein to triacylglycerols or fat is concerning to me if performance is an issue.
Furthermore, studies show that increasing protein intake not only doesn’t help but can be harmful.
For example, one study showed that high protein diets provided infufficient carbohydrates to replenish the muscle glycogen and resulted in fluid imbalances and dehydration.
Another study concluded that more than 10% of calories from protein was enough to put athletes, endurance runners, into positive nitrogen balance.
In short, there was no advantage, and actually potential harm, with increasing protein consumption.
Nitrogen balance is one way we try to estimate how much protein we need.
We assume we use all of the protein we need and eliminate the rest in our urine, and remember that we want to avoid having tons of excess because the process of breaking down and eliminating excess protein stresses our bones.
In studies, we can measure our nitrogen balance to see if we are getting too little or too much protein.
研究人员寻找尿液中的氮。 我们使用氮测量氨基酸,因为氨基酸中含有氮。
Researchers look for nitrogen in the urine. We measure the amino acids using nitrogen because they have nitrogen in them.
Does it make sense to consume more protein once we start spilling nitrogen into the urine?
那么这应该是我们的目标,只是刚好达到正氮平衡,然后就停在那里(停止摄取更多蛋白质)。请记住,就像热量一样,基于许多因素,包括运动、疾病等,您每天需要的蛋白质量会有所变化。 所以试图每天强迫自己摄取同样数量的蛋白质也不是一个很好的系统。
Well that should be our goal, to just barely achieve positive nitrogen balance and then stop there. And remember, just like calories, the amount of protein you need from day to day is going to vary somewhat, based on lots of factors, including exercise, illness, et cetera. So trying to force the same amount of protein into your diet each day is not a great system either.
Also, remember that 10% of calories from protein was more than enough to achieve positive nitrogen balance in endurance athletes, let alone the average American. It also showed that higher percentages of protein in that diet, actually decreased performance.
It makes sense because all we do after we consume adequate amounts of protein is stress our bodies by forcing them to expend energy to eliminate all of the excess protein.
事实是,根据世界卫生组织的说法,我们只需要约 5% 的热量来自蛋白质。 而在 20 世纪 50 年代的研究表明,甚至比 5% 更少。
The truth is that according to the World Health Organization, we only need about 5% of our calories to come from protein. And studies back in the 1950s showed that we could get by with even less.
普通女性每天需要大约 30 克的蛋白质。 普通男性每天需要大约 40 克就能维持正氮平衡。
The average woman needs about 30 grams per day of protein. The average man needs about 40 grams per day to maintain positive nitrogen balance.
As long as you maintain sufficient calorie intake of whole foods, and note that processed foods like sugar and oil have no protein, then you’ll get all the protein you need.
In fact, if you meet your caloric needs with whole foods, it is very hard to get less than 30 grams of protein per day.
例如,如果你吃了 2000 卡路里的燕麦,你认为你会得到多少蛋白质? 82 克。
For example, how much protein do you think you get if you eat 2,000 calories of oats? 82 grams.
我每天吃大约 3000 卡路里的热量,如果我只是吃了 3000 卡路里的玉米,我会得到多少蛋白质? 80 克。
I eat about 3,000 calories per day, so how much protein would I get if I ate 3,000 calories of just corn? 80 grams.
即使只吃 2000 卡路里的西瓜,也有 40 克蛋白质。
Even 2,000 calories from watermelon alone has 40 grams of protein.
Broccoli has more protein than beef.
Nature was smart because it designed a system where we could get everything we need as long as we ate enough whole foods to meet our caloric needs.
例如,如果你有一天没有运动,你只能从一餐中吃掉 500 卡路里的燕麦,如果你运动,你可以吃 750 卡路里的燕麦。
For example, if you don’t exercise one day, you may only eat 500 calories of oats for a meal, and if you do exercise, you may eat 750 calories of oats for a meal.
你吃的量取决于你的热量需求,并且会受到你的大脑和饥饿信号的调节,所以你的绝对蛋白质摄入量从 16.7 克蛋白质增加到 25 克蛋白质,只需增加摄取的燕麦数量从 500 卡路里到 750 卡路里。该食物中的蛋白质百分比保持不变,这是大自然所设计的。
The amount you eat depends on your caloric needs and will be regulated by your brain and the hunger signals it sends out, so your absolute protein intake just went from 16.7 grams of protein to 25 grams of protein just by increasing the amount of oats consumed from 500 calories to 750 calories. The percentage of protein in that food remained the same, which is what nature intended.
When we change the percentage of protein in our diets, we are in effect changing the design and makeup of the fuel for our car.
It is much safer and tested over billions of years of evolution, to keep the fuel the same and just use more of it as needed.
We follow that advice for our car, and we should do the same for our bodies.
( 翻译及编辑:老玉米 )
Craig WJ, Mangels AR, American Dietetic Association. Position of the American Dietetic Association: vegetarian diets. J Am Diet Assoc 2009 Jul; 109(7): 1266-82.
Food & Agriculture Organization. (2001). Human Energy Requirements Report of a Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation. Retrieved from: Italy. http://www.fao.org/docrep/007/y5686e/y5686e08.htm#bm08.
Lappe FM. Diet for a Small Planet. New York, NY, Ballantine Books. 1985.
McDougall J. The McDougall Plan. LaVerne TN, Ingram Book Company. 1983.
Osborn TB, Mendel LB. Amino Acids in Nutrition and Growth. J Biol Chem 1914; 17: 325.
World Health Organization. (2007). Protein and Amino Acid Requirements in Human Nutrition: Report of a Joint WHO/FAO/UNU Expert Consultation. Retrieved from: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/trs/WHO_TRS_935_eng.pdf.
译后记:烧汽油的车不能烧柴油,这个是大家的共识。有智慧的大自然提供的全蔬食(whole food, plant-based)已经可以提供身体所需。
德国美女大学生 丽萨 用中文特别推荐符合 “低脂全蔬食” 原则的健康食谱公众号:
延伸阅读:吃素是技术活儿?《救命》作者Michael Greger 医生手把手教你怎么吃最有营养!
Michael Greger 医生畅销书《How Not To Die》简体中文版《救命》今年5月出版,点此了解详情。(友情链接,老玉米不参与书的销售)