
Ian Roberts & Giuseppe Longobardi | 参数

2020年第56期 理论语言学五道口站 2021-03-17


《理论语言学五道口站》(2020年第56期,总第120期)继续与大家分享“Linguistics Flash-Mobs”系列线上会议。本次会议时间为2020年5月7日,辩论双方为剑桥大学语言学教授Ian Roberts与约克大学语言学教授Giuseppe Longobardi。两位教授“Parameters”(参数)一题展开讨论,由佛罗伦萨大学语言学教授Maria Rita Manzini担任主持。

注:本次分享已由主办者法兰克福大学和帕多瓦大学双聘语言学教授Cecilia Poletto及其团队主要参会者Ian Roberts教授Giuseppe Longobardi教授授权转载。


Linguistics Flash-Mobs


在当前的特殊时期下,我们特推出“Linguistics Flash-Mobs” 系列视频会议,以期保持语言学社区的紧密联系。接下来的每场会议中,两位著名学者将使用不同的框架对学界长期存在的理论问题进行一场场妙趣横生的“论战”!

此次线上活动由Cecilia Poletto主办,C. Gianollo, A. Giorgi, C. Guardiano, M. T. Guasti, M. R. Manzini, E. Pagliarini, E. Sanfelici, A. Tomaselli协办。

"Linguistics Flash - Mobs" is a series of video conferences thought to be a way to keep the linguistic community connected during this troublesome period. In each conference, two seminal scholars will face long-standing theoretical issues making use of different frameworks: fun is guaranteed with these "sword fights"!

This project has been thought and organised by Cecilia Poletto, with the help of C. Gianollo, A. Giorgi, C. Guardiano, M. T. Guasti, M. R. Manzini, E. Pagliarini, E. Sanfelici, A. Tomaselli.


Introduction to the key participants


lan Roberts 

Ian Roberts,剑桥大学语言学教授、剑桥大学唐宁学院教授。曾在日内瓦大学、班戈大学和斯图加特大学任教。他的主要研究领域为理论语言学,更具体地说是比较句法学。


lan Roberts is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Cambridge and Downing College, Cambridge. He taught at the University of Geneva, University of Bangor and University of Stuttgart. His main research area is in theoretical linguistics, more specifically in comparative syntax.

He has worked on the comparative and historical syntax of many of the Germanic, Romance and Celtic languages. He currently holds a project whose goal is to investigate a specific hypothesis as to the way in which the grammatical options made available by Universal Grammar are organized. Refining and testing this hypothesis involves looking at languages from all over the world.

Giuseppe Longobardi

Giuseppe Longobardi,约克大学语言与语言科学系教授。他曾在比萨和巴黎学习形式语法和比较语义学,并且专门研究了罗曼语、日耳曼语和古典语言。20世纪80年代,他曾作为访问学者在麻省理工学院进行了相当长一段时间的访学。


Giuseppe Longobardi is currently Professor at the Department of Language and Linguistic Science, University of York. He studied formal grammar and comparative philology in Pisa and Paris with special focus on Romance, Germanic, and Classical languages, and spent considerable time as a visiting scholar at MIT in the 1980s.

He has published extensively on the syntax/ontology relation in the domain of nominal expressions. He is also interested in quantitative approaches to language comparison and historical linguistics, and is active in interdisciplinary work across theoretical syntax, phylogenetic linguistics, and genetic anthropology. 

Maria Rita Manzini

Maria Rita Manzini, 佛罗伦萨大学文学与哲学系教授。她于1983年在诺姆·乔姆斯基的指导下获得麻省理工学院博士学位。她的研究领域包括句法学、形态句法学、语言变异、参数、罗曼语和巴尔干语。

Maria Rita Manzini is a full professor in the Department of Letters and Philosophy at the University of Florence. She received her Ph.D. at MIT under the supervision of Noam Chomsky in 1983. Her research fields include syntax, morphosyntax, variation, parameters, Romance languages and Balkan languages.








A.  Interactions between Parameters.

B.  Parameters and Learnability.

C. Parameters Theory or elsewhere of UG.


人物专栏 | John B. Whitman教授访谈录

转载分享 | 论人性--乔姆斯基与福柯论辩录

理论与方法专栏 | 牛津心理语言学手册

Lera Boroditsky | 语言如何塑造我们的思维方式?

lanthi Maria Tsimpli & Antonella Sorace | 二语习得


编辑:高洁 陈金玉

排版:高洁 陈金玉

审校:陈旭 李芳芳 王丽媛

