
Appropriate Technology is a way of thinking | 适切科技 — 新的性感

Upbeing 2020-10-02

看荒野求生类节目的时候, 总是被贝尔们的“能吃”给惊到,在各种极端情况下,依然能活得生龙活虎的贝尔们,靠的可不光是发达的四肢,他们也都是一群有科学技术的人。

When watching those survivors shows, I am always astonished by the "Bears" (I am sure you heard about Bear Gryllis) " that they can almost eat anything,  and still live full of vim and vigor; they are not only robust but also have abundant technological knowledge.

下面就让单挑荒野 里又牛又萌的德哥来给我们来演示一下, 当被困于无淡水可饮用的情况下,如何做个污水过滤器,让自己活下去:

Ed from Marooned with Ed Stafford showed us how to make a sewage filter when you face a situation when you don't have fresh water.



而这种以实地情况为考量,因地制宜,就地取材,制作而成的科技, 被称为适切科技

This kind of technology that is designed to be "appropriate" to the context of its use is called Appropriate Technology (AT)

适切科技无需投入过多的的劳动力或资源, 操作简单,便于维护,技术门槛较低。 因此不仅仅可以帮助我们荒野求生,同时也可以在资源匮乏,经济落后的国家得到广泛的使用。

"This form of "appropriate technology" usually prefers labor-intensive solutions over capital-intensive ones, although labor-saving devices are also valuable, provided this does not mean high capital, maintenance cost or environmental impact." (Source: Wikipedia)

另外,适切科技拥有永续的特性, 与在地人文地理环境处于共生的状态,因此技术的使用,在不破坏环境和地景的情况下,可以永续的被运用。

Appropriate technology can also be built and serviced largely using locally available materials and knowledge, with minimal input from outside. Most of the appropriate technologies are sustainable (less pollution), small and appropriate.


And if the sewage filter created by Ed is made from wood instead of plastic, it will be also sustainable.

我很喜欢适切科技提倡的一个理念  「一个人性化的科技,事实上是可能存活的,而且重新将人和他技巧的双手以及有创造力的大脑,与生产程序结合在一起。它使用大量人力来生产而不是大量生产」。科技应该是具有可持续性的,而不是因滥用而肆意得对空气造成污染,对水资源造成破坏,更不应该让人类成为科技的奴隶。

The concept of the AT is very impressive: the power of technology should be produced and used artfully and the benefits should be close to the individual and widely produced and distributed in a decentralized way.

Technology should be sustainable, using fewer natural resources, creating less air pollution and water contamination, and designed to serve humans and avoid making them the servants of machines.

适切科技在发展中国家有着广泛的应用,比如德哥做的这类污水处理器,在经济落后,污染严重的地区, 简单的污水处理器就能帮助千万民众喝上放心水,而不用花费巨资去购买什么滤水器。  

Appropriate technology in the developing countries have a wide range of applications, for example we can use the sewage filter in the poor areas, where a simple sewage filter will be able to help millions of people to access safe drinking water without spending lots of money on expensive water filter.


Project Design + Appropriate Technology: Corn Sheller

但有趣的是, 在为发展中国家设计适切科技其实是一件特别的挑战,除了资源少之外, 对发展中国家日常生活和价值观的无所了解也会造成伪需求的产生。

Designing AT tools for developing countries can be a challenge; besides there is a lack of resources, the inventors have little or no experience of the daily life in developing areas which can pose difficulty to envision how people might use an invention, or whether that invention satisfies a need at all.

Compatible Technology International 的工程师在访问危地马拉的时候,发现当地的女性花费了巨大的时间用手剥玉米。 这是一个机械性重复性很高的累活。

Compatible Technology International visited Guatemala and observed women hand-shelling corn. They found out the shelling process was a labor-intensive work.

于是工程师在瞄准问题后, 很快的就用木头,在中间挖了个洞后做了一个简易的刨玉米工具。 这样只需要将玉米塞到木棍里,玉米粒就能快速被剥落了,生产力可谓是大幅提高。 于是,工程师们很快的制作了更多的剥玉米工具, 捐献给了当地的妇女。

Engineers invented a new tool:  they made a corn-sheller out of piece of wood with a hole in the middle; it helped the women to fasten their work by only pushing the ear of the corn through the hole and then shaving the kernels from the cob. After testing the tool the engineers quickly made more and donated to the locals.

万万没想到,几个月之后当工程师再回来的时候, 他发现当地女性剥玉米的画风又变回去了,剥玉米神器被束之高阁,原来当地的妇女告诉他们,“谢谢你的发明,这的确让工作变得很容易。但剥玉米的时间是我们用来谈论男人,学校和孩子的时候,你的设备使我们工作得太快了。“

But when they returned months later, they found the women still hand-shelled the corn. The women told them, that they are really grateful because it is a wonderful and very useful invention which makes their lives easier, but the opinion of men, school and kids was different, they said that it is way too fast for them.



Actually this is a good example for Appropriate Technology, but probably more suitable for the people in urban areas.


Ecology design + Appropriate Technology


Though, before late 1960s, the Achuar were semi-nomadic, but since then, they have only settled in Amazon. However, with the change of major lifestyle , water sanitation issues led to increasing rates of infant mortality. And there is no access to plumbing and water sanitation facilities , so the traditional wet toilets can not be installed there .

于是,在发现这个问题之后,由Pachamama联盟和Pachamama基金会合作发起的丛林妈妈项目(Jungle Mamas program)在亚马逊丛林建造了安装和维护都相对简单的堆肥马桶。堆肥厕所是干式洗手间,其分解过程比传统的湿式厕所快。他们可以使用天然除臭剂和液体吸收剂,如泥炭苔。

Therefore, in order to improve the community health, the Jungle Mamas program installed the Composting toilets, which are relatively simple to install and maintain. They can use natural deodorizers and liquid absorbers such as peat moss.


Composting toilets were a logical choice, for they would help them improve local sanitation issues without damaging their pristine environment. It was a choice geared towards preserving their traditional ways of life while improving their standards of living.

今夏, Upbeing 将走进四川丹巴,让我们一起在那里发现问题,探索制作满足当地真实需求的适切科技产品。坚决不走剥玉米器工程师的老路。💪💪💪

This summer, Upbeing is going to Sichuan Danba, we are going to do a field research to find the real problems, to develop the appropriate technology tools that meet the needs of the local people

你是不是已经摩拳擦掌按耐不住了呢,赶快加入我们一起,一起行动。👇👇👇Come and join us!

Cosplay 般的项目孵化营是什么节奏? | 社区行动学院


Appropriate Technology


10 cases of Appropriate Technology





(Social Enterprise)

在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

