


Volume 103 

September 2020

Do preferences to reduce health risks related to air pollution depend on illness type? Evidence from a choice experiment in Beijing, China


Yana Jinᵃ ᵇ, Henrik Anderssonᶜ, Shiqiu Zhangᵈ
ᵃ William & Mary, 427 Scotland Street, 23185, Williamsburg, VA, USA
ᵇ Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Box 50005, SE-104 05, Stockholm, Sweden
ᶜ Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse Capitole, 31015 Toulouse Cedex 6, France
ᵈ College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, 100871, Beijing, China
Abstract:This study elicits preferences for clean air in a fast-developing context with increasing regulatory efforts and widespread adoption of self-protection measures against air pollution. We examine whether willingness to pay (WTP) to reduce mortality and morbidity risk depends on the type of illness caused by the pollution. Three major illnesses attributable to air pollution are examined in a choice experiment in Beijing, China. We find robust evidence, testing for both observed and unobserved preference heterogeneity, that WTP does not vary by illness type, and hence, that WTP for policy purposes should not be differentiated based on illness type. We also find that income, education, gender and other factors related with risk vulnerability well predict self-protection, and that respondents who engage more in self-protection have stronger preferences for public interventions. Our results suggest a value of a statistical life (VSL) and value of a statistical illness (VSI) of RMB 5.54 million (USD 1.58 million) and RMB 0.82 million (USD 0.23 million), which are higher than earlier estimates in China. This imply that for societies with strong economic growth and significant pollution, VSL and VSI are likely to increase rapidly, further strengthening the role of policies on pollution control and public health.
Keywords: Air pollution; Averting behavior; Benefit-cost analysis; Choice experiments; Value of a statistical life; Willingness to pay

The impact of climate conditions on economic production. Evidence from a global


Matthias Kalkuhlᵃ ᵇ, Leonie Wenzᵃ ᶜ ᵈ
ᵃ Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC), Torgauer Str. 12-15, 10829, Berlin, Germany
ᵇ University of Potsdam, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Germany
ᶜ Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley, USA
ᵈ Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany
Abstract:We present a novel data set of subnational economic output, Gross Regional Product (GRP), for more than 1500 regions in 77 countries that allows us to empirically estimate historic climate impacts at different time scales. Employing annual panel models, long-difference regressions and cross-sectional regressions, we identify effects on productivity levels and productivity growth. We do not find evidence for permanent growth rate impacts but we find robust evidence that temperature affects productivity levels considerably. An increase in global mean surface temperature by about 3.5°C until the end of the century would reduce global output by 7–14% in 2100, with even higher damages in tropical and poor regions. Updating the DICE damage function with our estimates suggests that the social cost of carbon from temperature-induced productivity losses is on the order of 73–142/tCO2 in 2030. These numbers exclude non-market damages and damages from extreme weather events or sea-level rise.
Keywords: Climate change; Climate damages; Climate impacts; Growth regression; Global warming; Panel regression; Cross-sectional regression; Damage function; Social costs of carbon
摘要:我们为77个国家的1500多个地区提供了一个新的分国别(subnational )经济产出数据集,即地区生产总值(GRP),使我们能够在不同的时间尺度上对历史气候的影响进行实证评估。利用年度面板模型、长差分模型(long-difference regressions )和横截面回归,我们确定了对生产率水平和生产率增长的影响。我们没有找到永久增长率影响的证据,但我们找到了有力的证据,表明温度对生产率水平有相当大的影响。到本世纪末,全球地表平均温度上升3.5摄氏度,到2100年,全球产出将减少7-14%,热带和贫困地区的损失甚至会更高。用我们的估算更新DICE损害函数表明,2020年由温度导致的生产力损失造成的社会碳成本约为73-142美元/吨,到2030年上升至92-181美元/吨。这些数字不包括非市场损失和极端天气事件或海平面上升造成的损失。

Volume 102 

July 2020

Does rainfall matter for economic growth? Evidence from global sub-national data (1990–2014)


R.Damania, S.Desbureaux, E.Zaveri
The World Bank, 1818 H Street, Washington, DC, 20045, USA
Abstract: This paper addresses a seldom recognized empirical puzzle. Much micro-econometric evidence suggests that precipitation has wide ranging impacts on vital economic indicators such as agricultural yields, human capital and even conflict. And yet paradoxically most macro-econometric evidence (especially in the climate economics literature) finds that precipitation has no robust and significant impact on various measures of aggregate economic output. Here, we argue that spatial aggregation of weather at the country level explains this result. We use annual sub-national GDP data to show a concave relationship between precipitation and local GDP growth between 1990 and 2014. We demonstrate that when data are aggregated at larger spatial scales, the significance of the impact decreases and eventually it vanishes. The impact of precipitation on aggregate economic activity is predominantly felt in developing countries and is insignificant in developed countries. Agriculture is found to be a key pathway. Our results have substantial consequences for measuring the economic impact of climate change.
Keywords:Economic growth; Rainfall

Volume 101 

May 2020

Mitigating the air pollution effect? The remarkable decline in the pollution-mortality relationship in Hong Kong

Chun Wai Cheung, Guojun He, Yuhang Pan
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Abstract: Using transboundary pollution from  China as an instrument, we show that air pollution leads to higher cardio-respiratory mortality in Hong Kong. However, the air pollution effect has dramatically decreased over the past two decades: before 2003, a 10-unit increase in the Air Pollution Index could lead to a 3.1% increase in monthly cardio-respiratory mortality, but this effect has declined to 0.5% using recent data and is no longer statistically significant. Exploratory analyses suggest that a well-functioning medical system and immediate access to emergency services can help mitigate the contemporaneous effects of pollution on mortality.
Keywords: Air pollution; Health; Transboundary pollution; Healthcare; Emergency service

Brain freeze: outdoor cold and indoor cognitive performance


Nikolai Cookᵃ, Anthony Heyesᵇ
ᵃ University of Ottawa, Canada
ᵇ University of Ottawa, Canada & University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Abstract:We present first evidence that outdoor cold temperatures negatively impact indoor cognitive performance. We use a within-subject design and a large-scale dataset of adults in an incentivized setting. The performance decrement is large despite the subjects working in a fully climate-controlled environment. Using secondary data, we find evidence of partial adaptation at the organizational, individual and biological levels. The results are interpreted in the context of climate models that observe and predict an increase in the frequency of very cold days in some locations (e.g. Chicago) and a decrease in others (e.g. Beijing).
Keywords:Climate change; Cold temperature; Cognitive productivity; Climate resilience; Adaptation
摘要:我们提出的第一个证据表明,室外寒冷的温度对室内认知表现有负面影响。我们采用了一个受测者内设计(within-subject design)和在激励设置下的一个大规模成人数据集。尽管受试者可以在完全受气候控制的环境下工作,但性能下降幅度很大。利用二手数据,我们发现部分在组织,个人和生物水平的适应性证据。这些结果是在气候模型的背景下进行解释的,该模型观察并预测在某些地区(如芝加哥)极冷天气的频率会增加,而在其他地区(如北京)极冷天气的频率会减少。

Water runoff and economic activity: The impact of water supply shocks on growth


Jason Russ
Water Global Practice, The World Bank, USA
Abstract: This paper attempts to fill a gap in a growing literature examining the global economic implications of weather shocks. Past research has found significant, robust impacts of hotter temperatures on reducing economic growth. While rainfall is important for agriculture, impacts on aggregate economic activity remain elusive. In this paper, I argue that rainfall is a poor indicator of water availability, particularly in urban contexts. Instead, I find that changes in water runoff significantly impact economic growth. Results show that years in which runoff is significantly lower than average, local economic activity growth is depressed. This impact is strongest in middle-income regions, where runoff 1 or 2 standard deviation below normal levels reduces GDP growth by 0.4–0.6% and 1.3–2.5%. I examine two mechanisms, agricultural production and hydropower dependence. Globally, agricultural production is depressed by below average runoff shocks, although the resulting impact on GDP is likely low. Regions which are more urban and rely more on hydropower production in their energy mix are significantly more sensitive to these runoff shocks. With climate change expected to increase the variability of water runoff, these shocks are expected to become more frequent in the future and in some regions may significantly hamper growth.
Keywords: Water supply; Economic growth; Hydropower; Night-time lights

Volume 99 

January 2020

The effect of vehicle ownership restrictions on travel behavior: Evidence from the Beijing license plate lottery


Jun Yangᵃ ᵇ Antung A.Liuᶜ ᵈ, Ping Qinᵉ, Joshua Linnᶠ
ᵃ Beijing Transport Institute, China
ᵇ Beijing Best Transport Tech Co. Ltd, China
ᶜ Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Bloomington, IN, USA
ᵈ The Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Beijing, China
ᵉ School of Economics, Renmin University of China, China
ᶠ Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Maryland and Resources for the Future, United States
AbstractTo combat traffic congestion and air pollution, many cities restrict vehicle ownership, but little is known about how these policies actually affect vehicle ownership, use, or travel time. Leveraging the randomization created by Beijing's vehicle license plate lottery, we estimate the effects of the policy on travel behavior. We find that the policy reduces the total stock of cars in Beijing by 14%. It also causes large reductions in vehicle distance traveled, morning rush hour driving, and evening rush hour driving.

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