〔1〕 柏拉图:《理想国》,郭斌和、张竹明译,商务印书馆,1986.
〔2〕 柏拉图:《巴门尼得斯篇》,陈康译,商务印书馆,1982.
〔9〕Timaeus, The Dialogues of plato, Vol.3, B.Jowett ed., OxfordUnivetsity press, 1892 Thirded., 1924I mpression.
〔10〕Philebus, The Dialoguesof Plato, Vol.4, B.Jowett ed., Oxford University Press, 1892 Thirded., 1924 Impression.
〔11〕The Works of Aristolte,Vol. Ⅲ, W. D. Rossed., Oxford,Second, 1928.
〔12〕J. N. Findlay, Plato:The Written and Unwritten Doctrines, New York, Humanities Press, 1974.
〔13〕A. Wedberg, Plato's Philosophyof Mathematics, Appelbergs Boktryckeri A B, 1955.
〔14〕F. M. Cornford, Plato'sCosmology, London, 1937.