

启研学社 三农大数据 2022-12-31


Journal of Environmental Economics and Management是由Elsevier出版社出版,致力于发表和环境与资源经济学相关的理论与实证文章,为SSCI来源期刊,是环境与资源经济学领域公认的顶级期刊。

2020 年JEEM共发表了70篇文章,其中12篇与中国相关。

我们将前5篇文章(全部来自 Volume 104 November 2020)的摘要翻译推送给有需要的学者,以供参考,后7篇文章的摘要翻译将呈现在之后的推文中。


Volume 104 

November 2020


Temperature and high-stakes cognitive performance: Evidence from the national college entrance examination in China


Joshua Graff Zivina, Yingquan Songb, Qu Tangc, Peng Zhangd
a School of Global Policy and Strategy and Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego, and NBER, USA
b The China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University, China
c Institute for Economic and Social Research, Jinan University, China
d School of Management and Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shenzhen Finance Institute, Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data, China

AbstractWe provide the first nation-wide estimates of the effects of temperature on high-stakes cognitive performance in a developing country using data from the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) in China. The NCEE is one of the most important institutions in China and affects millions of families. We find that a one-standard-deviation increase in temperature during the exam period within counties (2 °C/3.6 °F) decreases the total test score by 0.68%, or 5.83% of a standard deviation, with effects concentrated on the highest performing students. This suggests that temperature plays an important role in high-stakes cognitive performance and has potentially far-reaching impacts for the careers and lifetime earnings of students.
KeywordsCognitive performance; Temperature; Climate change; Standardized test

摘要:我们利用中国的全国高考数据,首次在全国范围内估计了发展中国家温度对从事高风险认知活动的影响。高考是中国最重要的制度之一,影响着数以百万计的家庭。我们发现,在县域内,考试期间气温升高一个标准差(2 °C/3.6 °F)会使考试总分下降0.68%,或者说下降5.83%个标准差,且影响集中在成绩最好的学生身上。这表明,温度对高风险认知活动起着重要作用,对学生的职业和终身收入有潜在深远影响。


How costly are driving restrictions? Contingent valuation evidence from Beijing


Allen Blackmana, Ping Qinb, Jun Yangc
a Climate and Sustainable Development Sector, Inter-American Development Bank, Resources for the Future, USA
b School of Applied Economics, Renmin University of China, China
c Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing Transport Institute, China

Abstract: A common policy response to severe air pollution and traffic congestion in developing-country megacities is to ban the driving of vehicles with license plates ending in certain numbers on certain days. We use the contingent valuation method to estimate the costs to drivers of Beijing’s driving restrictions program, one of the world’s largest. Our study generates three main findings. First, costs are substantial: RMB 356 to 709 (US $54 to $107) per driver per year, which represents 0.5 to 1 percent of annual income, and RMB 1.6 billion to 3.3 billion (US $247 million to $493 million) per year for all drivers. Second, comparison of our cost estimates with estimates of the benefits of Beijing’s program from other studies suggests that the benefits exceed the costs. Finally, the costs per driver are significantly smaller than the costs (estimated using the same methods) of Mexico City’s program, which by most accounts has had zero benefits. These findings provide some of the strongest evidence to date that driving restrictions programs can, given certain conditions, have net benefits. They also suggest that relatively high program costs are not a necessary condition for significant program benefits—in fact, the opposite may be true.
Keywords: Contingent valuation; Driving restrictions; Stated preference; Regulatory cost; Command-and-control; Transportation



The impact of climate change on the labor allocation: Empirical evidence from China


Kaixing Huanga, Hong Zhaob, Jikun Huangc,d, Jinxia Wangc, ChristopherFindlaye
a School of Economics, Nankai University, China
b Center for Transnationals’ Studies, School of Economics, Nankai University, China
c School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, Peking University, China
d Jiangxi Agricultural University, China
e Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, Australia

Abstract: Climate change may significantly affect the labor market by generating disproportionate damage to marginal returns to labor across sectors. However, this potentially important channel through which climate change may affect social welfare has not received the attention it deserves. We provide the first estimate of the long-term effects of climate change on the labor market based on the hedonic approach, which accounts for individual long-term adjustments to climate change. Using a panel of field survey data from 8076 working age residents in 279 rural communities in China, we find that a 1 °C increase from current mean temperature will reduce an average rural resident’s time allocated to farm work by 7.0%, increase the time allocated to off-farm work by 7.8%, and reduce the time allocated to leisure by 0.8%. We also find differential responses to climate change across gender: higher temperatures mainly shift males’ time from leisure to off-farm work, but mainly shift females’ time from farm work to off-farm work.
Keywords: Climate change; Labor market; Welfare



Linking urban air pollution with residents’ willingness to pay for greenspace: A choice experiment study in Beijing


Zhaoyang Liua, Nick Hanleyb, Danny Campbellc
a Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB3 9EP, UK
b Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health & Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK
c Economics Division, Stirling Management School, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA, UK

Abstract: This study investigates the nexus between urban air pollution and residents’ preferences for greenspace. The two environmental issues could be linked through people’s general tastes for environmental amenities helping to determine residential location choice, implying that residents of heavily-polluted neighbourhoods may care less about environmental amenities in general, including greenspace. Alternatively, high pollution levels could force people to reduce their local outdoor activities and thereby devalue urban greenspace as local recreational resources. Finally, residents of severely-polluted areas may derive additional benefits from greenspace as trees can enhance air quality. To examine these issues, we undertook choice experiment surveys in Beijing to elicit willingness to pay (WTP) for three types of greenspace: a neighbourhood park near respondents’ homes, a city park in central Beijing and a national park outside the city. We then used air pollution data to help explain the spatial heterogeneity in WTP. Neighbourhood parks provide direct air purification services for communities nearby, and our results indeed suggest that respondents exposed to higher pollution levels have higher WTP for a new neighbourhood park. However, we failed to find evidence of a significant effect of pollution on WTP for a new city park or a new national park.
Keywords: Greenspace; Urban air pollution; Spatial heterogeneity of preferences; Choice experiment; Willingness to pay; Mixed logit model; Instrumental variable



Does road expansion induce traffic? An evaluation of Vehicle-Kilometers Traveled in China


Wei Chena, H. Allen Klaiberb
a School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of China, China
b Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, The Ohio State University, USA

Abstract: This paper estimates the causal effect of urban road expansion on Vehicle-Kilometers Traveled (VKT) in 103 Chinese cities. We develop a novel matching IV strategy to address endogeneity concerns that complements traditional historical infrastructure instruments to provide time-varying identification in a panel data setting.We find that the estimated elasticity of VKT with respect to road length is approximately 1, indicating that newly built urban roads lead to a proportional increase in total traffic. Given significant ongoing infrastructure investment and more recently enacted traffic alleviation policies in many Chinese cities, this result provides important new information on the impacts of infrastructure investment on traffic.
Keywords: Vehicle-kilometers traveled; Road infrastructure; China



《Journal of Environmental Economics and Management》2020年


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学术前沿 | 基于文献大数据的国内外家庭农场研究热点探析(国内部分)

数据分享 | 听说你在找它?!中国农业统计资料汇编最新版


学术前沿 | 新书推荐:黄祖辉等《现代农业的产业组织体系及创新研究》

数据交流 | JDE(2020)关于中国的三农主题文章用到了这些数据!


学术前沿 | 社科院农发所《中国县域数字普惠金融发展指数研究报告2020》发布

 整理翻译 | 张惠茹、许鹤
审核 | 施丹燕、沈梦露

