2020年12月30日,美国宾夕法尼亚州19岁的华裔青年陈智博(Christian Joseph Hall)因为精神问题离家出走,警察被叫到现场施救。
事发后网络上流传的视频(下面)显示,警察开枪时Christian Hall高举双手,显然对警察没有威胁。
2021年2月3日,距离事发一个多月,Christian被枪杀的真相浮出水面后,Christian的家庭律师Devon Jacob要求宾州检察机关对此事进行独立调查。他指出涉事警察是州警察,怎么能由他们去调查自己同事的案件?
同时,州警察机构证实涉事警察已经返回工作岗位,尽管宾州警方和蒙罗县(Monroe County)检察机关的调查仍在进行中。涉事警察的身份尚未公开。
Christian Hall生活在一个多族裔的领养家庭里,养母是菲裔,养父是非裔,他自己是华裔。
事情真相被揭露后,他的养父母Fe and Gareth Hall悲痛万分,民权律师Benjamin Crump设立了网上请愿要求宾州检察院接手此案,并呼吁警察机关必须珍视生命,避免对少数族裔的滥杀。
Crump是去年震惊全美的George Floyd案的律师。
Christian的养母Fe Hall和民权律师Benjamin L. Crump(左一)在记者发布会上
Christian Hall was adopted by multiethnic parents, Fe and Gareth Hall, shortly before his first birthday. Unfortunately, Fe and Gareth would not get to spend more than two decades with their loving son.
Christian Hall, a 19yo Chinese American teen, experienced a mental health emergency on December 30, 2020. Pennsylvania State Police were called and requested to help de-escalate the crisis. But rather than providing aid or assistance, the troopers shot and killed Christian. His hands were up in the air as he stood on the SR-33 southbound overpass to I-80, posing no threat to the armed officers, when they wasted no time in ending his young life.
We often fight for justice for marginalized Black victims, but situations like this remind us all of the need to step up and fight for justice for all marginalized people in America today, including this young man whose life ended far too early.
Christian is not alone in his tragic and unjustifiable death. Many minorities –– Black, Asian, and Hispanic alike –– continue to witness lives like Christian’s ended by police during mental health crises and realize they too may face great danger by calling 911 for help. This should NOT be the case.
We need a way to protect our marginalized communities, including those who deal with mental health struggles and those who face racial disparities daily.
Christian’s life was full of possibilities. Let’s honor his life by fighting for change and preventing this same fate from happening to other minorities who simply needed help.
Police departments must enact changes to prevent future tragedies for other minorities. Law enforcement should preserve precious lives, not take them.
Demand Pennsylvania AG to take over the Christian Hall Investigation. Sign petition now through the link below! (Click on "Read More" at the end of the article)
Carmela Mataloni: Family of man shot by police asking for state investigation. ABC Newswatch 16. 2021.2.3.