
(Bilingual)We4Change | 国际引导师Ben教你如何“升级“新生代!

Upbeing 2020-10-02

Generation Y and Z (Born after 1990) seem to be very challenging to engage, we can call them the “Generation Why” because they always want to know the reason: “Why am I doing this? Why do I need to go to that activity? Why is this math project important to me?”

要融入90后和00后们似乎并非如此简单,他们是“Generation Why" (为什么一代) , 因为他们总是试图去寻找事情背后的原因 





And you can't answer: “Because I told you so.” or " because this is your duty" .





We must find something in this generation, which drives them, which encourages them to take challenges, and pushes them through inconveniences, makes them feel inspired.

It’s important for kids to understand why they "need" to do something, not just that they have to do it.

我们必须在这样的一代上找到驱使他们的东西, 激励他们去接受挑战, 推动他们找到自己的兴趣点。 对于孩子们来说, 我们要帮助他们去了解为什么他们需要这样做, 而不是就简单的告诉他们:


It seems counter-intuitive that we spend so much time focusing on one person but don’t get the result that we are looking for. It goes back to the old story of "you can take a donkey to a watering hole but you can’t force him to drink." However what you can do is teach the donkey that it is thirsty and then it will start drinking. 

我们花了这么多时间在一个人身上,却没有得到积极的反馈,这似乎并不科学。 就像故事里说的那样“你可以将驴拖到水边,但却无法逼迫他们喝水。”然而,你可以试着去引导他们,而并非指示或是命令他们。

>Do you struggle with one of these?  

We invited Ben Ivey to be the facilitator on Oct 12th We4change workshop and share his thoughts and tricks : How to influence people and create lasting positive change

如果你也对此感到迷茫,欢迎加入10月12号Upbeing We4Change系列活动的线下工作坊,本次工作坊中我们邀请到了安东尼罗宾策略干预师Ben Ivey 作为引导嘉宾同大家分享如何带给别人积极的影响及创造长久的正向改变<

引导师:Ben Ivey

Facilitator: Ben Ivey

Ben Ivey is The Fulfilment Artist. He is an International Speaker, Tony Robbins Strategic Intervention Coach and the Lead Facilitator for Zero Suicide Systems Nu-Rekall.

Ben Ivey 是人生幸福导师,国际演讲者,安东尼罗宾策略干预师,Nu-Rekall 零自杀系统引导师。

Ben is most well known for his seminars Release the Real You and Fulfilment Artist Intensive. He works with successful people around the globe that despite all they have achieved feel isolated, lost and depressed. 

Ben 因释放真实的自己(Release the Real You )以及成就艺术激励(Fulfilment Artist Intensive) 论坛而著名。全球各地那些虽然表面上看似成功, 但自身内心却感到压抑,失去自我的成功人士有很多都曾得到过Ben的帮助。

His mission is to move people from the worst place of their life to the best in the quickest time possible.


👇 Check the video below to learn more about Ben Ivey. 👇

你可以通过下面的视频了解更多关于Ben Ivey 




Last chance to catch this amazing "guide“ before he leaves to Shenzhen, then USA and UK. And will be back in a year.



This is what you will learn in this workshop where we will explore the following:

  • Why we often have a negative effect when trying to influence others 

  • The key strategies to influence people 

  • Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation How to install positive behaviors 

  • How to create lasting habits 

  • How to drive teens 

  • 为什么当我们试图去影响他人的时候总会适得其反

  • 影响他人的关键策略

  • 内在动力 vs.外在动力

  • 如何生成积极的行为

  • 如果创造长久的良好习惯

  • 如何驱动青少年更好地成长

After the workshop you will be able to take the desired steps in your life:  Inspire teens so they feel more fulfilled.

Guide people who are a lost a bit, and show them the way

通过本次工作坊后, 你将能够掌握激励青少年、让他们充满成就感的正确姿势。引导那些迷失的人们。


Scan the QR code Below to register 

Location 地点:

12th October (Thursday) 



100yuan (early bird 早鸟)

130 yuan (at the door普通) 

The place also prepared some great drink deals for us.

Who can attend 谁可以参加: 

teachers, parents, facilitators, coaches, mentors or anyone who is guiding someone in life

老师, 家长,引导者, 教练,导师,任何想要指引他人的人们。


This is a gathering of We4Change Innovative Guides 

这是一场We4Change 创新引导者聚会

Who we are?我们是谁

We are Innovative Guides!

Community of Educators, Parents, Mentors, Coaches, Facilitators!


What is our goal? 我们的目标

Our goal is to guide, inspire and encourage to take actions and bring positive changes to other people's life.


  • We share ideas, resources and best practices

  • We acquire new facilitation tools, guiding methods

  • We offer personal and professional development

  • We make learning more fun and meaningful

  • We foster innovation and sustainability

  • 我们分享观点,资源,以及最佳实践

  • 我们学习新的引导力工具及方法

  • 我们提供个人及职业发展建议

  • 我们让学习更加快乐且有意义

  • 我们促进创新及可持续性

What is the gathering about?我们的聚会是关于?

Specialized workshops for teachers, parents and facilitators to confront their existing problems and encourage them to share their knowledge and experience.


  • Help to transform the traditional "educating methods" - Innovative facilitating and learning methods and tools.  从传统的教育方式转变 - 创新引导力及学习方法和工具。

  • Learning is more fun and effective.  让学习更有趣高效

  • Prepare "guides" to educate students/ children for the moral, societal, environmental and technological demands necessary towards fostering sustainable and happy communities of 21st century. 让学生更好地满足二十一世纪的需求,无论是从社会、环境、科技还是可持续的角度。

关于引导 (Facilitator) 

字典中“Facilitator"(引导者),是指能够帮助一群人形成共同目标并帮助他们实现目标的人, 但他们在这个研讨过程中并没有自己的立场。


这些行为科学的先行者意识到会议会议中一个新的但很重要的角色, 他们不再参与内容和讨论, 也不左右讨论的结果,而是站在讨论之外,聚焦在会议是如何进行的。这个角色人会为会议的参加者提供讨论的结构与工具,他们不会赞同某个观点,而是确保每个人的声音都能够被听到,他们不发号施令,而是帮助参加者找到自己的目标并制订出行动计划。

 - 《引导-团队群策群力的实践指南》 (Facilitating with Ease)


国际竞争力 / 创变者 / 斜杠青年

International Competence / Global Changemaker / Slash 

在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

👇  点击“阅读原文”页面也可进入报名页面哦 

you can also click read more to register 

