
[09-15] 国防科技大学王红霞教授学术报告

数学往事 数学往事 2023-09-03
  • 报告题目:Title Fourier Phase Retrieval Under Deep Generative Prior

  • 报告人:王红霞(国防科技大学数学系)

  • 报告时间:2022年9月15日,星期四,上午10:00-11:00

  • 报告地点:腾讯会议:929-256-258 密码:1123

  • 报告摘要:Fourier phase retrieval (PR) problem is a nonlinear inverse problem arisen in various fields of science and engineering. Solving Fourier PR problem is challenging especially when the measurements are corrupted by noise. In this talk, we will focus on how to introduce deep generative prior to relieve the illness of Fourier PR.  Firstly, a new model called Data Driven Fourier Phase Retrieval (DFPR) together with the so-called DFPR-PnP ADMM algorithm are proposed by fully considering the nonconvex properties of Fourier PR and implicit prior learnt from data. Secondly, considering most images are essentially low-dimensional, or in the range of a deep generative neural network, the Deep-ADMM algorithm is proposed to solve Fourier PR problem constrained by a generative model. Under mild conditions, we show that the sequences generated by the Deep-ADMM can globally converge to the critical point. Numerous tests both on the simulated data and the optical measurements demonstrate the superiority of the newly proposed algorithms.






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