
百年党史悟初心 梦想红船再起航④ | 红船与红船精神

浙江外事 浙江外事 2021-11-24


100年前,中国共产党在浙江嘉兴南湖的红船上诞生。从那时起,中国共产党历经百年风雨,由一叶红船发展成为领航中国行稳致远的巍巍巨轮。可以说,“红色根脉”是党在浙江百年奋斗最鲜明的底色。作为中国革命红船起航地、改革开放先行地、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想重要萌发地,浙江在党史学习教育中有着特殊的地位与优势。把学习“红船精神”与学习党史充分结合起来,对我们守好“红色根脉”,扛起“五大历史使命”,学党史、悟思想、办实事、开新局具有重要意义。为此,我们特别开设了“百年党史悟初心 梦想红船再起航”系列专栏和大家一起重读红船故事,以党史学习教育赋能“重要窗口”建设,以学思践悟的新境界迎接建党100周年 。今天,我们推出第四期《红船与红船精神》


第四期 红船与红船精神

Red Boat and the Spirit of the Red Boat

Birth of the CPC Marks Emergence of the Spirit of the Red Boat


On July 23, 1921, the Communist Party of China opened its First National Congress in Shanghai. Following an intrusion by the French concession police, the deputies decided to move the congress to Jiaxing. This enabled the congress to be continued and concluded on a sightseeing boat on the Nanhu Lake. This boat therefore witnessed the birth of the CPC, giving rise to the idea of "the spirit of the Red Boat," which is the spirit of the Party's founders – a spirit of pioneering and resolve.


The Red Boat anchored in front of Huxin Island

2005年6月21日,时任浙江省委书记习近平在《光明日报》上发表了《弘扬“红船精神” 走在时代前列》的署名文章,深刻阐述了红船精神的内涵,指出红船精神就是走在时代前列的精神,具体表现为开天辟地、敢为人先的首创精神,坚定理想、百折不挠的奋斗精神和立党为公、忠诚为民的奉献精神。

On June 21, 2005, Xi Jinping's article "Fostering the Spirit of the Red Boat and Advancing at the Forefront of the Times" was printed in the Guangming Daily. The article profoundly described the meaning of the spirit of the Red Boat as advancing at the forefront of the times and expounded on it as "a pioneering spirit, a spirit with a firm ideal that remains indomitable in the face of adversity, and a spirit of dedication to serving the people whole-heartedly and running the Party for the public good." 


On October 31, 2017, one week after the conclusion of the 19th National Congress of the Party, General Secretary Xi Jinping took the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee on a special trip to Shanghai and Jiaxing to pay respect to the site of the First National Congress and the Red Boat on Nanhu Lake. At the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall, Xi Jinping meant every word when reiterating the Spirit of the Red Boat, pointing out that we must promote the Spirit of the Red Boat to address the needs of the times and let the Spirit shine forever.



The Spirit of the Red Boat: Source of the Revolutionary Spirit of the CPC

中国共产党在其百年征程中所走过的每个历史阶段,都形成了能代表时代的独特精神财富:从中共创建所体现出来的红船精神,到井冈山精神、长征精神、延安精神、西柏坡精神、大庆“铁人”精神、雷锋精神、焦裕禄精神、“两弹一星”精神、载人航天精神等。The difference between the CPC and other political parties from all over the world lies in how the CPC emphasizes the building up of the culture of the Party spirit. The great achievements made during the process of the founding of the CPC contributed to the formation of this great spirit. For each stage of the CPC's journey during the 100 years since its foundation, a unique piece of spiritual wealth particular to each stage has emerged. It began with the spirit of the Red Boat at the establishment of the CPC and continued on with the spirit of Jinggang Mountain, the spirit of the Long March, the spirit of Yan'an, the spirit of Xibaipo, the "ironman" spirit of Daqing, the spirit of Lei Feng, the spirit of Jiao Yulu, the spirit of the "Two Bombs and One Satellite" and the spirit of China’s Manned Space Program.



Chronologically, the spirit of the Red Boat was the starting point for an ensuing chain of similar revolutionary spirits. In terms of meaning, the spirit of the Red Boat was the basis of the later revolutionary spirits. These spirits not only maintained the core significance of the spirit of the Red Boat, but also had their own traits. As a result, the great traditions and revolutionary spirits in the history of the CPC are closely connected to the spirit of the Red Boat. These spirits can be traced to the same origin, and they are not restricted to a certain time or location, instead continually inspiring and driving the tenacious perseverance of the Chinese people.



The Spirit of the Red Boat: Source of the Progressive Nature of the CPC



The Red Boat has, since the very beginning, signified the demand of advanced productive forces in China, the way forward for the advanced Chinese culture, and the efforts to champion the fundamental interests of the Chinese people. In the 100 years since the birth of the CPC, the spirit of the Red Boat has continually impelled and encouraged Party members to stand at the height of history, advance at the vanguard of the times, and lead the people to success in the revolution, in building up the country and in the reform. Whether faced with the arduous trials of the revolution, the painstaking exploration of building up the country, or the brilliant innovation of the reform and opening up policies, the primary reason that the CPC has been able to unite and lead all Chinese ethnicities to victory regardless of the challenges is its persistence in holding to progressive principles and staying at the forefront of the times as called for by Marxism.


The spirit of the Red Boat, as a powerful theoretical weapon, inspires us to emancipate our thinking, be practical and realistic, keep up with the times, and press ahead with the great undertaking of Party building in an innovative and reform-driven manner. This spirit is a pillar that encourages members of the CPC to firmly hold to the ideals of communism and maintain the course of socialism with Chinese characteristics without fearing hardship or difficulty. This same spirit also serves as the powerful moral force that propels Party members to keep in mind the very mission of the Party to advance the public interest, to govern for the welfare of the people and to serve the people whole-heartedly.



供稿:翻译室 省外事发展促进中心


百年党史悟初心 梦想红船再起航③ | 红船与中共一大诞生的故事

百年党史悟初心 梦想红船再起航②| 红船与南湖 Red Boat and Nanhu Lake

百年党史悟初心 梦想红船再起航①| 红船与浙江:Red Boat and Zhejiang


Bilingual | 中国共产党的故事:浙江非遗展讲述浙江故事

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