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Browns Editions
之前介绍过独立出版社 Unit Editions (点这里看),今天介绍另外一个独立出版社 Browns Editions。可能有人知道 Browns Design,Browns Editions 同为 Browns Design 主理人英国艺术家 Jonathan Ellery 创立,主要出版摄影艺术和抽象艺术的书籍。Browns Editions 的设计大部分是由 Browns Design 完成的。
Browns Editions 更加不着边际,是一个比较有个性的出版社,出版物一般限量,数量不多。有一些书更是在印刷好后通过人为创作让每一本变得不一样,以及更珍贵。摘要里有提到,Browns Editions 大部分的书都是艺术家 Jonathan Ellery 本人创作的,偶尔也有一些其他艺术家的。也有一些别的形式的出版物,不局限于书。
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- Populism, by Jonathan Ellery -
274mm x 210mm, 852 pages
3 black and white images
First edition of 419, Price £41.90
“Interpret the world as you want to see it. Construct the reality that you want to inhabit. I believe that is possible and that’s complete freedom. There are no rules.”
The territory inhabited by artist Jonathan Ellery is fundamentally provocative.
In response to the manipulation and unravelling state of contemporary world politics, he has released his latest piece, Populism. The abstract work takes two forms: a sculptural, special edition book, accompanied by a site-specific billboard installation.
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- A Bewildered Herd, by Jonathan Ellery -
300 book covers hand-made by the artist
56 pages, 340mm x 240mm
First edition of 300, Price £45.00
Ellery’s interest is focused on the notion of a democracy, and how easy it appears to control it.
Ellery’s drawings in the first half of the book are made from pencil and charcoal, all of which are abstract, guttural and raw. The marks made appear scratchy, erratic and irrational. Some drawings are sensitive and calm, some violent. There is a sense of an abstract narrative of sorts running through the series.
In the second half of the book Ellery uses stickers, which appear to be swimming in gaffa tapes of various colours to form small relief sculptures. Again some of these are very simple, while others become more energetic and frictional.
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- My Life Was Shit, by Paul Davis -
Paul Davis for Browns Editions, signed edition of 20
有幸参观过 Browns 工作室,Jonathan Ellery 本人很有意思,当然他的作品肯定有他自己缜密的思考,但是他叙述以及鼓励你叙述的方式就是三个词 ”Follow your heart“,并没有被那么多条条框框限制住,我觉得这应该是因为他定位自己是艺术家而不是设计师。
前两个作品,Ellery 都是用非常艺术的方式来表达他本人的政治观点,关于说客和看客如何操纵和被操纵,呈现方式上很简洁,但是很强烈。看到 Populism 的时候有一种窒息感,没完没了的数字/页码以及800多页里就3张还要让人非常不适的图片,阅读感受本身就已经被操纵了。
第三个项目,主要是找了一个其他艺术家的作品,在网站看到的时候一下子被吸引住,默默地想了一下 “yea my life was shit too..”,蛮有意思的小作品。
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