主旨演讲嘉宾公布 | ULI上海冬季会议,12月8日&9日
English follows Chinese (后附英文版)
12月8-9日 | 上海+线上
诚邀您参加2022年ULI上海冬季会议。冬季会议是每年 ULI 中国大陆最重要的活动之一,活动将及时覆盖房地产行业的重要话题,并为ULI 会员和嘉宾提供了一个交流的平台。
活动第一天为房地产投资峰会,我们将邀请来自国内外的领先开发商、投资者和专业服务提供商。借助 ULI 的全球网络,我们将邀请知名投资者来分享他们对投资趋势的看法以及在经济下行中的应对措施。我们有幸请到凯德投资(中国)首席执行官潘子翔先生做主旨演讲。
活动亮点: 房地产投资峰会
12月8日 上午9:00 - 下午6:00
城市 “免疫力” - 打造可持续性韧性城市
活动亮点: ESG峰会
12月9日 上午9:00 - 下午12:30
活动支持机构 Supporting Organization
媒体合作 Media Partner
联系方式:021-3353 8532 / chinamainland@uli.org。
Save the Date
ULI Shanghai Winter Meeting
8-9 December | Shanghai & Online
Join us for the 2022 ULI Shanghai Winter Meeting. Our annual capstone event will cover timely and important topics for the real estate industry and provide many opportunities for networking with other ULI members and guests.
The Real Estate Investment Summit on Day 1 will feature leading developers, investors and professional service providers from China and abroad. We will invite senior executives of leading investors to share their perspectives on investment trends and discuss new opportunities on the horizon. We will kick off the conference with the keynote speech by Puah Tze Shyang, CEO of CapitaLand Investment (China).
A panel of domestic investors and lawyer from CBC Group, Azure Capital, Paladin Capital Management, and King & Wood Mallesons will take a deeper dive into the trends they’re seeing locally in the capital markets. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn what’s on the horizon for real estate and capital markets as well as challenges and opportunities for 2022.
Join our panel of housing experts in affordable housing, rental apartment and senior housing, to discuss the market new trends. We will have Vic Zhou, CEO of Vlinker; Joanna Liu, COO of Perennial and Sherril Sheng, Research Director of JLL China Residential Sector to join the panel.
The first day will conclude with a fireside chat with a leading industry figure. Tune into a dialogue with entrepreneur Jessica Yu, Chairman of Golden Union Group. Jessica will share her aspirations for China’s built environment and ongoing urban regeneration. Moderated by Carrie Liu, General Manager of China Life Real Estate Asset Management Company Limited.
The ESG Summit on Day 2 will focus on real case studies on low-carbon emission, sustainability and resilient city.
Panelists from Hang Lung Properties and Hongkong Land (China) will join the ESG head panel discussion and share their views on the challenges in ESG goals setting and recent achievements.
Attendees of the Winter Meeting can enjoy attending a Happy Hour at the end of the first day. We will also organize a leadership dinner for invited guests and sponsors on Day 1. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on both days. Simultaneous interpretation will be available for all sessions.
Register Now
Register before November 20 and Enjoy the Early Bird Rate!
Scan to Register and View Agenda
Event Highlights:
Investment Summit
9am - 6:00pm, 8 December
The Langham Xintiandi & Online
Global Economy Forecast
Investor Panel
China Real Estate Market Forecast
How Sustainable and Resilient are our Cities?
Rethinking Mixed Use Project
New Opportunities on the Horizon?
New Trends in Housing
Fireside Chat
Event Highlights:
ESG Summit
9am - 12:30pm, 9 December
The Inlet & Online
ESG Head Panel
Sharing Real Cases of Improving Sustainability of Buildings
Sharing Real Cases of Improving Resiliency of Buildings and Neighborhoods
Become A Sponsor
If you are interested to sponsor or otherwise have recommendations for the program
please contact shirley.shao@uli.org
ULI China Mainland
Tel: +021 3353 8532 Email: chinamainland@uli.org Website: china.uli.org