
APTalk|SO-IL 刘静:用材料与形式表达未来

AP Editorial 建筑实践 2022-05-19

Jing Liu


- SO-IL Architects -

2008年,SO-IL Architects成立于纽约。作为一个多元化的工作室,SO-IL致力于为未来文化创造空间和物体,持续性地激发智力与社会参与度。




SO-IL Studio


AP /在建立SO-IL之前,您也具有多年的建筑实践经验。能请您告诉我们有关的经验以及建立自己的公司的初衷吗?

Jing Liu



I knew that with my own practice, I wanted to work across many different cultures and typologies.

So before I started for myself I worked in Tokyo and New York, in commercial projects as well as hospitality development. The range of experience was very instrumental in setting up my own practice later on. What was missing from my work experience was a level of academic thinking and radical experimentation, which is what I try to do with each and every project of our own - innovate in a meaningful way. So when I started SO-IL, I also started to get involved in the schools, teaching at various schools, which allowed me to evolve the practice continually.

AP /SO-IL的合作伙伴可能在各自的专业知识和关注领域方面有所不同。您能告诉我们您与合作伙伴之间的不同责任吗?SO-IL的工作风格如何?

Jing Liu


We design collaboratively but manage projects separately. Of course we each have our own areas of expertise and interests which make the practice broader and more stimulating.

Founders of SO-IL Architects: Jing Liu and Florian Idenburg


AP / SO-IL的项目分布在世界各地,在不同的国家进行项目有什么不同? 

Jing Liu


Every local has its own building culture. Some countries are more risk averse, some are more open to experimentation. Some have very well developed construction culture, some are more crafty and Ad-hoc. I think for us, the ideas are important, so finding different ways that ideas materialize is important and interesting. We also believe that it is important to expand a very western dominated architecture. So practicing in various context allow us to be more nuanced and comparative, which leads to more sophisticated results.

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Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum of Art


AP / 您是如何被邀请担任Women in Architecture Forum & Awards(W Award)的评委的?该奖项的评估标准是什么? 

Jing Liu


I have been on the jury for a few years now. I think that women architects have been really making a difference in many of the contemporary and urgent issues in the discipline, such as social justice and sustainability so it is exciting to shine some spotlights on these leadership and important work. I am a firm believer that by having more women practitioners in the field, we will steer the profession forward in a very productive way.

AP /在建筑师之外,您还有别的身份吗?这些身份会对您的设计产生交叉影响吗?

Jing Liu


I teach and write from time to time. They allow me to stay at a healthy distance from the day to day practicality of the office itself. They allow me to think long-term, and act more broadly on a wider range of investigations.

AP /您的许多项目兼具坚硬和柔软的特性,有些被薄雾笼罩的金属外壳覆盖,有些则被模糊的界面所包围。您如何考虑使用建筑材料和形式来表达建筑?

Jing Liu


We love to explore softer materials and more ambiguous forms because modernity has led us to prefer rationality over other types of knowledge, and universality over pluralism and particularity. We believe that there is an important formal and aesthetic project to work with more complex geometry and materialities.

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AP / 你认为在今日,建筑师承担了什么角色?您喜欢建造宜人性强的房屋,还是通过建筑来表达自己的观点?

Jing Liu


I think the most important issue for architects to confront today is our relationship with the Earth and each other. Urban form and buildings play an important role in shaping such relationships. So the projects we are interested in are not just for us or our views, or just for the clients but for humanity as a whole which we are all a part of.

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AP /您的工作受到了COVID-19的影响吗?您如何看待未来的建筑和未来的城市?

Jing Liu


Well, I think we are all traveling less and consuming less now, which is a good thing as a reflection of the destructive force of late capitalism is overdue. I’m looking forward to how Covid could make us more thoughtful about how we build and how we occupy in the future. More light-touched buildings and slower cities.



采编 / 赵莹才

新媒体编辑 / Sai,Elric

视觉 / Sai,izzy

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