
Brian Nosek团队公开内隐和外显态度大数据

OSC OpenScience 2019-06-30

如题,最近Brian Nosek团队公开了约20万人的关于外显和内隐态度的数据,对这个数据有兴趣的可以看看他们的“Call for Registered Reports - AIID Study”. 链接: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zKqFrMzGsQga7XgBOwWGlmLI4aTfGo4T-xe-Hw-jP5A/edit (需要科学上网)



Registered Reports using a large, existing dataset of individual differences and measures of implicit and explicit attitudes and identity

Coordinating Team: Charlie Ebersole, Ian Hussey, Sean Hughes, Jordan Axt, Calvin Lai, and Brian Nosek

Our lab group is releasing a dataset for the purpose of creating Registered Report (RR) proposals (https://cos.io/rr/). The dataset, which comes from the Attitudes, Identities, and Individual Differences (AIID) Study, is very large (N ≃ 200,000 with complete data) with a diverse sample of participants who were randomly assigned to complete implicit (Implicit Association Test) and explicit (self-report) measures of attitudes or identity for one of 95 different topics. Participants also completed measures of attitude strength and identification, motivations to control positive and negative reactions, and cultural perceptions. In each session, participants were randomly assigned to complete all or a portion of one of 15 individual difference measures: Big Five personality indicators (two parts), Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (two parts), Belief in Just World, Bayesian Racism, Egalitarianism, Intuitions about controllability and awareness of thoughts (two parts), Need for Cognition, Need for Cognitive Closure (two parts), Protestant Work Ethic, Personal Need for Structure, Rosenberg Self-Esteem, Right-Wing Authoritarianism, Social Dominance Orientation, Self-monitoring, and Spheres of Control. Finally, all participants completed a diverse set of demographic measures (wording and/or references for all measures are listed in the Study Overview and are described more below).

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit Registered Reports proposing confirmatory investigations using this dataset. The following journals have confirmed interest in receiving RR proposals based on these data:

Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

British Journal of Social Psychology

Journal of Research in Personality

Collabra Psychology


Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology

Nature Human Behavior

European Journal of Personality

Psychological Science

International Review of Social Psychology

Royal Society Open Science

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

Social Psychology

Registered Report proposals will include a description of the research question and its importance, and the analysis plan. Authors will be given access to a small portion of the dataset for exploratory analyses (15% stratified subset), and to set-up and test analysis scripts. Proposals will be reviewed following the editorial standards of the journal. Accepted proposals will receive in-principle acceptance at which point the authors will pre-register their confirmatory analyses. After sharing the preregistration with the coordinating team, authors will then receive the larger hold-out dataset for conducting their confirmatory analyses.

The size and scope of the dataset make it suitable for investigating a variety of research questions, such as:

  • Relationships between implicit and explicit attitude and identity measures

  • Evaluations of IAT methodology

  • Individual difference investigations with a heterogeneous sample

  • Variation in attitude, identity, and individual differences

  • Repeated-measures and 'natural' experiments comparing means between measures or at different times

  • Motivations to control positive or negative evaluations across attitude domains

  • Perceptions of cultural attitudes across domains

  • Methodological evaluation of the effects of attrition on effect estimation

  • Handling missing data and limits of maximum likelihood estimation

This dataset was the basis of Study 7 in Nosek and Hansen (2008), but has never been made publicly accessible. Our team has prepared the dataset for public use prompting the current call for proposals. The full description of the research design is available at OSF and described in more detail below.

Interested authors should read the detailed instructions below before preparing their Registered Report proposal. Questions about using the dataset can be submitted to the coordinating team at cebersole@virginia.edu. Please include “AIID Study” in the subject line of all emails concerning this dataset.

