

CCL 研之成理 2021-12-21

上期名师介绍版块分享的是“量子点领域大牛—彭笑刚(合成篇上)”。本期将接着上期内容继续介绍彭老师工作。首先还是推荐一篇综述:“Band Gap and Composition Engineering on a Nanocrystal (BCEN) in Solution ”。文中将纳米溶液相合成体系与有机合成化学相对比,深入浅出的道出了纳米材料的奥秘。文中借用有机化学的概念,将量子点的BCEN分为两个部分:加成BCEN和取代BCEN。加成BCEN包括:核壳结构量子点的合成、量子点的掺杂。本期内容会着重介绍彭老师在这两方面的工作。

5. D - Dots

掺杂可以归属为量子点成分调控的一部分。成分调控的重要性不言而喻。但是,人们对纳米晶材料的可控掺杂的研究还远远不够。常温常压下,气体自动掺杂、混合;极性相近的液体稍加晃动即可相互掺杂混合;但是固体材料的掺杂则很难。纳米晶材料通常结晶性好,可控掺杂就更加困难。为了成功实现掺杂,2005年(Ref 1,图1)彭组引入了 " Decoupling Doping From Nucleation and/or Growth"方法。该方法的关键在于将掺杂与本征的成核与生长过程分开。要么是先形成掺杂元素的Cluster,然后再生长host量子点。这一方法称为Nucleation Doping;要么是先形成小host量子点,然后在表面形成掺杂,之后继续生长Host量子点,如图1所示(Growth doping)。随后在该方法的基础上不断改进以提高D-Dots的效率和稳定性。比如07年(Ref 2),他们发现在Mn-ZnSe体系中,初始MnSe的尺寸和MnSe-ZnSe界面扩散对最终D-Dots的性能影响显著。同样从绿色合成角度出发,彭组在10年成功取代高毒、易燃试剂。



  1.   An alternative of CdSe nanocrystal emitters: Pure and tunable impurity emissions in ZnSe nanocrystals. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127 (50),17586-17587.

  2. Efficient and color-tunable Mn-doped ZnSe nanocrystal emitters: Control of optical performance via greener synthetic chemistry. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129 (11), 3339-3347.

  3. Fluorescence lifetime of Mn-doped ZnSe quantum dots with size dependence. Appl.Phys. Lett. 2008, 92 (24).

  4. Shape Control of Doped Semiconductor Nanocrystals (d-Dots). Nano Res.  2008, 1 (2), 138-144.

  5. Enhanced Fluorescence Intermittency in Mn-Doped Single ZnSe Quantum Dots. J.Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112 (51), 20200-20205.

  6.  Temperature Dependence of "Elementary Processes" in Doping Semiconductor Nanocrystals. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131 (26), 9333-9339.

  7. Synthesisof Cu-Doped InP Nanocrystals (d-dots) with ZnSe Diffusion Barrier as Efficientand Color-Tunable NIR Emitters. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131 (30),10645-10651.

  8.  Synthesis of Highly Emissive Mn-Doped ZnSe Nanocrystals without Pyrophoric Reagents. Chem. Mater. 2010, 22 (6), 2107-2113.

  9. Doped Semiconductor-Nanocrystal Emitters with Optimal Photoluminescence Decay Dynamics in Microsecond to Millisecond Range: Synthesis and Applications, ACS Cent. Sci., 2016, 2 (1), 32–39

6. 核壳结构量子点的合成。

在量子点兴起之初,效率低且稳定性差。经过多年研究人们发现核壳结构是解决这两大缺陷的最好方法。合成理想核壳结构有两大要点:1. 防止包壳过程中自成核;2. 保证每一颗粒子均匀生长和包覆。从这两大要点出发,彭老师课题组发展出了一系列成体系的包覆方式。2003年提出SILAR方法(ref 2,图2),成功实现了CdSe包覆五层CdS。该方法的特点是壳层阴阳离子源交替加入以防止自成核。


07年,彭组在SILAR基础上又提出TC-SILAR方法。TC: Thermal Coupling,表示低温注射高温生长,如图3。


TC方法的引入在于对离子吸附和反应过程的控制,从而实现选择性合成核壳结构或者花生米结构。绿色高效一直是彭组文章的一大特色,在核壳结构的合成中也不例外。他们于10年提出单前驱体包覆方法:TC-SP。该方法合成出的CdS/ZnS量子点在性能上优于其他方式。从应用和稳定性出发,合成厚壳层的量子点一直是人们的目标。彭组通过优化方法,成功合成出厚壳层(>10 monolayer)CdSe/CdS量子点。对于厚度的调控,建议感兴趣的同学阅读博士论文《核壳量子点的激子态控制》。


  1. Luminescent CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals in dendron boxes: Superior chemical, photochemical and thermal stability. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125 (13),3901-3909.

  2.  Large-scale synthesis of nearly monodisperse CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals using air-stable reagents via successive ion layer adsorption and reaction. J. Am. Chem.Soc. 2003, 125 (41), 12567-12575.

  3. Photoluminescence from colloidal CdS-CdSe-CdS quantum wells. J.Opt. Soc. Am. B 2005, 22 (5), 1112-1116.

  4.  Exciton radiative recombination in spherical CdS/CdSe/CdS quantum-well nanostructures. Appl.Phys. Lett. 2005, 87 (4).

  5. Highly luminescent, stable, and water-soluble CdSe/CdS core - Shell dendron nanocrystals with carboxylate anchoring groups. Langmuir 2006, 22 (14),6341-6345.

  6. InAs/InP/ZnSe Core/Shell/Shell Quantum Dots as Near-Infrared Emitters: Bright, Narrow-Band, Non-Cadmium Containing, and Biocompatible. Nano Res. 2008, 1 (6), 457- 464.

  7. Bright and Stable Purple/Blue Emitting CdS/ZnS Core/Shell Nanocrystals Grown byThermal Cycling Using a Single-Source Precursor. Chem. Mater. 2010, 22 (4), 1437-1444.

  8. Crystal Structure Control of Zinc-Blende CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals: Synthesis and Structure-Dependent Optical Properties. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012,134 (48),19685-19693.

7. Q - LED

近两年来,量子点材料在显示方面的应用突飞猛进。QLED大有取代OLED之势。彭老师与金一政老师合作在QLED领域做出了重大突破。例如14年的Nature: Solution-processed, high-performance light-emitting diodes based on quantum dots. Nature 2014, 515 (7525), 96-99。后期我们将专门分享这方面知识。

8. 生物应用

彭组在生物应用方面主要分为三个部分:1. 高效率、高稳定性水相量子点的合成;2. 发射处于近红外区域量子点的合成;3. 非镉类、水溶性量子点的合成;以及这些量子点在肿瘤成像方面的应用。

  1. Efficient, stable, small, and water-soluble doped ZnSe nanocrystal emitters as non-cadmium biomedical labels. Nano Lett. 2007, 7 (2),312-317.

  2. Bright and water-soluble near IR-Emitting CdSe/CdTe/ZnSe Type-II/Type-I nanocrystals, tuning the efficiency and stability by growth. Chem. Mater. 2008, 20 (15), 4847-4853.

  3. Ultrasmall Near-Infrared Non-cadmium Quantum Dots for in vivo TumorImaging. Small 2010, 6 (2), 256-261.

  4. In Vivo Tumor-Targeted Fluorescence Imaging Using Near-Infrared Non-Cadmium Quantum Dots. Bioconjugate Chem. 2010, 21 (4),604-609.

9. 其他

除了半导体量子点材料的合成,彭组还涉及贵金属纳米颗粒、氧化物纳米颗粒的合成。在纳米晶成核与生长部分,彭老师就曾选择氧化锰纳米颗粒作为研究对象提出Self - Focusing理论。现列出参考文献如下:

  1. Conjugation chemistry and bioapplications of semiconductor box nanocrystals prepared via dendrimer bridging. Chem. Mater. 2003, 15 (16), 3125-3133.

  2. Single-phase and gram-scale routes toward nearly monodisperse Au and other noble metal nanocrystals. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125 (47), 14280-14281.

  3. Super-stable, high-quality Fe3O4 dendron-nanocrystalsdispersible in both organic and aqueous solutions. Adv. Mater. 2005, 17 (11),1429-+.

  4. Size control of gold nanocrystals in citrate reduction: The third role of citrate. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129 (45), 13939-13948.

  5. Formation of Monodisperse FePt Alloy Nanocrystals Using Air-Stable Precursors: Fatty Acids as Alloying Mediator and Reductant for Fe3+ Precursors. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131 (14),5350-5358.

  6.  Formation and Stability of Gold Nanoflowers by the Seeding Approach: The Effect of Intraparticle Ripening. J.Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113 (38), 16645-16651.

  7. Pt/Fe3O4 Core/Shell Triangular Nanoprisms by Heteroepitaxy: Facet Selectivity at the Pt–Fe3O4 Interface and the Fe3O4 Outer Surface. ACS Nano 2015.

  8. An efficient and surface-benign purification scheme for colloidal nanocrystals based on quantitative assessment. Nano Res. 2015, 8 (10),3353-3364.


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