
【CIDGA】论坛邀请:The 1st International Forum of Future Rural Studies

全球学院 CIDGA 2023-10-24

Paradigm Shift for Development Studies in the Global South

The 1st International Forum of Future Rural Studies (IFFRS)

8:00 - 12:30 BST (15:00-19:30 BJT), 22 October 2022, Hybrid

Call for Participation

The cascading and interlinked global crises and conflicts have changed the landscape of rural development in the global south where three billion people live in rural areas and there is an increase of population suffering from poverty, food shortage, climate change, broken supply chains or loss of nonfarm job for their livelihood security. Such destructive impacts call for critique, radical thinking, and paradigm shift in rural development studies to understand both challenges and opportunities there. Against the backdrop, the First International Forum of Future Rural Studies (IFFRS) brings together international renowned scholars, development experts and early career researchers (ECRs) to explore following questions: 

1) Why do we need new approach to understand challenges and opportunities in the global south? What are limitations of conventional paradigm? What can be learnt from poverty reduction, green revolution, international cooperation for rural development in the past?

2) By what strategies can external resources and stakeholders be effectively organised to facilitate social innovation and sustainable (or alternative) livelihoods? What are good practices in the context of urbanisation, biodiversity protection, public goods? 

3) Where are interfaces between local (or indigenous) knowledge and global (or scientific) knowledge systems for rural development? How can an innovation platform be created for external participants to understand intrinsic dynamic and development potential at local? 

4) What roles can higher education institutions play in cultivating sustainability competences for the global south? By what pedagogical/curriculum reform could help staff and students to develop their competences to foster rural innovation and entrepreneurship there?

5) In the context of climate crises, biodiversity loss, global pandemic, how can a lower carbon lifestyle be developed across rural-urban boundaries through ecological/circular agriculture, biodiversity and cultural diversity protection, community-supported agriculture? 

Aims of this event:

  • Initiate a research collaboration for paradigm shift in the global south
  • Share research findings and methodological innovation in rural studies
  • Collection of papers to special issue (SI) of Journal of Rural Studies (JRS) and International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (IJAS)

Outcomes of this event:

1) Launch of IFFRS series on paradigm shift for rural development studies

2) Platform for research collaboration and systematic innovation

3) Selection of quality papers for the SI of JRS and IJAS

4) ECR links and opportunities for future rural studies

The event will be delivered through: 1) keynote speeches of international renowned scholars for paradigm shift to understand challenges and good practices in the global south; 2) showcases of methodological innovation for rural transformation in selected countries (e.g. China, South/SE Asia, African countries); 3) presentations of selected papers for the SIs; 4) roundtable discussion on of ECR collaboration across boundaries (disciplinary, sector, national) and publication. Confirmed keynote speakers include:

  • Professor Jules Pretty, former adviser to UK government, editor of IJAS

  • Professor Darren Smith, editor of JRS

  • Professor Xiaoyun Li, Honorary Dean of CIDGA of CAU

We welcome ideas from scholars and institutes contributing to IFFRS programme through: i) Co-organising the event; ii) Keynote speech or showcase; iii) Servicing as session chairs or discussants; iv) submission of full papers (or extensive abstract). For the background of this event, please visit CFRS website. For those who are interested in submitting a paper to the SI, please follow guide for authors at targeted journal website (JRS or IJAS). A review panel will be established in advance to screen all of submitted papers by following criteria: 
  • Clear description about local challenges and knowledge gaps related to the global south

  • Significance of research approach and questions contributing to relevant debates

  • Rigorousness of methodology and empirical evidence to support argument

  • Geographic location of empirical studies and fitness to IFFRS theme

Should you have any idea, suggestion or query related to event programme, please contact Dr. Bin Wu (bin.wu@nottingham.ac.uk ) and Prof. Qi Gubo (qigupo@cau.edu.cn), IFFRS Organising Committee. The deadline of the submission of full papers to huanghyxlin@cau.edu.cn is 30 September 2022 (17:00 BST). 

The IFFRS is co-hosted by Nottingham University Business School (NUBS) of the University of Nottingham and College of International Development and Global Agriculture (CIDGA) of China Agricultural University, with support by University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM), FAO China Office, Alliance of Poverty Reduction and Development (APRD), International Conference on Agricultural and Rural Development in China (ICARDC). 



中国农业大学国际发展与全球农业学院/中国南南农业合作学院基于其过去三十多年从“引进来”到“走出去”国际发展合作研究与人才培养探索之上,于2017年成立的围绕国际发展和全球农业相关领域进行科研和人才培养的新学科建设平台。面向国际前沿,秉持全球视野。*Frontier research with global vision*

Established in 2017, CIDGA/CISSCA is a comprehensive platform of China Agricultural University that brings  together multidisciplinary fields around international development and global agriculture based on decades of the university's explorations on both bring-in and going-out development researches and talents fostering.


【CIDGA】“小豆子 大营养”——孩子们的第一杯豆浆

