活动精彩回顾 | 2022 ULI中国大陆夏季会议-上海主会议日
English follows Chinese (后附英文版)
6月15日,一年一度的ULI中国大陆夏季会议——上海主会议圆满落下帷幕。在新一轮疫情防控的背景下,本年度夏季会议采用线上直播的方式举行。凯龙瑞集团创始人及董事长、ULI 亚太区副主席、ULI 中国大陆主席郑喜明先生致开幕辞,向各位来宾介绍了本届夏季会议的议程,并指出相关议题与ULI当前在碳中和、可负担住宅与教育等方面的聚焦相一致。
美银证券房地产证券业务董事总经理及全球负责人Sarah Cooper发表了 “全球经济概览” 的主旨演讲,讨论了当今主要颠覆性科技对全球经济以及房地产行业的影响。
新加坡国家发展部宜居城市中心资深研究员,ULI 亚太区主席邱鼎财做了题为 “宜居、可持续及韧性亚洲城市” 的主旨演讲。邱主席回顾了新加坡从一个土地狭小、国力落后的国家,如果通过健全的城市规划,建设成一个宜居、韧性、多中心和包容的城市。他指出,宜居性和韧性是所有城市的长期目标,通过系统性的规划建设方法,高密度的亚洲城市,包括新加坡、香港、东京和首尔,实现了宜居、可持续和韧性发展的目标。
陈志超提到了行业面临的三大挑战:1.政府对房地产的调控,包括三条红线等,给民营开发商带来了在流动性方面的挑战,这一点从6月初上海土拍市场便可见一斑:大部分土地都是由国企开发商摘得;2. 后疫情时代对商办类资产管理提出了更高的要求;3. 全球通胀压力传导到开发成本。同时,他提出了三点机遇,包括:1. 市场涌现出更多优质的不良资产;2. 疫情下政府支持政策,如审批流程缩短等;3. 后疫情背景下,资产管理将出现聚集效应。
每位嘉宾简单介绍了各自目前正在专注做的一些项目,并对商业物业的创新用途发表了各自看法。宋科瑛认为地产与医疗最好的结合是提供顶级的医疗实体,整合国内外先进的医疗观念,为客户提供多元化的服务。黄天龙提出,开发商应该在项目前期考虑到业态组合的灵活度,包括空间组合、机电结构等,以适应商家与客户群体的不断变化。郑建雄认为,新冠疫情改变了许多公司和员工对工作的概念,因此,需要提供灵活性的租赁选择。梁炜骅谈到了 “数字化运营”,通过现实与虚拟的技术相结合,助力于购物中心提供差异化的服务,包括营销信息推送、寻车助手、艺术展览等。李琳认为,公共空间和开放空间可以提升商业价值。由于人们更愿意为体验买单,新的商业空间越来越多融入体验性的业态。
ULI 亚太区卓越奖决赛项目展示
Cistri总监、ULI 亚太区卓越奖评审团主席Peter Holland向与会嘉宾介绍了本年度ULI亚太区卓越奖决赛入围项目。其中来自中国大陆的9个入围项目包括:上海昌平363安垦里弄;成都交子金融大街;成都金牛大道新金牛公园;上海博华广场;上海瑞虹新城;北京三元NEO·Plaza;北京首钢园——六工汇及冬奥训练中心等;北京THE NEW西单更新场,以及武汉三阳设计之都。夏季会议后,13个项目斩获ULI亚太区卓越奖,其中4个项目来自中国,分别是上海昌平363安垦里弄、上海博华广场、上海瑞虹新城,以及北京首钢园——六工汇及冬奥训练中心等。
研讨嘉宾包括:CallisonRTKL董事及上海办公室总经理魏文梅,恒隆地产总经理-可持续发展John Haffner,罗昂设计创始合伙人及创意总监Frank Krüger,ULI 中国大陆北京执行董事萧东以及Akila 业务拓展总监徐海运。凯龙瑞集团副总裁及设计及项目管理负责人王雯担任了本环节主持嘉宾。
魏文梅首先介绍了CallisonRTKL今年发布的净零报告的主要内容,包括碳中和、净零能源、净零碳、净零水、净零废弃物、隐含碳以及案例分析。John Haffner介绍了恒隆地产在可持续发展方面设置的短中长期各种不同目标,并阐述了集团是如何一步一个脚印达成节能减排的目标。Frank Krüger从设计和技术方面,结合多个项目案例,说明通过设计与改造策略,对楼宇运行数据的监测,在提升楼宇的舒适性的同时,可以减少能耗与碳排放。萧东介绍了ULI在北京CBD改造提升以及碳中和解决方案研究的一些主要工作。徐海云介绍了Akila楼宇数字化管理平台,通过将建筑及设备数字化,并结合建筑产生的运营信息,帮助业主降低碳排放,管理ESG需求。
国寿资本董事总经理刘梦洁在线采访了博枫资产管理亚洲房地产业务负责人及董事总经理Stuart Mercier。Stuart新当选成为ULI中国大陆主席,其任期从2022年7月起,为期两年。在投资项目类型选择方面,Stuart认为首先需要考量团队的项目运营能力,另一个关键因素是经济背景,包括是否存在长期的需求基础。关于房地产行业近期关键风险因素的提问,Stuart指出,通胀以及应对通胀的货币紧缩政策是未来12-18个月的关键风险因素之一。关于疫情防控带来的挑战,Stuart提到,从3月起,摆在博枫面前最重要的事情是照顾好团队,包括向员工提供生活必需品。Stuart认为所有人都必须自信,因为一切都会好起来,办公场所和商场已经恢复正常。
研讨嘉宾包括:宁波诺丁汉大学建筑和建筑环境系主任Ali Cheshmehzangi教授,AECOM副总裁及亚太区 ESG 服务负责人黄思达,Sasaki上海办公室总监张斗,以及香港城市设计学会副会长,香港大学建筑学院客座教授,Barry Wilson 项目倡议创始董事Barry D. Wilson。ULI亚太区ESG及低碳化总监张婧担任了本环节主持嘉宾。
Cheshmehzangi教授介绍了他的最新著作《需要帮助的城市:破坏性疾病爆发事件中的城市韧力和城市管理》, 认为关键因素之一是3R原则,即反思(Reflections),响应(Responses)以及准备(Readiness)。黄思达分享了他在沿海城市适应战略方面的经验,包括急性和慢性风险,以及此类项目是如何融资的,包括公共私人合作伙伴关系、绿色融资、风险投资、证券化、基建即服务(IaaS)甚至众筹与代币等。张斗结合公司近期两个项目案例,从景观设计角度分享了她对城市韧性的观点,涉及了环境韧性、社会韧性和经济韧性等方面。Barry分享了他的新书《经得起未来考验的城市:实现城市韧性的10条捷径》,他认为 “改变思维”、“改变流程” 以及 “改变愿景” 是应对气候问题的关键。
郑秉泽提到,在崇邦的商业项目中,目前老商业,包括零售、餐饮、娱乐、教育和康体的体量占70%,而新商业,包括旅游、文化、科技、生态与环境占30%,他认为在未来,新商业占比将上升至70%。另外,中央和上海的政策都在鼓励新商业的发展。他还提出了未来商业项目的四大关键因素:EESG(经济、环境、社会和治理)、“数字生活化,生活数字化”、“实体与虚拟互动”,以及 “经典的延续”。
汉国置业执行董事王承伟访谈了凯龙瑞集团创始人及董事长、ULI 亚太区副主席、ULI 中国大陆主席郑喜明。郑喜明回顾了与ULI的结缘、过去三年担任ULI中国大陆主席期间的经历,并介绍了ULI的文化,理念和新的三大倡议,即净零、可负担住宅以及教育。
曹文伟, 黑石集团
贺喜霞, Hines
Stuart Mercier, 博枫资产管理
Todd Pilgreen, Gensler
知识伙伴 Knowledge Partner
联系方式:021-3353 8532 / chinamainland@uli.org。
On June 15, the main conference of the annual ULI China Mainland Summer Meeting – Shanghai was successfully held. Under the backdrop of COVID-19 prevention and control, the Meeting was held online via live broadcasting. Hei Ming Cheng, Founder and Chairman of KaiLong Group, who also serves as ULI Asia Pacific Vice Chair and ULI China Mainland Chair, delivered opening remarks, briefing on the meeting agenda and emphasizing ULI’s focus on carbon neutrality, affordable housing and education.
Keynote Speeches
Sarah Cooper, Managing Director and Global Head for Real Estate Equity Sales at BofA Securities, delivered her speech on the State of the World, that touched on recent major disruptions to the world’s economy and their impact on the real estate sector.
In his keynote speech on “Livable, Sustainable and Resilient Asian Cities”, Khoo Teng Chye, Fellow at Centre for Livable Cities and ULI Asia Pacific Chair, revisited how Singapore transformed from a poor country with a limited territory to a livable, resilient, polycentric and inclusive city through sound and considerate urban planning. Chairman Khoo further pointed out that livability and resilience are critical long-term goals of all cities. By taking a systems approach, high-density Asian cities such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Seoul have been able to meet the goals of livable, sustainable and resilient development.
In answering the question raised by James Wong, Executive Director of Hon Kowk Land Investment, on how the pandemic impacts the urban development trends, Chairman Khoo believes people still prefer to face-to-face interactions though they become used to work-from-home amid the COVID-19 lockdowns. Based on Singapore’s recent experiences, with enough investment in infrastructure, including public transit, cities will have multiple centers that can support further expansion.
Developer Panel
Panelists included Wilson Chen, CEO China and Senior Managing Director, Tishman Speyer, Hank Hsu, Co-founder & CEO, Forest Logistics, Lucas Loh, Co-President, Hopson Development Holdings Limited, Co-Chairman and President, Hopson Commercial Group, President, Hopson Real Estate and Tina He, Managing Director, Hines. Tammy Tang, Managing Director, China, Colliers, served as the moderator.
Wilson mentioned three major challenges facing the industry: 1. China’s austere regulations including the “three red lines”, have brought liquidity challenges to private developers (for instance, in early June, most of the land plots put up for sale in Shanghai were acquired by SOE developers; 2. The post-epidemic era puts forward higher requirements for asset management of commercial properties; 3. Global inflationary pressure is transmitted to development costs. Wilson also indicated three opportunities: 1. Quality non-performing assets have emerged in the market; 2. Impacts from supporting policies, including the shortening of the approval process; 3. In the post-epidemic era, consolidations in the asset management sector will further aggravate, boding well for stronger players.
Hank indicated that real estate investors are paying more attention to ESG and are considering the impact of relevant decisions on the environment in the whole process, including underwriting, design, tendering, construction and operation. In a sense, paying attention to the health and well-being of construction works, adopting prefabrication technology and photovoltaic panels not only help developers meet their ESG goals, but also reduce costs and improve performance.
Lucas mentioned that the epidemic has proved that people have a need for social interactions, including going to office buildings and shopping malls. Asset managers need to give full play to their advantages in terms of capabilities in operation, management and innovation to keep up competitiveness. In terms of funding, developers need to improve their operational performance to attract investors.
Tina reviewed Hines' efforts in ESG and pointed out that the commercial assets with poor performance of ESG will lose the game in the future. Improving ESG performance can bring greater opportunities to developers, including providing differentiated products and increasing tenant stickiness.
Innovative Uses of Commericial Property
Panelists include Dr. Keying Song, Founder, Yosemite Clinic & Hospital, Terence T.L. Wong, Associate Director & Head of Design, China Property, Hong Kong Land, Alvin Tay, Vice President, Asset Management, Retail & Workspace, CapitaLand Investment, Alvin Liang, General Manager, A.F.A Shanghai, Rongqiao Commercial Asset Management, and Lin Li, Director, CLOU Architects. Erin Wang, Commercial General Manager, Shuion Xintiandi moderated this panel.
Each panelist briefly introduced the projects they are currently focusing on and expressed their views on the innovative uses of commercial property. Dr. Song believes that the best combination of real estate and medical services is to provide top-level medical space, integrate the space with advanced medical concepts at home and abroad, and provide customers with diversified services. Terence mentioned that developers should consider the flexibility of tenant mix in the early stage of the project, including flexibilities in space layout, building structure and MEP, in order to re-adapt to the changing mix of tenants and customers in the future. Alvin Tay believes that COVID-19 has changed the concept of work for many companies and their employees. Therefore, flexible leasing options need to be provided. Alvin Liang mentioned "digital operation" for retail malls and he believes the virtual reality technology helps to provide differentiated services for shopping centers, including marketing initiatives, car-finding system and art exhibition. Lin believes that good placemaking of public and open spaces can enhance commercial value. As people are more willing to pay for experience, more and more experience-oriented tenants are integrated into new commercial projects.
Recognition of ULI AP Excellence Award Finalists
Peter Holland, Director, Cistri, Chair, ULI Asia Pacific Awards of Excellence Jury, introduced this year’s finalists of the ULI Asia Pacific Awards of Excellence, among which nine projects are from China Mainland, namely ANKEN Alley 363 Changping – Shanghai, Jiaozi Financial Avenue – Chengdu, Jinniu Avenue New Jinniu Park Block and Connected System – Chengdu, One Museum Place – Shanghai, Ruihong Xincheng – Shanghai, Sanyuan NEO Plaza – Beijing, Shougang Steel – Beijing, The New – Beijing, and Wuhan Sanyang Historic District. Since the event, 13 winning projects were announced including four from China: ANKEN Alley 363 Changping – Shanghai, One Museum Place – Shanghai, Ruihong Xincheng – Shanghai, and Shougang Steel – Beijing.
Path to Net Zero
Panelists included May Wei, Principal, Shanghai Office Leader, CallisonRTKL, John Haffner, General Manager - Sustainability, Hang Lung Properties Ltd., Frank Krüger, Creative Director and Partner, logon.design, Dong Xiao, Executive Director, Beijing, ULI China Mainland, and Daniel Xu, Head of Business Development, Akila. Wen Wang, Assistant Vice President, KaiLong Group, served as the moderator.
May introduced the key takeaways of CallisonRTKL’s recent report on Net Zero, including carbon neutralization, net zero in energy, carbon, water, and waste, implied carbon and related case studies. John introduced the sustainability targets and goals set by Hang Lung Properties in the short, medium and long term, and elaborated on how the group achieved the goal of energy efficiency and emission reduction. Frank Krüger showed, in some project cases, that space user comfort, energy consumption and carbon reduction can be enhanced through better design, remodeling and real time monitoring of building performance. Dong shared with the audience about ULI’s research program on Beijing CBD’s transformation and upgrading, and carbon neutralization initiatives. Daniel introduced Akila, a digital management platform for buildings, which helps building owners reduce carbon emissions and better manage ESG requirements by digitizing buildings and equipment, as well as integrating building performance data.
Industry Leader Dialogue
Carrie Liu, Managing Director, China Life Capital, interviewed Stuart Mercier, Head of Asia, Real Estate, Brookfield Asset Management and the newly elected chair of ULI China Mainland who will serve from July, 2022 to June, 2024. In terms of key considerations for selecting property sector, Stuart believes that asset management team’s operation capacity and knowhow are the first to consider, while the other key factor is the economic backdrop, including whether the property sector has long-term demand. With regard to the recent key risk factors facing the industry, Stuart pointed out that inflation and associated monetary tightening policies are one of the key risk factors in the next 12-18 months. For the challenges posed by the epidemic prevention and control measures, Stuart mentioned that since March, the most important thing for Brookfield is to take good care of the team, including providing employees and their family members with daily necessities. Stuart believes that everyone must be confident, because everything will be fine, and the office and shopping malls as seen have returned to normal.
Building More Resilient Cities
Panelists include Ali Cheshmehzangi, Head of the Department of Architecture and Built Environment (ABE), The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China (UNNC), Sylvester Wong, Vice President, ESG-as-a-Service Lead, Asia, AECOM, Dou Zhang, Director, Shanghai Office, Sasaki, and Barry D. Wilson, Vice President, Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong, Founding Director, Barry Wilson Project Initiatives Professor. Jenny Zhang, ESG and Decarbonisation Director, ULI Asia Pacific, moderated the panel.
Prof. Cheshmehzangi introduced his new book “The City in Need: Urban Resilience and City Management in Disruptive Disease Outbreak Events”, and believes one of the key elements is 3Rs, namely reflections, responses and readiness. Sylvester shared with the audience his experience on coastal city adaptation strategies for both acute and chronic risks and how the projects were financed, including public private partnerships, green finance, venture equity, securitization, infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and even crowdfunding and tokens. Dou showed two recent project cases and shared her take on various facets of city resilience from a landscape perspective, not only touching on the environmental side, but also the social and economical side. Barry introduced his new book “Futureproof City: 10 Immediate Paths to Urban Resilience” and he believes “change in the mindset”, “change in the process” and “change in the vision” are critical for tackling the climate problems.
Projects to Watch
Panelists include Henry Cheng, CEO & Executive Director, Chongbang Group, and Xudong Fang, Executive Deputy General Manager, Landsea – Green Fir Capital. Ken Zheng, General Manager, Shanghai, Huafa Commercial, served as the moderator.
Henry indicated that in Chongbang’s retail projects, old retail, namely sale of merchandise, food and beverage, entertainment, education and wellness, count for 70%, while new retail, namely tourism, culture, technology, ecology and environment, 30%. He believes in the future, the proportion of new retail will increase to 70%. Moreover, both the central government and the Shanghai Municipal Government are promoting the development of new retail. Henry also formulated four aspects for the future retail projects, namely EESG (economy, environment, social and governance), day-to-day living digitalization, actual and virtual reality interaction, as well as cultural heritage enrichment.
Xudong gave a brief introduction of Landsea’s property development business at home and abroad, Landleaf Tech, and Landsea Green Life. He also walked the audience through the milestones of Landsea’s endeavors on green housing. In addition, Xudong detailed the technical journey of Landsea’s zero carbon exploration through the Freedom Ark and the Shanghai Landsea Green Center projects.
Recognition of Member Leaders
Ken Rhee, Executive Director, ULI China Mainland, introduced and thanked the member leaders including Executive Committee members for China, Executive Committee members for Beijing, and Organizing Committee members for GBA, as well as co-chairs of Topical Forums.
Industrial Leader Dialogue
James Wong, Executive Director, Hon Kowk Land Investment, interviewed Hei Ming Cheng, Founder and Chairman, KaiLong Group, ULI Asia Pacific Vice Chair and ULI China Mainland Chair. Hei Ming reviewed his experience both as a member and as ULI China Mainland Chair in the past three years and introduced ULI’ culture, philosophy and three initiatives, namely Net Zero, Affordable Housing and Education.
Closing Remarks
Lastly, Charles Chan, Senior Executive Director, Commercial Management, CapitaLand Investment (China) delivered the closing remarks. He congratulated on the success conclusion of the Summer Meeting and hoped that ULI members and friends would keep up with the support of ULI, and work together to help China property industry reach new heights in terms of quality and innovation.
Special Thanks to Our Programming Committee
Wilson Chen, Tishman Speyer
Mark Cho, Blackstone
Tina He, Hines
Veronica Huang, Brookfield
Stuart Mercier, Brookfield
Todd Pilgreen, Gensler
Viki Du, Hang Lung Properties
Erin Wang, Shuion Xintiandi
Wen Wang , Kailong Group
Betty Wong, Colliers
Kelvin Wong, Schroders Capital
Peng Yang, Azure Capital
ULI China Mainland
Tel: +021 3353 8532 Email: chinamainland@uli.org Website: china.uli.org