

鲁格院长 俄州亚太联盟 2022-01-19

瓦克斯教授 vs. 鲁格院长

鲁格院长(Dean Ruger)对瓦克斯教授最近的言论做出回应

艾米·瓦克斯(Amy Wax)通过其诋毁亚洲移民的完全反智和种族主义的言论,再次凸显了美国大学中围绕有害言论的基本矛盾。像所有的种族主义偏见一样,瓦克斯最近的评论通过延伸陈规定型观念和针对亚裔学生、教职员工带来造成伤害,让他们承担这种恶意和偏见的重负。然而,瓦克斯是以拥有终身教职的教授身份发表这些言论的,这种身份在保护学者对一系列有争议的话题的声音方面已经做了并将继续做出重大作用,包括那些积极挑战种族主义、性别歧视和社会上其他不平等现象的学者。允许当前学者对这个国家的历史和结构性歧视进行批判性和逾期分析的学术自由原则—尽管有些人热衷于审查这种言论—也适用于像瓦克斯这样发表仇外和白人至上主义观点的教授。



Dean Ruger responds to recent comments made by Professor Wax

Once again, Amy Wax has, through her thoroughly anti-intellectual and racist comments denigrating Asian immigrants, underscored a fundamental tension around harmful speech at American universities. Like all racist generalizations, Wax’s recent comments inflict harm by perpetuating stereotypes and placing differential burdens on Asian students, faculty, and staff to carry the weight of this vitriol and bias. Yet Wax makes these statements as a faculty member with tenure, a status that has done, and continues to do, important work in protecting the voices of scholars on a range of controversial topics including those who are actively challenging racism, sexism, and other inequities in society. The same academic freedom principles that permit current scholars to engage in critical and overdue analysis of this nation’s historical and structural discrimination – despite zealous efforts to censor such speech by some – also apply to faculty like Wax who voice xenophobic and white supremacist views.

That Wax’s speech may be protected does not permit this Law School to ignore the real harms such speech causes. As we have previously emphasized, Wax’s views are diametrically opposed to the policies and ethos of this institution. They serve as a persistent and tangible reminder that racism, sexism, and xenophobia are not theoretical abstractions but are real and insidious beliefs in this country and in our building. This reality sharpens and deepens our commitment to support our community as we continue to work to advance equity and inclusion.


宾大教授Amy Wax:“亚洲人少一点,美国会更好”

