
理论与方法专栏 | 多重中心语移位的比较句法研究


《理论语言学五道口站》(2023年第21期,总第285期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学语言学系副教授Phil Branigan的著作:The Grammar of Multiple Head-Movement: A Comparative Study(《多重中心语移位的比较句法研究》)。该书已于2023年3月在Oxford Press出版。


The Grammar of Multiple Head-Movement:

A Comparative Study



Head-movement has played a central role in morpho-syntactic theory, but its nature has remained unclear. While it is widely accepted that the main grammatical constraint controlling head-movement is the Head Movement Constraint (HMC), this constraint is flouted in many of the linguistic structures examined in this book. More specifically, the strictures of the HMC turn out to be sometimes inactive for specific grammars allowing multiple head-movement to take place in particular syntactic contexts.

In The Grammar of Multiple Head-Movement, Phil Branigan shows that multiple head-movement is far from rare, forming a part of the grammar in Finnish, in English, in northern Norwegian and Swedish dialects, and generally in the Slavic and Algonquian language families. Basing his analysis on a new model of the grammatical parameters which control word formation in the human brain, Branigan shows how careful attention to the contexts in which multiple head-movement takes place allows new generalizations to be identified. And these, in turn, allow a new model to be formulated of how head-movement fits into the overall architecture of grammatical computation. Through careful comparative study, Branigan not only provides a better understanding of head-movement, but also provides new opportunities to address larger questions concerning the architecture of the grammatical system and the theory of linguistic parameters.

A new account of how complex words are formed in languages as different as Russian or Innu-aimun, as well as in English, this study deepens our understanding of how languages vary and of the mental computational system of human grammars.


中心语移位在形态句法理论中发挥着核心作用,但其本质仍不明确。虽然普遍认为控制中心语移位的主要句法限制是中心语移位限制(Head Movement Constraint,HMC),但该书所研究的许多结构并不遵循这一限制。具体而言,在特定的句法语境下,中心语移位限制有时对允许多重中心语移位的句法结构并不具有效力。

该书中,Phil Branigan指出多重中心语移位并不罕见,它构成了芬兰语、英语、北挪威语和瑞典语方言、斯拉夫语族和阿尔冈琴语族诸语言语法的一部分。基于对人脑中控制构词的句法参数新模型的分析,Phil Branigan密切关注了发生多重中心语移位的句法语境,并做出了全新的归纳, 而这些发现也能够帮助建立将中心语移位操作嵌入句法运算整体架构的新模型。通过细致的比较研究,Phil Branigan不仅对中心语移位的性质做出了更好的解读,而且为解决有关句法系统架构和语言参数理论的更高层次问题提供了新的思路。



-Phil Branigan-

Phil Branigan,加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学语言学系副教授,他的研究主要是从最简方案的视角对诸多小众语言进行形态句法分析,包括印努-艾蒙语、东克里语、因纽特语、楚科奇语、哈萨克语等,对其他更广为人知的语言,如日耳曼语族、罗曼语族和斯拉夫语族诸语言也有涉猎。

Phil Branigan is Associate Professor in the Linguistics Department at Memorial University of Newfoundland. His research has included minimalist studies into the morphosyntax of a variety of lesser-known languages, including Innu-aimun, East Cree, Inuktitut, Chukchi, and Kazakh, as well as more widely known languages in the Germanic, Romance and Slavic language families.



Judith Kroll | Variation in Language Experience

人物专栏|Silvio Cruschina副教授访谈

理论与方法专栏 | 双语语言加工研究

第二号通知 | 第五届句法制图国际研讨会

书讯 | 《汉语句法学》



编辑:丁子意 董泽扬

排版:丁子意 董泽扬

审校:时仲 田英慧



