理论与方法专栏 | 类型逻辑句法
《理论语言学五道口站》(2021年第66期,总第200期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐日本国立日语及语言学研究所理论和类型学部的副教授Yusuke Kubota与美国俄亥俄州立大学的语言学教授Robert D. Levine的合著的著作:Type-Logical Syntax (《类型逻辑句法》)。该书已于2020年在MIT University Press出版。
Type-Logical Syntax
In this book, Yusuke Kubota and Robert Levine propose a type-logical version of categorial grammar as a viable alternative model of natural language syntax and semantics. They show that this novel logic-based framework is applicable to a range of phenomena—especially in the domains of coordination and ellipsis—that have proven problematic for traditional approaches.
The type-logical syntax the authors propose takes derivations of natural language sentences to be proofs in a particular kind of logic governing the way words and phrases are combined. This logic builds on and unifies two deductive systems from the tradition of categorial grammar; the resulting system, Hybrid Type-Logical Categorial Grammar (Hybrid TLCG) enables comprehensive approaches to coordination (gapping, dependent cluster coordination, and right-node raising) and ellipsis (VP ellipsis, pseudogapping, and extraction/ellipsis interaction). It captures a number of intricate patterns of interaction between scopal operators and seemingly incomplete constituents that are frequently found in these two empirical domains. Kubota and Levine show that the hybrid calculus underlying their framework incorporates key analytic ideas from competing approaches in the generative syntax literature to offer a unified and systematic treatment of data that have posed considerable difficulties for previous accounts. Their account demonstrates that logic is a powerful tool for analyzing the deeper principles underlying the syntax and semantics of natural language.
Yusuke Kubota和Robert Levine在该书中提出了“类型逻辑”用以解决范畴语法下自然语言中句法和语义等问题。这种基于逻辑的全新框架可用于解释诸多语言现象,尤其是一些传统方法无法解决的课题,如并列和省略等。
该书将自然语言句子的推导看作是一种特定的逻辑证明,指出单词和短语的组合正是依据该逻辑进行的。这种混合“类型-逻辑分类语法”(Hybrid TLCG)在范畴语法的两个演绎系统的基础上建立而成,能够为并列(包括空缺、从属并列群和右节点提升)和省略(包括VP省略、假空缺、提取/省略互动)现象提供更加全面的解释。其解决了在这两个领域中经常出现的辖域算子和看似不完整的成分之间的一些问题。Kubota和Levine指出该混合演算结合了生成语法中的核心分析思想,为此前无法解决的语言问题提供了统一且系统的解决方案,并证明了逻辑是深入分析自然语言语法和语义的有力工具。
- Yusuke Kubota-
Yusuke Kubota,日本国立日语及语言学研究所理论和类型学部的副教授。他的研究领域为句法、语义、句法-语义接口、范畴语法、语料库语言学、计算语言学。已出版的著作有《英语助词系统的逻辑》(与Bob Levine合著,2021年), 《排他性焦点助词的另一面:以日语的dake和sika为例》。
Yusuke Kubota is Associate Professor in the Theory and Typology Division at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. His research interests lie in Syntax, semantics, syntax-semantics interface, categorial grammar, corpus linguistics, computational linguistics. His many publications include The logic of the English auxiliary system (with Bob Levine, 2021),The hidden side of exclusive focus particles: An analysis of dake and sika in Japanese.
- Robert D. Levine -
Robert D. Levine,美国俄亥俄州立大学的语言学教授。他主要关注特征逻辑和类型逻辑在一系列语言现象上的应用,如非经典并列、省略、填充/空位依存;以及辖域现象的句法和语义属性,如否定极性效应。目前他致力于类型逻辑框架下混合证明理论属性的研究,如定向(Lambek-演算)和非定向(λ-演算)的隐含推理模式,并将其应用于句法-语义接口等具体问题的研究。
Robert D. Levine is Professor of Linguistics at Ohio State University. His research and publications focus on applications of feature logics and type logics to a range of empirical phenomena, including noncanonical coordinations, ellipsis, filler/gap dependencies, and syntactic and semantic properties of scopal phenomena, including negative polarity effects. Most of his current research is devoted to exploring the properties of hybrid proof theories in type-logical frameworks that include both directional (Lambek calculus) and nondirectional (λ-calculus) modes of implicational inference, and applying these frameworks to empirical problems at the syntax-semantics interface.
编辑:王平 丁子意
排版:王平 丁子意
审校:李芳芳 田英慧