当朋友Dr. C再次找我做语言润色的时候,我陷入了深思。默默地做了检索,Dr. C已经以第一作者发表了7篇case reports。
Dr. C是低年资医生,硕士学位,所在医院并不显赫,英语嘛,只能说是还行。
Dr. C观察患者特别仔细,爱琢磨,勤奋好学,有雄心。
Editors typically accept those of exceptional teaching value. DEFINITION: Articles reporting a small number of patients (typically 1-5) with: (1) a previously unreported or unrecognized disease,(2) an unusual manifestation of disease processes,
(3) a diagnostic dilemma,(4) unique use of imaging modalities or diagnostic tests to assist diagnosis of a disease,(5) an unusual treatment challenge,(6) an unanticipated early failure or complications of some treatment.
遇到上述病例时,就做一个case report form,收集到完整的临床资料、辅助检查以及样本。
找到拟报道病例的类似报道,从而确定case report的创新点(病例报道的价值)。
Template for Case ReportsTitle should be concise, informative, and relevant to the subject. The ideal title should attract the reader's attention and state the focus on a particular issue.Your Abstract must be structured with the following four sections and contain fewer than 250 words.· Purposes and Clinical Relevance:
Introduction(maximum of 500 words)· All manuscripts must contain an Introduction, typically 3-4 paragraphs. · Generally include one paragraph of background, one or two of rationale, and a final paragraph stating the purposes for documenting this case report. · Generally formulate no more than 2-4 purposes; each should be sufficiently important that their answers would also appear in an Abstract.Case Report (maximum of 250 words for each case)· Describe the history, physical examination, laboratory tests and imaging, treatment, and followup of each case.Discussion(maximum of 1000 words)· Begin with a restatement of the novelty of the case or cases and one paragraph for discuss each of the purposes noted in your introduction.· Compare and contrast your case with those in the literature; when relatively few cases have been reported, provide a table comparing the key findings or outcomes. · End with a summary of the literature and statement on clinical relevance.
· Note any non-financial acknowledgments. Begin with, “The Authors wish to thank…”
· Provide brief legends to include the major point. · Figure legends should be written in complete sentences. · Illustrations with multiple figures (e.g., 1A, 1B, 1C) must be labeled "A," "B," and "C" in the lower left hand corner. Each figure requires a separate legend. · Figures should be uploaded and separately labeled in Editorial Manager.
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