
Jam for Good|吃瓜群众被扶正了,以致于音乐共创画面太美

Upbeing 2020-10-02

Jam for Good--音乐共创活动在六一儿童节结束啦~ 


气氛 upupup  





We were super excited to gather some talented musicians, music lovers who even don't have basic music theory who came out for Jam For Good rotating between various instruments, taking turns singing and playing music improv games.  The musicians and singers who showed up blew us away with their crazy instrumental skills and beautiful voice.


During the co-creation part the participants had to use the words we previously collected online from people all around China who are inspired by the left behind kids in rural places, and put the name of their favourite songs into our new song. Interesting lyrics emerged and the jamming was going on for 10 min while everyone's voice or sound could be heard.  

歌名名单 Here is the name of the songs list :

  • 佳佳 — Jiajia (person's name)

  • 交换 — Exchange (swap/ switch/commute)

  • 盛夏的果实 — Fruits of summer

  • 21st century schizoid man

  • You are my sunshine

  • Across The Universe

  • Tightrope

  • Paint

  • Scars to your beautiful

  • Lost stars

  • If I die young

  • No surprises

  • 远远的远远 远远 -- far far away

  • Paradise

  • Warrior

👇👇👇  快来听听你写个歌名是否有出现即兴创作的歌曲中?Check if your songs are in the Jam  👇👇👇


我们还没想好歌曲的名字, 如果你听后有任何 idea,请火速给我们留言 

we have not come up with the name of the song yet , if any idea , please leave a message below 


Since we believe that everyone has the ability to create, we encouraged the participants to be a part of a small music improv game where everyone had to make a sound. We connected our minds and created a beautiful harmony by listening to each other and being collaborative.

那么,音乐共创是一种怎样的体验?What's the feeling of join in a music co-creation



we asked some of participants who has no music foundation.

孙童鞋 Mr Sun:


Before participating , I have no idea how it works , but now , it's all clear and simple. I do not need to be KTV master, or be a musician, but involve with simple sound even make by co-creation with my body.

邢童鞋 Ms Xin:


I think the vocal mixed part is interesting. I was kinda nervous this time, but will be better next time for sure. And wow, I have my first original songs with your guys!


当然,除了共创, 少不了热爱音乐的众神们的专业参与:

Besides the coreation, Asaph opened the audience heart with his soothing voice and positive chords, then Greg stired up the air with his dynamic music, Awesta sang cheerful melodies into the participants ears, Owen touched our soul with his beautiful guitar solo, while Jonathan upbeated them with his percussion.




Asaph, Greg, Johnathan, Awesta 三神合体


中学生 High school student : Owen


Not only was Jam For Good a fun and relaxed time, but musicians had the opportunity to meet and play with new faces they might not usually get the opportunity to jam with and some people who had never performed before were encouraged to grab the mic and show their talent.

举办此次活动的的目的是 Purpose :

  • 打破各种文化之间的樊篱,不管是东西方文化、汉族少数民族文化、行业间的不同文化,还是不同年龄之间的文化差异我们想要为社会创变创造新的次文化

    To break the barriers between cultures, whether it is Eastern and Western culture, minority culture, different cultures between industries, or between different ages. We aim for creating a new subculture for social change.

  • 1+1可能大于2,也可能1+1小于1,这是个实验项目,到底是不同灵魂一起彼此增值,还是互相在怀疑中损耗掉内力Upbeing尝试连接无共识基础的人,无关答案和问题。探索价值共创和价值观共创

    1+1 may be greater than 2, but also could be less than 1, this is an experimental project to explore will it increase values or mutual loss in suspicion in the co-creation? Upbeing tries to connect people without consensus, but no relations to the questions or answers. Explore value co-creation and values co-creation.

  • 从个别中学生出发探索混龄共创的可能性。

    From individual students to explore the possibility of co-creation between mixed age.

  • 当然,本次活动的歌曲还将作为公益机构爱心蚂蚁举办民族校服众筹而准备的宣传素材,一起将传统文化保育传承下去,并增强留守儿童和少数民族的自尊心和自信心(后续还会将更多影响力元素加入到后期活动中)

    The song we co-created on Jam will be used for the traditional school uniform fashion crowfunding for left-behind children to protect their traditional culture and gain confidence from the traditional school uniform.

执行下来还有很多需要改进,并有一些启发,和大家一起反思 Refection :


It is not  easy to make everybody join in, especially when there are experts , no matter Chinese or forigners ,  we will all have the time when there is no confidence, it needs more faciliations to joint people. We hope next time , more people can get involved and just what we mentioned before, Upbeing believe everyone can be a creator.              

最后,插入一条广播, 此次共创出来的歌曲将用作之后留守儿童T台秀展示民族校服的背景音乐,即将出炉的是一场更好玩的活动,让我们一起在有趣的活动中社会创变, 欢迎继续关注我们💪

Last but not least , we want to mention that the song we co-created on Jam will be used for the traditional school uniform fashion show for left-behind children. Stay tuned. See you on the next upgrade meaningful activity!

在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&世界公民。

