
We for She | 斜杠青年杰出代表 Tbird

Upbeing 2020-10-02

在本周六的 We for She 的活动上,我们邀请到了一位跨界大牛Tbird Luv ,她将带领我们开展创新无惧自我表达工作坊。

This Saturday , Tbird will present A Woman's Role in Shaping a Better World - Healing The Feminine Dichotomy with Fearless Creative Expression in We for She Event. 

Tbird comes from California, US,she has been making music for 30+ years and have been a performing artist for 25+ years. She has a classical music background from Carnegie Mellon University and music and dance foundation at the California Institute Of The Arts and also got inspiration from the mother nature.Nature is her Muse. 

这位来自美国加州的大咖拥有着30多年的做音乐的经验,并有超过25年的表演经验。拥有卡耐基梅隆大学古典音乐背景, 之后在加州艺术学院进修了音乐和舞蹈专业的 Tbird 崇尚从大自然中获取灵感, 并认为自然就是她的缪斯。

Founder of Fearless Creative Expression, Leadership Development Specialist, Transformative Artist & Musician, Facilitator, and  Storyteller

Fearless Creative Expression创始人,领导力培养专家,表演家,音乐家,演说家,辅导员(一位不折不扣的斜杠青年)



I consider myself a global citizen and a the core of all of my work is desire to inspire all of us to "make the world a better place" from our unique point. I’m passionate about inspiring humanity to take whatever we find beautiful - to stand behind it, support it and proliferate it.

我认为自己是世界的公民,我所有作品的核心内容都是为了渴望并激发所有人从自身独特的角度去建设一个更美好的世界。 我对激发人类去发现自身美丽,并将其赋值。

From a very early age, I’ve always wanted to do something BIG that involved bringing people together. The performing arts and women’s leadership has been my way of doing it.picp

从小,我就想要干大事,并将所有的人聚合在一起。 表演艺术以及女性领导力一直是我尝试去做这件事的方式。

When I was eight years old, Live Aid and Hands Across America swept the nation, and I knew I wanted to play a bigger role in making the world a greater place. Meanwhile, strong capable women like Wonder Woman, Jane Fonda, and Nina Simone influenced the world through their expressive gifts and inspired me. I wanted to be just like them.

在我八岁的时候,Live Aid 公益活动和 “HandsAcrossAmerica” 活动席卷了全美,那时候,我便意识到自己想要让世界变得更美好。与此同时,许多女性,比如Wonder Woman , Jane Fonda, 以及 Nina Simone 都通过他们自身的表现都激励着我。 我想要变成像她们那样的人。

But I didn’t feel capable. Later in life I realized that after my parents divorced when I was five, I replaced my feelings with a relentless drive towards perfection. By the time I was a teenager, I was an overachiever, burdened by stress and fear of failure.

但当时的我觉得自己还没有足够的能力。 之后我逐渐意识到,自从父母在我五岁离婚之后,我用不懈追求完美来掩盖自己的感情。在我十几岁的时候,我一直是过度追求成功,对失败有着巨大的害怕和担忧。

It wasn’t until I started making improvised music that I was able to relieve my self doubt and channel my emotions through creative expression. Being a musician and multi-disciplinary performer has opened doors to new friendships, given me access to world culture, empowered me to take important risks, and most importantly, taught me that my vulnerability was actually my greatest strength. Ultimately, my artistic vocation became a vehicle for personal exploration, healing, and sharing my “greatness” with the world.

直到我开始创作即兴音乐,才逐渐开始放下自我怀疑,并通过创造性来表达并释放自己的情绪。 成为一名音乐家以及多元学科的表演者,帮我打开了通向新友谊的大门, 这让我接触到了世界文化,让我能懂得去面对风险, 最重要的是,她教会了我,我的弱点其实可以是强项。 而我的艺术事业也成为了我个人探索, 愈疗以及同世界分享自我的载体。

Today, I bring my talents of marketing, leadership, personal empowerment and performing arts improvisation together into a platform that supports participants to actualize their full potential and helps evolve humanity to live more harmoniously, happily and with a zest for life to make things better for ourselves and everyone and everything around us.


What is your motivation being engaged with women empowerment related projects


I feel that I have a responsibility and sacred obligation to my ancestors to do whatever it takes to fully express my gifts and talents for the good of the whole and pave the way for the next generation to be even better.

我觉得我对自己的祖先有责任也有义务去做任何能够充分发挥自我才能和天赋的事情, 去创造一个更美好的世界,为下一代铺平道路。

Everything my mother and grandmother and great mothers went through to pave the way for me to have more opportunities and be able to be more full expressed in all areas of my life gives me strength and makes me feel proud and one hundred percent blessed, grateful and lucky to be a woman.


We are powerful and complex beings. We can birth babies and mimic the cycles of Nature as we go through various stages of our lives. We are naturally born multi-taskers and know how  lead from the heart.

我们都是充满力量并且复杂的生物。 我们可以生育小孩,并且模仿自然的运转,当我们经历不同的人生阶段的时候, 我们是天生能处理多任务,我们知道如何从心引导自我。

And yet one of the biggest obstacles we face as women today is ourselves. Many of us struggle with our self worth. We’re terrified of failing or not being good enough or lovable enough. So we sometimes take on sabotaging habits that prevent us from creating what we really want in our lives inside of our personal relationships, careers or creativity. We give up on going for the gold and settle for mediocre.

然而现在我们面对的最大障碍之一就是自己。 我们中的许多人与我们的自我价值在做斗争。 我们害怕失败,或是畏惧不完美。因此,有时我们需要去打破那些阻止我们在人际关系,职业,创新中成功的障碍。 我们放弃追逐名利, 放弃只满足于平庸。

This belief prevents us from reaching our greatest and full potential as creators. I believe that as women, when we give up conflict within ourselves, we’ll actually stop the suffering that happens around us.

这种信念让我们阻碍了我们作为创造者达到自身的最大潜力。 我相信,作为女性, 当我们摆脱自身内部的冲突的时候,我们会停止遭受更多的痛苦。

In order to create real change, it takes changing of self first to do it first. It takes looking at life from the perspective of " What keeps someone like me from feeling powerful and acting effectively from that power?" Once we up level our self identity from less than or flawed to empowered, valuable and loved, I believe world peace will happen.

为了创造真正的变化,首先需要自我的改变, 这需要从“是什么阻碍了像我这样的人没有感到有力量以及有效的行动?”的角度去审视自己的生活。 一旦我们提升自我,并自我赋能, 我相信,世界和平就不会是梦。

Why did you decide to get involved with We for She event?

为何你决定加入 Upbeing 的 We for She 的活动? 

Since I am someone who conspires with life to create the best possible future for myself, my loved ones, humanity and all life on this planet, I purposefully put myself in situations that challenge me to grow and shows me what I must do next in order to cultivate new expressions of myself as an evolutionary woman.


We for She is an opportunity to adopt new behaviors and put them into practice that leaves just enough room for the mystery and yet allows creativity to be our currency of connection.

We for she这个活动是一个让我们能改变我们行为并把新的行为运用到实践中去的一个机会,这种实践会留足够的空间给未知的事物而让创新成为我们沟通的媒介。

I think in today’s age, nothing is separate meaning; if we can’t value for ourselves in a more loving and compassionate way, how are we going to truly care for each other; if we can’t take care for each other, how are we gonna take care of the environment? The environment has been taking care of us, so we need to take care of her. It’s really all connected.


Giving women voice through creative collaboration, sisterhood & legacy design is a great place to start loving, caring and respecting the environment more as we learn to practice it more for ourselves as women.


Can you tell your honest opinion about education in China


I’m an advocate for experiential learning more than solely lecture style education; which has been the educational style that most Chinese are accustomed to. When you’re only being lectured too, you only get access to knowledge. Knowledge on its own is not sufficient enough to actually create strong leadership skills. You need experience.  When you engage into your imagination and experiential learning, you go from knowing information to understanding it. Once you understand it, you develop wisdom about it.

相比普通的讲座式的课堂,我推崇体验式学习。而前者是现今中国学校里最常见的教育方式,在讲座式课堂里所吸收的知识对于培养强大的领导力来说是不够的,学生需要体验和经历。当你经历了充分的想象和体验式学习,你不仅得到的是课堂中的知识, 还能对这些知识有自己的理解。有了自己的理解之后,你就能拥有对事物独到的见解和智慧。

What I discovered during my time training one hundred and twenty students in Zhengzhou who are apart of The World Academy for The Future of Women, is that my students were hungry for a style of learning that really gave them a sense of their individual strengths, talents and gifts that not only celebrated their unique talents but also cultivated rapid confidence building skills. My students learned how to actualize their own purpose, wake up productive, engage their creativity and align it with their desired leadership style by engaging the type of experiential learning I facilitate.


The world is changing and so is China.More and more Chinese are going out of China to have a profound effect on the world as well as allowing more foreigners and business to come in. I think today many Chinese want more experiential learning so that they can confidently go into the world and make a profound impact on the the projects, careers, and relationships that they make.



在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

