
China VISA & Work Permit Service – Base in Shanghai

In this article, we will explain everything you need to know onhow to apply and to renew China VISA, such as Z VISA, M VISA, X VISA, R VISA, work permit. We will tell you all the documentation you need to prepare for the VISA & WORK PERMIT application and the process of how to get or to renew a VISA & WORK PERMIT so that you will have a better understanding of what to do when you need to renew your VISA & WORK PERMIT in Shanghai.

在这篇文章中,我们将解释一切你需要知道的关于如何申请和更新中国签证,如Z签证,M 签证,X签证,R签证,工作许可。我们会告诉你申请签证和工作许可所需要的所有文件,以及如何获得或续签签证和工作许可的过程,以便你更好地了解当你需要在上海续签签证和工作许可时应该做什么。

Following are the comprehensive details of the Visa & Work permit services offered by the SFBC:


◆Z Visa — Especially for Foreigner’s Work Permit (FWP) and Resident Permit Visa

◆Z 签证—特别适用于外国人的工作许可及居留许可签证

◆R Visa — Foreign high-end and much-needed talent

◆R Visa —外国高端及急需的人才

◆Business Visa (China M Visa) Extension Services


Work Permit & Residence Permit


Apart from the Visa services mentioned above, our professional team can help you with any type of queries and questions regarding general Visa and Immigration information for China. SFBC is headquartered in Shanghai. It provides the millions of people willing to come to China for their own various purposes an extensive and professional reach.

除了以上提到的签证服务,我们的专业团队可以帮助您解决任何类型的关于中国的一般签证和移民信息的查询和问题。SFBC 总部设在上海。它为数以百万计的愿意为了各种目的来到中国的人们提供了广泛而专业的服务。

Here is what a work permit looks like:


In order to accelerate the building of Shanghai into a technological innovation center with global influence, Shanghai is pioneering more open and more convenient policies for introducing foreign experts and creating a world-class business environment. On March 1, 2021, the New Online Foreigner’s Work Permit Policy (Version 4.0) was announced by the Shanghai Ministry of Science and Technology and the Shanghai Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.


It means that the Shanghai Government further relax the limits in terms of age, academic degree, or work experience for the Foreigner Talents.


The procedure of China VISA service中国签证服务的程序

Step 1: Analyze the China Visa information

第一步: 分析中国签证信息

At first, the client has to reach out to us on website, email address, or phone. So, we can have the current status of his/her Visa situation. Once we have that information, we will analyze it thoroughly and then will give them a verdict about how we can be of service.


Step 2: Analyze the situation for China Visa

第二步: 分析中国签证的情况

The next step concurs us to analyze the problem and possible reasons for the Visa rejection and make a solid plan or scheme for resubmission. We only take the case if there is some chance of the candidates’ Visa application getting approved, we never tend to waste our client’s precious time under any circumstances.


Step 3: Sign the Contract

第三步: 签合同

After we have analyzed the situation and client agreed on our terms of service, we then tend to sign a contract with our client. The agreement mainly includes;


◆Services we are providing


◆Payment agreed upon


◆Our terms of service


Step 4: Submit the Documents of China Visa

第四步: 提交中国签证文件

The client then submits his/her related documents for the concerned Visa through the SFBC (Base in Shanghai) checklist. Just to make sure that we get everything we need to process the Visa request.

然后客户通过 SFBC (总部在上海)核对表提交有关签证的相关文件。只是为了确保我们得到处理签证申请所需的一切。

Step 5: China Visa application 

第五步: 申请中国签证

Taken into account all the information provided by the client and the previous reasons for rejection (If any) SFBC tend to devise the most sophisticated and professional Visa application for further processing by the embassy.

考虑到客户提供的所有资料和以往拒绝的原因(如有的话) ,SFBC倾向于设计最复杂和专业的签证申请,供大使馆进一步处理。

Step 6: Send a copy of the China Visa application

第六步: 发送一份中国签证申请的复印件

After we have put up with the Visa application, we send a copy of the application to the client via email. So that our client could identify the mistakes (If any) and we can rectify them in time.

在我们接受了签证申请之后,我们通过电子邮件向客户发送一份申请副本。这样我们的客户就可以识别错误(如果有的话) ,我们就可以及时纠正它们。

Step 7: Rectification of the mistakes

第七步: 纠正错误

After every authentication and possible rectification of the mistakes, we hand over the application to the Chinese embassy for review. The plus point here is that you won’t have to wait in long queues because we take care of everything.


Step 8: Obtaining the passport

第八步: 取得护照

Then, Chinese embassy hands over the passport to SFBC. After obtaining the passport our client is informed about the present status. If by some chance the application does not get accepted, we revive the whole thing and resubmit the application. But this is highly unlikely because we have an acceptation rate of 99.1%.

然后,中国大使馆将护照交给 SFBC。在获得护照后,我们的客户被告知了目前的状况。如果有可能申请没有被接受,我们会重新整理并重新提交申请。但这是极不可能的,因为我们的接受率是99.1% 。

Step 9: Service payment

第九步: 服务付款

SFBC then charges the client with payment for its services, for your ease we can take our service fee in various possible methods. Whichever you see fit.

SFBC 然后向客户收取服务费,为了方便起见,我们可以通过各种可能的方式收取服务费。只要你认为合适。

Step 10: Delivers the passport with verified  China Visa

步骤10: 交付护照与核实的中国签证

After the payment has been verified, SFBC delivers the passport with verified Visa from the Chinese consulate back to the client. Easy and simple!

在付款确认后,SFBC 从中国领事馆将带有确认签证的护照交还给客户。简单易行!

China Common Visa Types


There are three basic types of the Visa covered by the SFBC in general, these include;

一般来说,SFBC 所涵盖的签证有三种基本类型,包括:

◆Z Visa

◆Z 签证

◆M Visa

◆M Visa

◆X Visa

◆X 签证

China Z Visa — Visa for Work


Z Visa or also known as the China work Visa or resident permit is the type of Visa made accessible to the people who come to China for one of these reasons;

Z 签证或者也称为中国工作签证或者居留许可,是那些因为以上原因来到中国的人们可以使用的签证类型;

◆For employment or for some official Post


◆For commercial performance/Other financial projects


◆Students or people for Academic exchanges


Continuing from the 1st April 2017, the Chinese consulate has broken down the Z Visa into them, and they are now officially stated as;


◆Class A (Talent/encourage)

◆A 类(人才/鼓励)

◆Class B (Specialty/Control)

◆B 级(专业/管制)

◆Class C (Normal/Restrict)

◆C 级(普通/限制)

Once you have become eligible for the FWP or (Foreigner’s work permit), you can also apply for the Z Visa. 

一旦你有资格申请FWP或(外国人的工作许可证) ,你也可以申请Z签证。

FWP is actually a deed of agreement between you and the Chinese consulate that you wish to take employment there in China and will stay under the obligation of the law under all circumstances.

FWP 实际上是您与中国领事馆之间的一份协议书,您希望在中国就业,并且在任何情况下都将遵守法律规定。

If you successfully get yourself eligible for the FWP and after a few years of the experience, you can finally apply for the full residential Visa for China, and there are good chances that you will be accommodated.

如果你成功地使自己符合 FWP 的资格,经过几年的工作经验,你就可以最终申请到中国的全面居住签证,并且有很好的机会你将被接纳。

Documentation for Z VISA

Z 签证文件

The documents which you would have to provide for FWP or residential Z Visa for China with your employer include;

你必须向你的雇主提供的在中国的 FWP 签证或居留Z签证的文件包括:

Documentation of  Z VISA For Employee


1.Original passport and considerable 30-day Valid Visa on it

1. 护照原件和相当可观的30天有效签证

2.Resume (In English or Chinese)

2. 简历(英文或中文)

3.Original academic transcripts, these may consist of your Bachelors or higher diploma


4.If you didn’t complete your bachelor’s in China, then an extra authenticated copy from the 


5.concerned country shall be attached.

5. 请附上有关国家的文件。

6.A reference letter is depicting that you have at least two years of experience in your current field or post you have been hired for.


7.In addition to all this, an original PPC (Police Clearance Certificate) would have to be attached

7.除此之外,你还需要附上一份原始的 PPC (警察许可证)

8.Original medical checkup transcripts

8. 体检记录原件

9.One digital photo with white background


10.The registration form for your temporary place of stay in China

10. 您在中国临时居留地的登记表

Documentation of Z VISA For Hiring Company


1.An updated copy of the current company’s license in compliance with all the legal obligations 


2.Approval of the company Certificate for the individual or Record Certification copy 


3.1 request form duly filled by the hired individual and attested by the hiring company


China M Visa—Visa for Business executives


This exclusive Visa type is meticulously divided into two distinctive categories.

这种独特的 Visa 类型被仔细地分为两个不同的类别。

Overall the M Visa or Business Visa is offered to the foreigners who intend to arrive in China for trading and other business-related activities. The overall time schedule assigned for the M Visa is less or above 90 days.

总体而言,M签证或商务签证提供给打算到中国进行贸易和其他商务活动的外国人。M Visa 的总体时间安排在90天以内或以上。

However, the two distinct categories help the Chinese consulate to develop a sound Visa processing depending upon the situation for the Visa request.


2 categories for the Visa request2类签证申请

Short-Term Working or Z Visa

短期工作或 z 签证

◆Foreigners who are referred by an authentic organization to arrive in China and complete scientific research, some technical job or another type of job


◆Foreigners are arriving in China for film shooting/fashion designing or other related activity


◆Those who intend to work in Chinese Firms and organizations


Business Visa as M Visa


◆Mechanical personnel arriving China for repair, install or other maintenance which require more than 90 days


◆Foreigners are assigned some short-term work (Above 90 days) after the arrival of China and apply for M Visa


◆Foreigners are arriving in China for sports events, as an athlete, team doctor or simply an assistant


Documentation for M VISA

M 签证文件

◆Passport with valid M Visa, issued from outside China


◆2 passport size photographs


◆Local Shanghai temporary residence form


◆Copy of the business firm hiring you in Shanghai


◆Joining letter having an original stamp to state that you are their employee


◆An assignment letter duly issued by the hiring organization to address SFBC to process the M Visa for you with an active agent

◆由雇佣机构正式签发的委派信,通知 SFBC 与代理人一起为您办理M签证

◆Call letter from the official Shanghai company hiring you for further processing of the M Visa in the Chinese Consulate


The FAQ for M VISAM VISA 的常见问题

Q: If I enter before the asked date and want to make multiple exits can I do that with this particular Visa?

问: 如果我在要求的日期之前进入,并且想要多次退出,我可以用这个特殊的签证吗?

A: Yes, you can have multiple entries and reentries sanctioned by the Chinese consulate on the Visa you are carrying. But only if you didn’t complete the 30-day period and left early. If you left after 30 days and want a reentry, you’ll have to renew your Visa.

A: 是的,你可以持有中国领事馆批准的多次入境和再入境签证。但前提是你没有完成30天的期限并提前离开。如果你在30天后离开并且想要重新入境,你必须更新你的签证。

Q: How Long can I stay?

问: 我可以待多久?

A: You can enjoy a consecutive stay of 30 days, and after that, you will have to renew your Visa.


X Visa or Student VisaX 签证或学生签证

Student Visa or X Visa is simply divided into two categories:

学生签证或 x 签证简单地分为两类:

1.If you need to stay in China for academic or higher education purpose for more than 6 months, then you will be given an X1 Visa 

1.如果你需要在中国学习或接受高等教育超过6个月,那么你将获得 X1 签证

2.If you already were enrolled in some academy in China and then moved out, or simply your course needs to be completed before 6 months, then you’ll have to request for an X2 Visa.

2.如果你已经在中国的一些学院注册,然后搬出去,或者你的课程需要在6个月内完成,那么你将不得不申请 X2签证。

This student Visa is also efficient for the people who don’t have any sponsor for the Z or M Visa, then they can simply have themselves enrolled in 6 months Chinese language or any other course. Then, they can efficiently get the student Visa X2.

这个学生签证对于那些没有Z或M 签证担保人的人来说也是有效的,那么他们只需要注册6个月的中文或其他课程就可以了。然后,他们可以有效地获得学生 X2签证。

But if you are persistent on needing longer periods to stay then you’ll have to be registered with some Chinese Institution.


Documentation For X1 or long-term study Visa


◆Passport with valid X1 Visa, usually offered by your home country to study in China

◆有效 x1签证的护照,通常由你的祖国提供来中国学习

◆Your temporary residence form in Shanghai


◆2 passport size photographs


◆Health Certificate


◆Application letter by the University


Original notification issued by the concerned university


Documentation For X2 or Short-Term Study Visa


◆Passport with a Valid X2 Visa issued by your home country

◆护照与有效的 x2签证,由您的母国签发

◆Local Shanghai residence form duly attested and filled


◆2 passport size photographs


◆Application letter from the school of study


◆Letter of admission or confirmation from the university


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About SFBC

About SFBC

chinasfbc.com (Shefeng business consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd) established since 2001, we are a legally licensed agency for Foreigner's Work Permit (FWP) registered in the Shanghai foreign expert bureau. Only the company who has following <Human resources service license> can legally provide the China work permit agent service.If you need any more information, scan the QR code below to enter wechat group to contact SFBC. We will be glad to assist you.


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