

东北师大 生态与地理速报 2022-07-27



Fig. 1. The distribution of drying and rewetting experiments worldwide in this meta-analysis.


Fig. 1.Effects of drying and rewetting on variables of the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) cycles. Error bars stand for 95% bootstrapped confidence intervals (CIs). If the 95% CI of the did not overlap with zero, the effect of drying or rewetting treatment was considered significant. The sample sizes for drying and rewetting treatments are shown on the left and right of the figure, respectively. Closed black and open red symbols indicate drying and rewetting effects on soil N and P cycles, respectively. The response ratio (ln R) represents the “effect size”. Abbreviations: TN, total nitrogen; EON, extractable organic nitrogen; DON, dissolved organic nitrogen in publications extracted with H2O; DIN, dissolved inorganic nitrogen; MBN, microbial biomass nitrogen; Net N min, net N mineralization; Net nit, net nitrification; EOP, extractable organic phosphorus; DOP, dissolved organic phosphorus in publications extracted with H2O; MBP, microbial biomass phosphorus;. DIP leaching, dissolved inorganic phosphorus leaching.

Fig. 3. Responses of terrestrial ecosystem nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) pools, their transformation processes and fluxes to drying and rewetting. Abbreviation: TN, total nitrogen; Org. N, organic nitrogen; EON, extractable organic nitrogen; MBN, microbial biomass nitrogen; Net N 1min, net N mineralization; Immo, immobilization; Net nit, net nitrification; Deni, denitrification; EOP, extractable organic phosphorus; Ava P, available phosphorus; MBP, microbial biomass  phosphorus; D-RW: drying-rewetting. The red numbers and ↑ stand for significant increases by drying or rewetting treatment. The blue numbers and ↓ represent significant decreases by drying or rewetting treatment. →, no significant change; ?, current researches data are not sufficient to be analyzed.
Fig. 7. Relationships between the effect size of rewetting on soil nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) variables and the effect size of drying on soil moisture. Other variables have no significant correlation with the effect size of drying on soil moisture. A positive relationship indicates an 1increasing negative response of soil parameters with an increasing intensity of drying. A negative relationship indicates an increasing positive response of soil parameters with an increasing intensity of drying. The response ratio (ln R) represents the “effect size”. The effect size of drying on soil moisture reflects the magnitude of drying, the response ratio (ln R) of soil moisture in the drought and control treatment.


生态笔记 Econote






