
We for She | 专访丹巴意见领袖-带你了解四川丹巴的第一手讯息

Upbeing 2020-10-02

当当当,今天我们的Upbeing 404 行动村 - We for She女性创造力工作坊 即将举办, 在入村前,我们为大家准备了村民手册, 以便让大家更好的了解本次活动的背景。 

This Saturday Upbeing 404 action village is going to present We for She workshop , before entering the village , we prepare the village handbook for everyone to get the background of the whole workshop. 

感谢丹巴意见领袖- 杨正清接受我们的采访并为我们带来了丹巴的一手信息。 

Thanks our local KOL to bring us the first hand informaiton. 

📒 We for She | Upbeing 404 行动村村民手册

Upbeing 404 Action Village Villagers handbook



The education gives children more opportunities, but it also can bring negative influence on their life.


The nine-year compulsory education provides schooling opportunity to both boys, compared to the traditional concept that said girls should stay at home to help with the housework.

Also under the influence of the "Returning Farmland to Forest", the request for labor work is decreasing, girls get more opportunities than ever before.

但是和过去相比也产生了一些不便,由于“撤校并点”的政策,使得原先在村小学读书的孩子要统一到镇上的学校读书。 然而对于有些学生来说从村里到镇上走路可能要超过两个小时的时间。 出于照顾孩子的需求,一些家庭只能在镇上租房陪读,无意间又加重了这些家庭的负担。原本旨在节约成本和资源的政策却也造成了村里一些家庭额外的付出。

However,compared with before , it also causes some inconveniences. As the result of the “united schools" policy, children can’t go to school in the village, they have to go to the nearby town, which requires 2 hours walk. In order to take care of the kids’ families must rent an apartment in the town which increases their burden. The policy is originally designed to save the costs and resources, but actually creates more issues and pressure for the families.

另外,一些稍大一点的孩子为了节约成本也会减少回家的次数,这也一定程度上减少了家人团聚的机会。 村里还有一些孩子还是会因为成绩不好,选择辍学打工,而造成他们成绩不理想的原因更主要的是上一代的教育理念和教育水平跟不上现代社会;一些孩子的父母可能连小学都没有读完,根本没有办法辅导孩子的学习或者给孩子带来更多积极的影响。

In addition, instead of going back home, some of the kids will choose to go to the city to work, which to some extent might reduce the time being spent with the family. There are some kids who choose to drop out of the school and go to work, because of the low performance and scores . This might also be caused by the old-fashioned education, the traditional mindset of their parents. Most of the parents never had the opportunity to get the qualified education, so it is difficult for them to guide their children.


During the summer holiday, some of the elder students will go out to work, younger ones will go back home to help picking pepper, and some young people who are passionate about solving the village issues have even established a volunteer group to improve the village and the life of the people.




With the implementation of "Returning Farmland to Forest”, the need of labor in the village is decreasing, but the "Returning Farmland to Forest" subsidy is not enough to support the expenses, so the men in the village still need to go out to work for half a year. Most of them work at the construction - such as layering the brick because their education level is not high. However with the continuous development of technology, more and more labor work will be replaced by machinery.



Men are Children are left home so the women feel lonely


Most of the women in Danba constantly misses their husband and children, who are either out to work or attend school and they are gone sometimes for longer period. These women often feel lonely and have no other activity except the housework.


Another issue is that women in Danba have few access to the outside world , they have precious handcraft skills-embroidery, and are passionate about  traditional Tibetan dance and singing, but due to the lack of opportunity to make this tradition more popular they have difficulties to cultivate themselves, to become more independent , confident and creative.




The Vanishing art - Tibetan embroidery

当地的传统服饰是藏袍,其中包括了传统的嘉绒藏绣的技艺,这些服饰大多是当地妇女利用农闲时间手工制成,一件毛织的藏袍可能需要几个月来完成。 随着生产生活方式的改变,越来越少的当地人会在日常穿着藏族的传统服饰,当地男性基本除了参加村里的节庆活动之外不会穿着藏族传统服饰。 而且嘉绒藏绣的技艺也面临失传的风险,现在当地只有四十岁以上的女性掌握着这项手工技艺。由于能力和资源的限制,她们也没有将藏绣运用到传统服饰之外的方面,更缺少对手工艺的创新。

Local traditional costume is the Tibetan robe, which includes the traditional Jiarong Tibetan embroidery; these clothes are made by the local women, it may take them several months to make it. Unfortunately as a result of lifestyle change, the number of  local people wearing Tibetan traditional costumes in their daily lives is decreasing.

Men will wear Tibetan traditional costumes only during the village festivals. Therefore Jiarong Tibetan Embroidery is also facing the risk of dying out; nowadays only women above 40-year old still possess the skill. Due to the ability and resources are limited, this craft can only used to make the Tibetan embroidery and it is difficult to implement in other areas, this will also bring an obstacle of art and crafts innovation.


Ancient Tibetan song has no words


Only fewer elder people and scholars know the real meaning of the lyrics of the traditional songs, because the ancient Tibetian language has no characters, therefore, the translation of these lyrics are extremely difficult.

Local people enjoy singing, and will pass on the songs as an unwritten tradition, most of the time can not fully understand the meaning of the song; especially the young people can only feel that it is about  the beauty of nature.


Let's dance GuoZhuang


Each village has its own unique music and dance. This music and dance were handed down from generation to generation. Now the music is recorded and burned into a CD. The dance form the women perform called Xuanzi Dance and they usually dance on weekdays, the dance women are dancing now is called, which is different from the local village, after all , who have the VCD,who owns the market.

而腊月村本地传统的锅庄舞则是大家手牵手围在一起,随着节奏由慢到快舞动,非常的欢快,而且歌曲也是包含着对村庄的歌颂和赞美。 但目前村庄里的场地较小,而跳锅庄是一个较为奔放的舞蹈,因此,碍于场地的限制,很多村民觉得跳起来会十分小气,无法尽情的享受。

The Traditional GuoZhuang dance of  Layue village is a very cheerful dance form: people hand in hand dance while  the rhythm keeps changing from slow to fast, and it requires a bigger space. However he space in the village is quite small so due to the restrictions of the venue lots of villagers are not willing to dance because they feel it is too constrained and cannot enjoy the dance fully.


Recently Mr Yang's NGO finished the fundraising, they will build a venue for villagers to dance and let the villagers have a special space to present this traditional dance .


About the Tourism Development


The agricultural products are just for basic living requirements. The income from tourism industry is distributed among the villagers.  

村民会用传统的耕作方法种植一些作物来小批量出售,以花椒为主,但是在农业方面他们的劳动财富转化率比较低,,比如种植大片的玉米,玉米收割后主要是喂猪,一年的产出可能主要就是两头猪,两头猪基本就是留在家里吃。因此较多的劳动都仅限于用来保障自己的生计,较少的部分会被出售而转化成收入。 这样一来,虽然对货币依赖大,但是能转换成货币的东西并不多,这就造成了一定的矛盾。

The villagers grow some crops for example Chinese red pepper in a traditional way and sell them in small batches. But the conversion rate of their agriculture labor wealth is relatively low.  For instance they grow large amounts of corn but only to feed their pigs. At the end of the year, their main "products" might be only two pigs; and those pigs are just for their own food. Most of their efforts are only to maintain their family needs, so they rarely sell their products at the market therefore they don’t really have income from agriculture.

They are dependent on monetary factors, but currently very few opportunities to convert their resources into money, which creates a certain contradiction.

今年成立了乡村旅游合作社,专注于腊月村的限量善品, 制作生态型无添加的农作物, 以此来扶持小农的生计。虽然价格并不高,但质量有保障,算是公平贸易的一种做法。

A village tourism cooperation was established this year, mainly focusing on the limited "friendly products" of Layue village which refers to environment-friendly agricultural products, that will improve the local farmers' lives. Though the price of those "eco-friendly products" is not high, they are very good quality. Thus it can be regarded as a fair trade movement.

至于接待游客的收入,也会由集体来进行分配。 因为来到丹巴地区的游客数量有限,不是村里的每家每户都有机会接待游客,那些没有接待游客有家庭也会从接待游客的收入中获得一定比例的补贴,当然接待了游客的家庭会分到更大比例的收入。因为村里人希望所有的机会能让大家都分享到,这是出现在小村庄里的优秀集体意识;相比邻村并不太成功的扶贫经历,这样的集体精神对村庄的发展有十分积极的促进作用。

As for the income of tourism, will also be divided within the cooperation. The number of tourists coming to Danba is not so big, so not every family in the village can get the chance to recieve tourists. Those families that don't get to receive the tourists still can get some percentage of the total income as a subsidy. Of course those families that do receive tourists will get a larger portion of the income.

The reason for everyone dividing the income is that all the villagers want to get equal opportunities to develop.

This sort of collective consciousness is a positive boost for the development of small villages like Layue compared to the anti-poverty experience in the neighbor village that is not quite successful.

Join us for this exciting workshop where you get deeper understanding of Danba and its people.

欢迎加入今天下午的We for She 创造力工作坊~


We are super excited and grateful that will be supporting us

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在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

