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贤某回忆录 The Memoirs of XianM (3)

心导 梅林客MerlinCare 2021-09-24


Unscheduled release of Buddhist female documentary novels,Contributions are welcome!






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The author before becoming a monk 

(the third girl in white from left to right)



TheCause and Conditions of the Big Event in 2018








Under the influence of my family, I have touched Buddhism since I was a child. My family is a big multi-faith family. There are Christians, Taoists, Buddhists, and Communists. Each is very pious and firm in his/her own belief, and others can't change it. But because we are relatives, we can respect and tolerate each other, and there is no conflict among us due to different religious beliefs.




One of my relatives was a senior Daoist master, and his Daoist achievement was very advanced. He predicted his death time one month in advance and died in a healthy and auspicious manner. He told his relatives one month in advance that he was going to die one month later, and asked them to help prepare for the funeral. His relatives ignored him and didn't take it seriously. Because he looked very healthy without any problem at all. Everyone just thought that he was telling jokes and just talking about it for fun, so they didn't take it seriously. By the day he predicted as his death day, no one was ready to go, because they had forgotten his jokes a long time ago and didn't take it to heart. The Daoist master had to buy the funeral items by himself, then took a bath, shaved his head, changed his clothes, and burned incense, and then died at ease without any sickness or painfulness. Then, everyone realized that he was a great master who had already achieved Daoist enlightenment, and he was not kidding at all.




When I was a child, I lived at my grandmother's house and often went to temples with my grandmother. Every time my grandmother went to the temple, she would ask me if I would go. I liked to stay with my grandmother, so I followed along every time. My grandma's family was a great protector and supporter of the local temple. In my childhood, the master of the temple often performed Buddhist rituals for my grandma’s big family. In the process of doing Buddhist rituals, all of us, men and women, old and young, all needed to go to the temple and bow down in the Buddha hall. At that time, I was very young, and I didn’t understand what was going on. I just listened to the instructions of the adults, when to kneel down, when to get up, when to sit, and when to eat. Later, after I grow up, I can understand, that’s  the various rituals commonly used in Buddhism for praying for blessings, eliminating disasters, and transcending salvation.




The small temple is not very big. Usually, there was only one Buddhist nun guarding the temple. At that time, Buddhism had only just begun to revive, and it seriously lacked of Buddhist professionals. It’s already very good to be able to build a small temple and have a monk/nun guarding it. But during Buddhist festivals or when it needed to perform Buddhist events, the small temple would invite some great masters from other monasteries to do Buddhist services. People who were near and far would like to rush to the temple. They liked to go to the small temple for food offering, cooking together, group chat, worshipping the Buddha, copying Buddhist scriptures, and then eating together. Just like a big family, they were very friendly to each other. My parents also liked this atmosphere very much, and from time to time they tried to spare time to go to the small temple for fasting and supporting the small temple. The small temple is a bit far away from my home, so they can't go to it often. Once, my dad even made a whimsical suggestion that he wanted to do food offering in a government-run nursing home near my home, just like going to the small templefor offering, he paid for some vegetables and went to the nursing home to make food for the elderly.




Up to now, my parents have been very faithful and strictly implement their animal-release plan every year. For birthdays, they don’t hold a birthday banquet at the hotel, but go to the temple to pray for blessings. They worship Buddha and do regular practice every day, maintain vegetarian food for all year round. They don’t eat meat even during Chinese traditional festivals, like the Chinese New Year. Sometimes, some relatives jokingly said to my parents: It's boring to go to your house during the New Year’s festival, because you don’t let us eat meat.




At that time, because I often went to temples, I was very curious about Buddha statues, and I couldn't figure out: These Buddha statues are obviously made of mud and stones, but why do they have such a charm that everyone has to bow down and worship them? Driven by curiosity, I took a closer look around a few Buddha statues and looked up and down, trying to figure out the problem. When I was thinking about and looking Buddha statues, my grandma and the master who presided over the temple were doing hexagrams for me in front of the Buddha statues. It turned out to be a bad hexagram. They looked at me and found that I was looking the Buddha statue mischievously, and they said it was because I was disrespectful to the Buddha statue. Then without anappointment, they just quickly and very religiously confessed to the Buddhastatue, saying that I was still a child and ignorant, so please the Buddha and Bodhisattva not to blame me. After the confession was over, they gave me a new hexagram, and the result showed that it was a good hexagram, and then they felt very happy.




When I was in high school, my mother went to the temple to live with the nun master for a period. My mother said that it was really nice to live in the temple at that time. She chanted with the nun master every day, watched Buddhist videos, listened to some Buddhist masters’ video lectures, and cleaned the temple relaxedly. She felt very peaceful and happy. She wanted to become a nun at that time. Later, when I went home for holiday, she had to leave the temple and return home to take care of her family. My parents thought that I was very smart and had very good academic performance since I was young, so they basically didn't require me to do housework. Sometimes, when I studied very attentively, my mother dared not disturb me. She made the meal quietly by herself, and after she put the meal on the table, she knocked on my door gently and said: Hey, it's time to eat.




I have liked classical literature since I was a child. In middle school, I worked as a literary editor, correspondent and reporter in the school literature club and school newspaper. It’s a joy to write lyrics, write poems, and write newsletters. I regularly published my poems and small essays in literary journals and school newspapers. At that time, I actually wrote a lot of poems and essays, many of which were not preserved and were lost by me. When some girl in other classes read my writings in literature journals and school newspapers, she thought I was very heroic, talented, thoughtful, responsible, and a very ideal boyfriend, so she tried to ask some others to introduce me to be her boyfriend. However, later, when he found out that I was actually a girl, she had to give up her idea.




I started to read some books related to Buddhism when I was in middle school. Especially some thoughts of Mr. Wang Yangming. I like his thoughts very much. Our textbooks in school all clearly advocate materialism and criticize and belittle idealism. As a good student, I have always been very honest in absorbing and accepting knowledge in accordance with the teachings and guidance in the text books. However, with regard to the dichotomy between materialism and idealism, I inexplicably had a proposition of my own at the time, and I did not agree with the statement in the book. I feel in my heart that since the two factions of idealism and materialism coexist for a long time, idealism must have its merits. If you blindly promote materialism and depreciate idealism, it is bound to be unobjective. In addition, as soon as I read Mr. Wang Yangming’s thoughts on the mind, I particularly understood and delighted. At that time, many people could not understand his thoughts. They all criticized Mr. Wang Yangming’s nonsense from the perspective of materialism, but my heart was justified. I understand his thoughts very well. Therefore, I am not so blindly following materialist thinking, and I am notcritical of idealist thinking. Based on my current knowledge, I understand that the separation of materialism and idealism is inherently very limited. However, when I was in middle school, I was not passively studying, but was able to learn my own independent thinking, I think this is also very rare.




When I was in the second grade of junior high school, I read the poems of the reclusive poet Mr. Lin Bu. I knew that he"takes plum as his wife and crane as his son" and never married forever. I was very shocked. I think this is really great, so at that time, Imade up my mind to insist on celibacy like him, "with plum as my wife andcrane as my son", and never marry for life.




When I went home from the junior high school holiday, a classmate asked me what I would like to do in the future. I didn't understand her question. She explained that some people want to be teachers while some want to be scientists. What do you want to do in the future? I said, I hope that in the future I can be a thoughtful person like Confucius.




Probably because of my inner peace, since I was young, my dreams have been always very real, and they are incredibly effective. For example, one day I lost my meal card and I couldn't find it, so I wanted to apply for a newcard the next day. But that night, I dreamed that the meal card was under my mattress. When I got up to make the bed the next day, I flipped over the mattress, and the meal card was really under the mattress. Another example, one day I dreamed that a good friend who was studying in a distant place get in love. When I asked him the next day, it turned out that he had just had a girlfriend. One more example, one day I dreamed that a good friend had a cold, and I contacted her the next day to ask her, she told me that she really had a cold. There are many and many such efficacious dreams.




I started reading the four classics in classical Chinese when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school. When I arrived in the first grade of high school, the Chinese class required us to learn some fragments of the four classics, so under the guidance of the Chinese teacher, I read the classics version of the four classics again.




Reading "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" again, the sentence "The green hills erect still there, but the sunset comes andgoes again and again" in the foreword made me cry. At that time, I realized that the green mountain will not fall in a long time, but the people at the foot of the green mountain have been experienced the springs and autumns. Just like what Zhuangzi said, it’s soon to birth and death. However, people don't recognize this issue of birth and death. They waste a lot of time everyday on some meaningless things as games, entertainment, intrigue, and fighting with each other, arguing over trivial matters, and even fighting. It seems to be caught in a vortex of a vicious circle, entangled in it, unable to get out, without realizing how limited human life is, how short and fleeting the human body is!




When I was studying "Dream of Red Mansions" in the first grade of high school, I wrote this passage with deep feeling:









"Wiping my heroic tears, I left my home. Thank you for mercy, I became a monk under the lotus platform. There is no other choice, and I left the secular world in a blink of an eye. I came to this secular world with a naked body, and I have nothing to worry about when I leave. Where can I ask for a rain coat and rain hat to travel alone?  Wearing tattered straw shoes and taking a ragged bow, I just go with the flow!


When I read "Dream of Red Mansions" again, I found these few sentences, and my mood couldn't be calm for a long time. I really want to be a free person who "comes and goes without concern". I am willing to wear a suit and meditate on the Buddhist scriptures. I advocate peace of mind, so quiet that there is nothing in my heart. I yearn for a pair of straw shoes, walking through the mist and rain, wandering hurriedly in the world, but Idon't look at the vulgarity and worldly matters.


I would like to stand on the rocks of the green mountain and sing this desolate and solemn heartfelt voice; when the hunting wind blows my thin clothes, I hear the call from the ancients. That is the loneliness and sublime that have traveled through thousands of years, transcending the impetuousness and turbidity of my heart, and purifying my soul.


I believe in the life of reading endless scriptures with a dark lamp. I can get rid of the impetuousness of the tree when the wind keeps going. Under the dim oil lamp, I read Buddhist scriptures hard. My heart is as broad as the boundless sea and the boundless sky. The tranquility of my heart is better than the chaotic world before the birth of mankind, than the quiet room of the ancient tomb. Without any interference, in the realm of solipsism, what aprecious beauty this is!


I think God is fair to everyone. Life is limited, but the soul is boundless. I have nothing to ask for, but persistently pursue the infinite happiness that a sweet and fulfilling life brought to me in a down-to-earth struggle. As long as my life is still possible, no matter how great the pressure is, I will not give up lightly. Because only hard work can leave a full mark on the road of life; only the fullness of the soul can store the beauty of the whole life, which can be traced back to the ancient prehistoric times, and passed down to the end of the society like a surging river, the soul will coexist with time.




When I was in high school, the teachers liked interacting with me in class because of my good grades. Once in a politics class, it happened to talk about the content of religious belief. The political teacher asked me what I believed in. I did not hesitate in front of the teacher and the whole class, and confidently and publicly stated: I believe in Buddhism. The politics teacher stopped his smile immediately but said seriously: If you believe in Buddhism, you can't join the Communist party.




Therefore, I never joined the Communist party.




When I was in high school, because I often studied alone in the classroom, it was very quiet around me, I felt very peaceful in my heart, I could hear my breathing, and could perceive very subtle changes in my surroundings. One day, while I was studying attentively, I inadvertently looked up and saw a leaf falling down from a big tree outside the classroom. I immediately felt that things are impermanent: even a very good leaf, no matter how beautiful and lovely it is, how energic when it sway at the high branch of the big tree, would be gone with the wind in a second. The scene of that leaf falling down was avery slow motion in my mind at that time. The process was infinitely refined and hit my heart. It is unforgettable and indelible to this day. At that time, I cried for a long time for the falling leaf, and I thus got the idea to renunciate secular world in my heart.




Before the college entrance examination, a professor in charge of admissions at Tsinghua University came to various key high schools in our province to find good-quality students. Under the personal arrangement and accompaniment of the principal, I also met with the professor and communicated with him. Knowing that I was a liberal arts student, the professor encouraged me to apply for Tsinghua. As he said, he had taken down my personal information, and Tsinghua also has some liberal arts majors, as long as I could pass the entry line, Tsinghua would give me priority.




However, in the early morning of the day of the college entrance examination, I suddenly felt physically uncomfortable. After a long period of tossing, it affected my performance in the exam and I performed abnormally in the college entrance examination. Although I continued to sit firmly in the school's liberal arts first place, but did not meet the standards of Tsinghua University. When I had to choose a university, I was entangled and hesitatedfor a long time between the "Renmin University" and the "CUPL". After changed and changed again, I finally filled in the "CUPL".




Later I learned that Tsinghua Law School had just been established at that time. The professors were all transferred from Law School of CUPL. But some of the teachers who went to Tsinghua Law School from Law School of CUPL toteach at Tsinghua Law School later took the initiative to apply for transfer back to Law School of CUPL, because they felt that it is a pure science and engineering university, not suitable for humanities and social sciences, and did not have that kind of humanistic research atmosphere. This is also the cause and conditions of the time. There is no gain or loss, no good or bad. However, later on, I often went to Tsinghua to eat and drink. Because some student of my high school teacher (one year before me) was studying in Tsinghua.




Although it was my own choice, after the college entrance examination admission list was posted, I looked at the two big words "Law Studies" of the "Admission Major" behind my name on the list, I actually thought to myself: Will this law studies be the Buddhist Dharma?




At the age of 19, I was a freshman in the university. When I visited the Guanghua Temple and Guozijian Confucian Temple in Beijing with the traditional cultural society of the university, I decided to leave home for full-time Buddhist practice. At the Guanghua Temple in Beijing, we were warmly received by a group of monk masters and the abbot master Yixue. When we entered the door, there was a group of monks waiting and welcoming us. I deliberately walked close to them. Just like I used to look at the Buddha statues curiously, I also looked at them curiously. I thought these monks were very good-looking, very clean and delicate.




The monk masters patiently taught us to worship the Buddha, showed us around the temple, and helped us have lunch at Guanghua Temple's dining hall. The abbot personally came to give us a lecture, telling us about him and his mother’s personal long-term experience of being avegetarian, and telling us the benefits of being a vegetarian. Very advanced projector equipment were used for the lecture. I felt very curious at the time. Because the small temple in my hometown is not so advanced like here. The monks in the temple actually had computers and mobile phones, which made me feel so fresh. Before leaving, the abbot gave each of us a gift bag containing Buddhist scriptures and CDs, and he personally delivered us to the gate. He also pointed to a sign next to him and said that Renmin University of China established a Buddhist research institute here.




Leaving from Guanghua Temple, we went directly to the Guozijian Confucian Temple. When everyone else was still looking at the forest of steles inside, I walked out alone and stood in the courtyard of the Confucian Temple, feeling that the whole world was in deep quietness. Because it was close to dusk, the tourists had already left, and the courtyard was deadly silent. At this time, I heard a conviction rise in my heart: I want to become a monk.




In the state of deadly silence, it came from the depths of my heart, and it seemed to come from a distant place. This belief is clear, definite, natural, and joyful. I took out my phone and sent messages to many friends and classmates (including high school classmates and university  roommates), telling them that I was going to be a monk. Everyone was trying to persuade me to give up this idea, and all contained three words: Don't scare me. One of my highschool male students said: Even if you don't consider for others, you need to consider for yourself, don't make others suffer for yourself.




Why did I want to be a monk at that time? It seems that there is no reason. At that moment, I naturally felt that I was going to be a monk. Maybe it's the karma or willingness of the past life.




I like reading since I was a child. I went back to my home from my grandma’s home when I was in elementary school. Everytime I went to the street with my parents and my parents asked me what I want to buy, I always said that I wanted to buy books at the Xinhua Bookstore. My mother was very happy and always helped me to buy the books I wanted as much aspossible. My mother said that because I loved to study and had good academic performance, she felt especially happy when she went out to work, and she always felt happy in her heart. Sometimes other neighbors and friends chatted with her and said to her: how your child studied so well, Isn't she reborn from a study star? My mother replied happily without concealment: Yes, I observe her learning, and I also think that learning talents may indeed be born with. My middle school teacher also said the same thing. My teacher ever said sincerely to me: because your academic performance is excellent, as your teacher, I am very happy, and I am willing to do everything for you.




I have studied numerology before, and I also like to give fortune-telling for others. Sometimes my accurate calculations and predictions surprised others very much. However, after reading the "Four Lessons of Liao Fan", I stopped fortune-telling and concentrated on Buddhist practice. But from a numerological point of view, I am indeed born with a study star.




Ever since I was young, the only thing I really enjoyed the happiest thing was to read a book quietly by myself. I love Chinese traditional culture and are deeply influenced. I am very traditional and conservative in my thinking. I follow the middle way. I always feel that I must introspect, look inward, and cultivate my own heart in everything. I also firmly believes that filial piety comes first, and that being a monk is a major event in life, so this big thing must be approved by parents. Before I became a monk, I brought my parents to Beijing to live with me. It took me about half a year to negotiate with my parents, and I become a monk after a good communication with my parents. My grandmother and my uncles and aunts who believe in Buddhism also expressed their understanding and support for my choice. My grandmother even took the initiative to give me some  money. She said that if I become a monk, I will have no money, so Grandma should give me some money.




At that time, I was working in a state-owned enterprise. I also reported to my work leaders in advance about the important matter of being a monk, and obtained the consent and support of my leaders and colleagues. Before I became a monk, I had taken the three refuges and five precepts under the supervision of Master Ranjiao of Beijing Yousheng teachingTemple (a former the master of Beijing Guanghua Temple). I obtained the precept body of the five precepts and the refuge body. After that, I have been always strictly abiding. So, my colleagues had treated me as a monk for a long time. Sometimes when we went to dinner together, my colleagues and leaders would take the initiative to help me avoid the wine. When it’s really impossible to avoid, my leader even drank it for me. Moreover, my colleagues always took the initiative to remember to order me a special vegetable dish, and sometimes they kindly pointed to me, saying that: “this is a monk”. Therefore, when I finally told them that I decided to become a monk, they were not surprised at all. Instead, they said: just as we expected. They said that they knew I was a monk a long time ago, and they thought of me as a monk a long time ago. My leaders and colleagues organized two dinners for me as seeing me off. Because I became a monk, maybe because of their kind hope that I could live well in the temple in the future, to pray for me and accumulate merits, my parents and leaders and colleagues all went to LQ temple to make financial offerings, and worked as volunteers.




Later, whenever someone asked me when I started to study Buddhism, I always felt that this question was really unanswerable. How do you say this, I feel that I have been studying Buddhism for many lives. Later, my family told me that since I was a child, I always said that I was a man in a previous life and had become a monk.


XianM's Memoirs: 

The Cause and Destiny of the Great Event in 2018


This concludes the first chapter of this book. 

Thank you for reading.



The next chapter will be updated according to the situation.



It is recommended to read the complete book patiently before making judgments.




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Recommended Readings

1. 贤某回忆录 The Memoirs of XianM (1)

2. 贤某回忆录 The Memoirs of XianM (2)

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Editor / Sheendhao

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