
【独家专访】 与指挥家Dr. Alan Mills谈指挥

勇敢的心 乐迷心窍 2022-05-02

▲指挥家艾伦 · 米尔斯博士


艾伦 · 米尔斯

Dr. Alan W. Mills 艾伦 · 米尔斯博士是科罗拉多州州立大学的音乐教授暨乐团的总监和指挥。







2019年3月10日 23:24

Hi Alan. How are you ? Long time no see.


艾伦 · 米尔斯

I am doing very well. Thank you


2019My Work


You posted these pictures about a fun concert at a local Colorado high school  on 7th March 2019. Could you tell us why it was a fun concert?


艾伦 · 米尔斯

I do a lot of work away from my university helping out school bands. I have worked with this band director several times over the past six years. He has been pleased with my work and subsequently asked me to guest conduct on his concert. The students were very happy and the performance went very well.



That was great ! Congratulations !  Could you tell us about your very first encounter with music?


艾伦 · 米尔斯

That is difficult to know. I grew up with a piano in my home, and I know that my mother would play for me now and then. I am certain that this had an influence on me very early in life. I was taking piano lessons by age 7. I also started playing the trumpet at age 10.



That was wonderful. Your mother gave you a good early music education and influence.


艾伦 · 米尔斯




When you started the piano lessons at the age of 7, were you already interested in piano?  When you were 10 , did you choose to learn trumpet yourself ?


艾伦 · 米尔斯

I was very interested in the piano. Even before I knew how to play it properly, I would sit and play it to explore various emotions. My parents simply asked me what instrument I would like to play in the band at school. I’m not completely sure why I selected trumpet. But it was a very rewarding choice for me.



Wow,you were a smart and unique child. When did you then choose to make music a career?


艾伦 · 米尔斯

After I graduated from high school, I knew that I wanted to study music in college. However, it was not until my second year as an undergraduate student that my passion for being a conductor emerged.



@Alan W. Mills 艾伦 · 米尔斯  I would like to know which college ?


艾伦 · 米尔斯

I went to the University of Minnesota for my undergraduate degree.



So, the music knowledge you learned in college and the activities you participated in determined the beginning of your career as a conductor, right?


艾伦 · 米尔斯

Well, I was also given an opportunity to conduct my high school band as a senior in high school. Plus, I directed our high school jazz band in high school too. Those two experiences were also very influential in my career choice.



Wonderful !  With this background and education, followed by several years of  experience conducting different orchestras, what do you think makes for an excellent conductor?


艾伦 · 米尔斯




That is to say, passion is the solid base for being a good conductor.  One of the most fascinating aspects of your work must surely be the challenge of coordinating the output of one hundred musicians. How do you work with them as a team?


艾伦 · 米尔斯

Of course a proper training in music is also fundamental to achieving success as a conductor. It is a lifelong pursuit of learning how to listen to the sound that is in front of you. Then, you either accept or reject the sound. But one of the greatest rewards is being able to influence that sound in real time, both during rehearsal and performance. It doesn’t make any difference as to the size of the ensemble.




Hi Alan, it's too late to continue our chat. We will pick up again in the very near future. Have a good night, Alan ! And thank you very much.






3/12/2019 21:29

Hi Alan. How are you? I wondered if you are free now so that we can pick up our chat again.


艾伦 · 米尔斯

Yes, I would be happy to continue.




“Of course a proper training in music is also fundamental to achieving success as a conductor. It is a lifelong pursuit of learning how to listen to the sound that is in front of you. Then, you either accept or reject the sound. But one of the greatest rewards is being able to influence that sound in real time, both during rehearsal and performance. It doesn’t make any difference as to the size of the ensemble.”You said.


So how exactly do you communicate your ideas about a work?


艾伦 · 米尔斯

I like to think of it as “informed intuition.” You must study the score and be familiar enough with it and the musical intent behind it to be able to bring the sound off of the page.



That means any conductor must  be very familiar with the music score, and understand the composer's creative background and intent, just as familiar with his own palms and fingers, right? So that the performance could be delivered  brilliantly and accurately .


艾伦 · 米尔斯

It is not uncommon to listen to an ensemble and notice something that isn’t quite right. It is clear that the correct notes and rhythms are being executed, yet there is something else wrong. Sometimes what is missing is a perspective of the musical intent.

For example, if a musician is not familiar with the proper tone on an instrument, it will be difficult to reproduce what is intended with the score. We can look back over the history of music and know that performance practices have changed over time. But if a conductor is not familiar with the specific performance practices of a given time, they will not likely understand the correct sounds that should be produced when conducting the ensemble.




01 Awayday

02 Spumante

03 West Side Story Dances


I see. The musicians must first have a good knowledge of the sound and performance of various instruments, so that he can understand what the correct sound is when he interprets the music score.

Could you tell us who the composer is for the audio I just posted above ?



艾伦 · 米尔斯

你分享的《Awayday》 是Adam Gorb作的曲。


Very good. Thank you. So how exactly do you see your role? Inspiring the players or singers? Conveying the vision of the composer?


艾伦 · 米尔斯

In my role as a conductor, I see myself in a lifelong journey to try create the most meaningful aesthetic experiences for people who are both a part of the music making process and also people who are simply listening to the music. Music has the ability to help fulfill the human condition that is a part of all of us. But I have also learned more recently that while I enjoy making music by myself, the music has much more meaning when it is created with other people and shared with other people.



That's great! You were born for music! We will accompany you on this journey.  Does the technical language of music – the conductor’s natural vocabulary – lend itself to encouraging or motivating people?


艾伦 · 米尔斯

Yes, I believe conducting includes the art of encouraging and motivating musical responses.



You’ve worked with various orchestras in China, could you tell us about your experience and thoughts?


艾伦 · 米尔斯

That is not an easy question to answer. My first visit to China was in 2004. Because I have subsequently made several visits there over the years and also lived in Chengdu for one year, I have worked with many different ensembles, including very young ensembles and also professional ensembles. So, I have had lot of different experiences.



We have some friends in this group who are from Chengdu. With your education in the classical Western tradition and background, how do you go about working with the Chinese musicians interpreting some of the Chinese works? What are some of the rewarding moments in that exchange?


艾伦 · 米尔斯

I cannot claim to be an expert on the intention behind Chinese music. But I know more now than I did fifteen years ago. But that is part of the enjoyment of our musical journey. We have opportunities to learn about different cultures through their music. I have also enjoyed getting to know Chinese composers. These are the people who teach me the most about the Chinese musical culture and traditions.



I’d like to wrap up our chat with one last question.

Do you think you have developed your own conducting style evolving from what you were taught in school? Are there any one of the maestros who influenced you the most?

我想请教您最后一个问题, 然后我们就结束访谈。


艾伦 · 米尔斯

I’d like to believe that my conducting is in a continuous state evolution. I have had many different conducting teachers in my training. In fact, whenever I attend a concert or rehearsal, I learn from whoever is conducting. There are no copyrights on conducting gestures, so I encourage my conducting students to steal anything possible from other conductors. There is no one single way to create music as a conductor. I believe there are many different ways to create terrific results.



I really appreciate your time in sharing with us the firsthand information and experience in conducting with us.  Hope we get to chat again in the near future. It's late now. Have a good night, Alan.  


艾伦 · 米尔斯




不客气!您中文讲的很好! 谢谢Alan! 我们都是您的忠实观众,一起为您加油,喝彩!

艾伦 · 米尔斯


附录:艾伦 · 米尔斯简历


(Scroll the text below to read the entire bio)



艾伦·米尔斯教授现任美国科罗拉多州立大学普埃布罗校区音乐教授。至2018年,艾伦·米尔斯教授 已经在该校工作了十年。其主要职责如下:担任该校吹奏乐团及行进乐团的指挥,担任指挥专业及其他相关课程的教师工作。










米尔斯教授曾多次在美国音乐教育联盟大会上作音乐专题讲座,并在美国管乐专业杂志发表学术文章,很多文章被选入美国《通过管乐表演艺术传授音乐教育》系列教科书选用。2013年,在位于格林斯堡的北卡罗莱纳大学举办的全美大学管乐指挥联盟大会上,又举行了专题讲座。米尔斯教授还是落基山脉执行项目的创办人,这个项目每年向管乐团推出新的作品。此外, 米尔斯教授还是科罗拉多州立大学普埃布罗音乐节的创办人,该音乐节现在是科罗拉多规模最大的高中音乐节。




Dr. Alan W. Mills is Director of Bands and Professor of Music at Colorado State University-Pueblo. 2018 marked his tenth year of service at CSU-Pueblo, where his duties include conducting the Wind Ensemble and University Band, directing the Marching Band, supervising student teachers, and teaching classroom and applied conducting. He has also served on the faculty of Texas A&M University-Commerce as Associate Director of Bands where he conducted the Symphonic band and University Band, Directed the Marching Band, plus taught courses in applied conducting, instrumental music pedagogy, music technology, and jazz history.

In addition to his regular outreach to the public school band programs of Colorado, he has appeared as a clinician and conductor across the United States, including a residency at the International Music Camp in North Dakota and Canada. He has appeared as a guest conductor with the United States Air Force Academy Concert Band and has conducted several world premier performances by composers such as Andrew Boysen Jr., Johan de Meij, Edward Knight, Anthony O'Toole, Adam Gorb, and Benjamin Yeo.

Dr. Mills has also worked in Asia for more than a dozen years. He has made several visits to Singapore, which have included residencies in 2014, 2015, and 2017 where he has served as an adjudicator, clinician, and conductor. While in residence in Singapore, he completed tours to Melaka and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as a guest conductor and clinician. In January 2017, he completed a residency in Taipei, Taiwan and in June 2017, he made several visits to Bangkok, Thailand where he appeared as a guest clinician for several school concerts bands and also with the notable Kasetsart University Band. His work in China includes an excess of 150 rehearsal clinics and conducting master classes in the schools of Chengdu, Changsha, and Shenzhen, but most often in Beijing. He has conducted concerts at the Grand Theater in Bau Tou, the Forbidden City Concert Hall in Beijing, and in 2017 he conducted a second concert with the Beijing Wind Orchestra at the Beijing Concert Hall. During the 2016-17 academic year, he served a residency in the Culture and Art Education Center of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu where he conducted the University Symphony Orchestra, taught applied conducting, and taught classes in Western and Jazz Music History. His past university residencies in China include Ningxia University in Yinchuan and Sichuan College Conservatory of Music in Chengdu.

Dr. Mills received the Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Minnesota-Morris in instrumental music education with applied performance majors in piano and trumpet, the Master of Music Education degree from The University of Colorado, the Master of Music degree in Wind Conducting from the University of Arizona, and the Doctor of Philosophy in Music Education with an emphasis in Wind Conducting from The Florida State University. He has presented research lectures at United States state music education association conferences, with additional scholarly writings found in the Journal of Band Research and in several editions the popular textbook series Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. He was also invited presented his dissertation on James Croft, Director of Bands, Emeritus, The Florida State University, at the College Band Directors National Association National Convention at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Mills is also the founder of the Rocky Mountain Commissioning Project, which has been producing new works for wind band annually, and the CSU-Pueblo Festival of Winds, now the largest high school honor band event in the state of Colorado.





