

CCE 气候变化经济学 2021-09-19








Oxford university牛津大学


MSc in Environmental Change and Management


项目简介: The MSc aims to give you a broad appreciation of the major processes of environmental change and of the people and institutions involved in environmental management. The course seeks to produce environmental leaders who are interdisciplinary and analytical in their approach to environmental issues, and competent and aware decision makers.

官方链接: https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/msc-environmental-change-and-management


The Earth System and its Fundamental Processes

Global Change and the Biosphere

Human Systems and Environmental Change

Environmental Economics and Policy

Energy Systems and Climate Mitigation

Sustainable Responses to Environmental Change

Governing the Anthropocene.


University of Cambridge 剑桥大学


Mphil in Environmental Policy


项目简介: An intensive ten-month taught programme combining the perspectives of environmental economics and environmental law on the design, implementation and assessment of environmental policy. The MPhil in Environmental Policy involves an intensive period of full time study. The programme may also serve as an entry point into PhD training for those interested in pursuing research in environmental policy in greater depth

官方链接: https://www.landecon.cam.ac.uk/postgraduate-study/environmental-policy


International environmental law

Environmental economics and policy
Mixed research methods Research Design, and Structure


University College London 伦敦大学学院


MSc in Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment


项目简介: As an Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment MSc (EPEE MSC) student, you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to become a leader and innovator of business, policy-making and research. This advanced degree programme is designed to provide a broad understanding of research concepts and methods; environmental and resource economics; modelling, methods and scenarios; environmental measurement, assessment and law; global economics and the political economy of energy and climate change. All modules are taught by our world-class faculty who have a breadth of industrial and academic knowledge. Recent graduates have gone onto varied and challenging careers at the forefront of industry, research and academia.

官方链接: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/prospective-students/graduate/taught-degrees/economics-policy-energy-environment-msc


Compulsory modules

Research Concepts and Methods

Environmental and Resource Economics

Introduction to Modelling, Methods and Scenarios

Environmental Measurement, Assessment, and Law

Planetary Economics and the Political Economy of Energy & Climate Change



University College London 伦敦大学学院


MSc in Sustainable Resources: Economics, Policy and Transitions 


项目简介: The Sustainable Resources MSc will give you the tools to work towards more sustainable, efficient, equitable and circular resource use. Based at the Bartlett’s Institute for Sustainable Resources, this degree equips students with the skills and knowledge to become leaders in a field that is increasingly critical to business, policymakers and civil society around at the global and local levels. You will benefit from a truly interdisciplinary approach to the economics, policies and strategies of sustainable resources and first-hand experience from leading experts in the areas of the circular economy, resource efficiency and sustainable resource management.

官方链接: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/sustainable/study/sustainable-resources-economics-policy-and-transitions-msc


Compulsory modules

Introduction to Sustainable Resources: Challenges and Principles

Introduction to Resource Economics and Policy

Policies for Sustainable Resources

Tools for Assessing Sustainable Resources

Future Resource Pathways and Visions



Imperial College London帝国理工学院 


MSc in Economics and Finance of Climate Change


项目简介: Our MSc in Climate Change, Management & Finance is a unique programme that balances business skills with knowledge of climate science and policy. It provides graduates with the interdisciplinary skills required in business on issues relating to climate change and sustainability. 

Students on the programme will: 1) Learn about the challenges and opportunities change presents to companies across strategic planning, operations, marketing, and accounting and finance; 2) Discover how innovation is essential in organisations in dealing with climate change; 3) Develop an in-depth appreciation of the science, policies and technologies linked to climate change, including the scientific basis underpinning international agreements on carbon reduction targets.

This MSc combines the latest research, academic rigour and practical relevance in an interdisciplinary range of topics. To deliver the programme, the Business School has partnered with the Grantham Institute, whose mission is to translate climate change and environment-related research into real-world impact. This programme will leverage the Grantham Institute’s many international contacts with government, industry and non-governmental organisations.

官方链接:  https://www.imperial.ac.uk/business-school/programmes/msc-climate-change/programme/


Online pre-study modules

Data, Tools and Evidence Primer

Foundations for Career Success

Quantitative Primer


Autumn term

Business Economics, Climate Change and the Environment

Financial and Carbon Accounting and Reporting

Impacts and Adaptation to Climate Change

Quantitative Methods

The Science of Climate Change


Spring term

Clean Technology Investment

Corporate Finance

Mitigating Climate Change

Risk Management and Climate Change

Sustainable Management and Strategy

Summer term

Climate Change and Governance

Climate Finance

Energy Business and Strategy

Innovation in Cleantech and Climate Change Solutions


Imperial College London帝国理工学院 


MSc in Climate Change , Management and Finance


项目简介: MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance is a one-year programme that gives graduates the interdisciplinary skills required in business on issues relating to climate change and sustainability. You will learn from leading practitioners and world-class faculty how to put the latest academic thinking and business and climate change strategies into practice. Based in London, not only will you be at the heart of one of the world’s leading cultural, business and financial centres but also amidst UK expertise driving climate change action forward.

官方链接:  https://www.imperial.ac.uk/business-school/programmes/msc-climate-change/


Online pre-study modules


Before the programme begins you will be expected to complete some online pre-study modules which are delivered through The Hub, Imperial College Business School’s virtual learning environment. These modules will be available to students who have accepted an offer of admission from July onwards, and are designed to give you a basic knowledge of areas which will be covered by the programme throughout the academic year.


Data, Tools and Evidence Primer

Foundations for Career Success

Quantitative Primer


Autumn term

Business Economics, Climate Change and the Environment

Financial and Carbon Accounting and Reporting

Impacts and Adaptation to Climate Change

Quantitive Methods

The Science of Climate Change


Spring term

Clean Technology Investment

Corporate Finance

Mitigating Climate Change

Risk Management and Climate Change

Sustainable Management and Strategy


Summer term

Climate Change and Governance

Climate Finance

Energy Business and Strategy

Innovation in Cleantech and Climate Change Solutions


University of Edinburgh爱丁堡大学


MSc in Climate Change Finance and Investment气候变化融资与投资

项目简介: Our MSc in Climate Change Finance and Investment (formerly MSc in Carbon Finance) is dedicated to developing professionals in the field of low carbon finance and investment. Designed to develop your understanding of how the challenges of climate change are driving trillions of dollars of new investment in a huge range of sectors, including energy production, housing and infrastructure, the programme will also prepare you to deliver this investment with advanced knowledge and skills.

官方链接:  https://www.business-school.ed.ac.uk/msc/climate-change


Semester 1 (September- December)

Compulsory Courses:

Advanced Energy Finance

Carbon Accounting

Climate Policy and Investment

Carbon Pricing

Fundamentals of Infrastructure Finance

International Climate Finance

Semester 2 (January –May)

Compulsory Courses

Carbon and Environmental Consulting Project

Climate Risk and Investment Alignment

Research Methods for Climate Change Finance


University of Edinburgh爱丁堡大学


MSc in Carbon Management 


项目简介: The MSc in Carbon Management is an interdisciplinary programme which focuses on the response to the challenge of climate change and decarbonising the economy. It draws upon business studies, climate science, economics and the social sciences. The programme creates a culture of positivity in how we think about, and act towards, the climate change challenge. It is designed to equip you with high-level knowledge and understanding of climate change economics, carbon policy, managing decarbonisation and adaptation, business and corporate strategy as well as the science of climate change. You will also develop the skills and know-how in using analytical methods in carbon economics and policy making. The MSc programme is housed within the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (ECCI) an award-winning contemporary study space that brings together experts in law, business, technology and policy making

官方链接: http://www.drps.ed.ac.uk/20-21/dpt/ptmsccarma2f.htm


Compulsory Courses

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation

Climate Change Management

Climate Change Economics

Climate Change and Business

Dissertation in Carbon Management


University of Manchester曼彻斯特大学


MSc in International Development- Environment Climate Change and Development 

国际发展- 环境气候变化与发展

项目简介: MSc International Development: Environment, Climate Change and Development links environmental understanding grounded in the physical sciences with study of the social and economic bases of global sustainability. Over the past two decades, environmental challenges have risen to the top of the global agenda. As a result, there is a pressing need for policymakers, planners and managers to understand the environmental dimensions of development. The course is therefore perfect if you're looking to benefit from research-led teaching - by world-class academics - that examines both mainstream sustainability and radical alternatives for sustainable global development.

官方链接: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/list/09890/msc-international-development-environment-climate-change-and-development/


Compulsory courses

Development Fundamentals

Development Fieldwork

Climate Change, Disasters and Responses

Environment, Climate Change and Development   

Understanding Development Research


King’s College London伦敦国王学院


MSc in Climate Change: Environment, Science and Policy


项目简介: The Climate Change: Environment, Science & Policy MSc is a flexible course allowing you to study either a Policy or a Science pathway. Our course will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the processes and the nature of environmental changes occurring in the Earth’s terrestrial, hydrological and atmospheric environments. You will also develop essential research, analysis and critical-thinking skills that will help you to understand and interpret scientific evidence and also respond to the problems associated with global and regional environmental changes in the Earth’s system.

官方链接: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught-courses/climate-change-environment-science-and-policy-msc


We will teach you through a combination of lectures and seminars, and you will typically have 20 hours of this per module. We also expect you to undertake 180 hours of independent study for each module.


London School of Economics and Political Science伦敦政治与经济学院


MSc in Environmental Economics and Climate Change


项目简介: This programme aims to deliver a well-developed understanding of the economics, science and policies associated with climate change, as well as a broad foundation in environmental and resource economics. It delves into the conceptual economic foundations and the practical tools of analysis, including state-of-the-art quantitative methods.

官方链接: https://www.lse.ac.uk/geography-and-environment/pg/msc-environmental-economics-and-climate-change


Compulsory courses:

Environmental and Resource Economics

Applied Quantitative Methods

Climate Change: Science, Economics and Policy



University of Bristol 布里斯托大学


MSc in Climate Change Science and Policy 


项目简介The programme is provided by the School of Geographical Sciences, which is the top-ranked geography department in the UK for research. You will join our research groups in analysing key areas of science and policy: 1) climate change science and its links to policy and policy-makers; 2) modelling of the Earth system, from simple box models to complex climate models; 3) remote sensing of the environment and GIS; understanding past climate change and making predictions of future change; 4) environmental policy and politics with a focus on climate change; 5) researching and communicating climate science.

This innovative programme also allows you to develop a range of professional skills – including presentation, project work, teamwork and communication – which will be invaluable in your future career. It includes a strong emphasis on carrying out your own research project. The programme is closely linked to the renowned Cabot Institute, which brings together all of the University's research into the changing global environment across the sciences, social sciences and engineering.

官方链接: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/2020/sci/msc-climate-change-science-policy/


Compulsory courses

Climate Change MSc Research Project

Climate Change: Science and Impacts 

Environmental Policy and Politics   

Earth System Modeling

Quantifying Climate Risks


University of Leeds利兹大学


 MSc in Climate Change and Environmental Policy


项目简介: Our Climate Change and Environmental Policy Masters degree provides you with a unique combination of training on the physical, social and policy aspects of climate change and on broader environmental policy and governance. You will receive a solid foundation in the physical and social science of climate change and its impacts, including adaptation to, and mitigation of, climate change. You will also develop a critical understanding of the policy tools available to promote environmental protection.

This Masters course combines modules taught at the School of Earth and Environment, with optional modules from the School of Geography and the School of Politics and International Studies and Leeds University Business School. Our teaching draws on the latest cutting-edge research and is delivered by experts and the world’s leading researchers on climate change policy to give you in-depth knowledge and guidance. This course is ideal if you want to become an interdisciplinary environmental manager, consultant, advisor or policy maker, or if you are looking to improve your career prospects or make a career change.

官方链接: https://courses.leeds.ac.uk/g752/climate-change-and-environmental-policy-msc


Compulsory courses

Research Methods                   

Research Project                     

Environmental Policy and Governance  

Climate Change: Physical Science Basis 

Climate Change: Imapacts and Adaptation

Climate Change Mitigation


University of Southampton 南安普顿大学 


 MSc in Energy and Sustainability (Energy, Resources and Climate Change) 


项目简介: Our distinctive modules in bioenergy, waste and the interaction between energy and climate change will give you a key understanding of current issues. You will learn to use advanced Geographical Information Systems and develop a thorough, global perspective of climate change and energy. You will also study energy resources, technologies and waste resource management. The last four months of the course will be dedicated to research. You will complete a significant research project and you may have the opportunity to work with one of our many industrial partners; ranging from large utility companies to small energy consultancies, to develop your professional experience

官方链接: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/engineering/postgraduate/taught_courses/engineering/msc_energy_and_sustainability_climate.page


Semester One

MSc Research Project

Climate Change, Energy and Settlements

Geographical Information Systems for Environmental Consultants

Data Analysis & Experimental Methods for Civil and Environmental Engineering

Introduction to Energy Technologies, Environment and Sustainability

Semester Two

MSc Research Project

Waste Resource Management

Energy Resources and Engineering



University of York 约克大学


 MSc in Environmental Economics and Environmental Management


项目简介: Our Masters in Environmental Economics and Environmental Management prepares you for a wide range of careers across the public and private sectors. Equally, it provides a good basis for further study at PhD level. You’ll gain knowledge of environmental and ecological economics and the interactions between economic, social and ecological systems. At the end of the course, you'll be equipped to incorporate environmental feedback into economic decision making in a way that satisfies both ecological managers and economists. This course is suitable for students from a wide range of backgrounds, including economics, human geography, business, sociology, politics, environmental science and more. You'll be taught by a range of interdisciplinary staff with varied environmental research interests.

官方链接: https://www.york.ac.uk/study/postgraduate-taught/courses/msc-environmental-economics-management/


Compulsory courses

Current Research in Environment, Economics and Ecology

Applied Environmental Economics

Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Areas

Research Skills and Statistical Methods


University of Reading雷丁大学


 MSc in Economics of Climate Change 


项目简介: Science tells us the climate is changing, changing people's, firms' and governments' behaviour to do something about it is an issue for economists. This Masters course combines a strong economic foundation and a wide range of interdisciplinary options (ranging from climate science to environmental law and carbon management) to help students to develop an understanding of the many facets related to climate change. You will be introduced to the theory and practice of economic analysis of real-world environmental problems and examine the economic management of a range of depletable and non-renewable resources, as well as recycling policy. After working on a range of practical case studies illustrating the effects of the adoption of more pro-environmental behaviour, you are then offered a programme of placements with key institutions to provide them with the opportunity to work on real applications over the summer period.

官方链接: https://www.reading.ac.uk/economics/pg-taught/econ-MScECC.aspx


Compulsory courses

Research Methodology

Quantitative Research Methods

Economic Theory for Climate Change

Climate Change and Policy


Dissertation or Applied Research Project


University of Reading雷丁大学


  MSc in Climate Change and Development


项目简介: This course integrates natural and social science of climate change and applies cutting-edge, transdisciplinary "ecological economics" tools to the subject. As a result, you will undergo excellent preparation for work in aid and development agencies, NGOs and government departments. 


On joining this course, you will become a member of the School's Graduate Institute of International Development, Agriculture and Economics (GIIDAE). As a GIIDAE student, you will have the option of undertaking a placement during the summer period, however this is not a requirement of the degree.


The School also hosts the Walker Institute, which specialises in climate systems research, and has many active researchers working at the interface of climate change and international development. These researchers represent a variety of disciplines spanning natural and social sciences, including agriculture, development studies, ecology and economics.

官方链接: http://www.reading.ac.uk/ready-to-study/study/subject-area/international-development-and-applied-economics-pg/msc-climate-change-and-development.aspx


Sample modules

Energy, Climate Change and Development

Global Environmental Change and Development

Theories and Practices of Development

Research and Study Skills for Independent Learning


University of Sussex萨塞克斯大学


MSc in Climate Change, Development and Policy


项目简介: Study the challenges of moving to a low-carbon economy and adapting to climate change, and how they influence global and regional development. This course is for non-specialists in the climate field. You’ll explore the interconnected dimensions of science and technology, and the economics, politics and policy of climate change.


Climate change and sustainable energy are among the most important issues of our time. The emphasis of this MSc is on understanding the implications of climate change and climate policies for equity between, and within, countries. You’ll gain specialist knowledge of the earth system and climate impacts, for example related to water, food and ecosystem services. Based at the School of Global Studies, you’ll also learn from faculty in SPRU – Science Policy Research Unit and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS). Many of our graduates find employment in the climate profession.

官方链接:  https://www.sussex.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/climate-change-development-and-policy-msc


Compulsory courses

Core modules are taken by all students on the course. They give you a solid grounding in your chosen subject and prepare you to explore the topics that interest you most.

Autumn teaching

Ideas and Concepts in Climate, Development, Economics and Policy

The Science of Climate Change

Spring teaching

Research Methods and Profeessional Skills (Geog)

Summer teaching

Dissertation (Climate Change, Development and Policy)







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