
哦哟福利+OIL专访 OIL pres. 1/20 Tzusing “ 率领中国电子音乐走向国际的新一代教主

2018-01-13 OIL OIL油

 1/20 OIL呈现的派对将为大家邀请来:  



 —— Tzusing —— 


 Tzusing 还曾两次被邀请至 Berghain 演出,关于演出的体验他也会在本次采访中分享给大家。2017年对他来说是备受关注的一年,他的两张专辑在国际上荣获了各种媒体的年度专辑提名。光是RA就已经数次被报道: 

(RA)Electronic beats artist picks

RA post 2017 review

RA Best tracks 2017

RA best albums 2017

Vinyl factory best of 2017

XLR8R Best of 2017

Boomkat:Top releases 2017

Phonica Best of 2017:Albums 

Beethobear‘s best albums of 2017


——Breaking through: Tzusing——

——RA best albums 2017——

——RA Best tracks 2017——

——RA Electronic beats artist picks 2017——

——RA best of March music——

——“东方不败” RA评分4.0——

——“一瞬千击” RA评分4.3——

——RA:2017 Amsterdam Dance Event(ADE):5个重点演出——

——Vinyl factory best of 2017——

——XLR8R Best of 2017——

——Boomkat:Top releases 2017——

——Phonica Best of 2017:Albums——

——Beethobear‘s best albums of 2017——

——Sean Finnan from Primate Dominance Dynamics Best Of 2018——

——来自NOISEY 采访报道——

——来自Red Bull Music Academy Daily报道——

——来自The polysh 采访报道——

——Split Works Presents:2017年度最佳音乐榜单——

OIL 这次也很兴奋地为大家呈献上这份与Tzusing的采访:

 OIL = O   Tzusing = T 

O:从你与Samo DJ合作做的《Hollahbackboi》可以听到一些八九十年代港台曲风的元素,是怎样的灵感让你们制作出这首作品,以及合作这首歌的契机?

差不多三四年前,我请他来 shelter 放歌,其实那时候有合作几首歌,然后我那时候当时有在听些日本的city-pop,就很喜欢那种旋律,其实不可以说是华语歌,台湾香港8090年代的歌,其实是听city-pop ,那时候可能80.90年代美国流行音乐也有那种感觉,日本也有copy那种感觉,但他们有自己的味道,台湾也有自己的味道,这是一个大环境80-90年代的感觉,但那个beat 是我偷Gwen Stefani 《Hoolahback Girl》的节奏,是midi从新打出来的,但是 beat 是The Neptunes 的 Pharrell 写的。


O: 在 Berghain 演出有什么特别的体验和感受可以分享一下吗?

T:我现在 Berghain 放了两次了,第二次是在那个比较小的新的房间,叫Säule。第二次放就比较relaxed,比较有信心。第一次放我是超级紧张,紧张到一个不行,可能有两三天没办法睡好,Beghain 给我的时间段很晚,差不多从四五点开始放,然后放三个小时,就是很紧张,但是当你一踏上去之后就很简单了,因为那边的Sounds Systerm 很棒,他们那边的监听很棒,你的监听连低音都听得非常清楚;然后那边的人群是很想跳舞的,当你有这种观众的时候,我第一首歌放下去就感觉很放松了,大家就开始进入状况,给你的反应又很好,这种时候做DJ是很简单的。




O: 你会有灵感匮乏期么,如果有,你都会用什么办法让自己去度过?





T:我私底下听的音乐可能会是比较没有节奏的歌曲,不太适合在夜店放,当然也有听老的中文流行音乐,也会听些trap,hip-pop都有,哪天可能突然有个朋友在facebook上,我可能就会一直听那首歌,或者看电影看到一半,听到背景音乐可能是高中听的摇滚乐队之类的就会去找,就是很不一定,也不分类型,也不管怎么样去听到,连计程车上面那个人在听哪首歌,我也会 “干,那首超棒”  然后就会去找,去听。


O: 所以你真的是一个像东方不败一样,为了自己极度想要追求得到的一切去牺牲任何事吗?

T:我不觉得我像东方不败,hh,但是我喜欢东方不败不是因为我像这个人,我喜欢他是因为这个角色在电影院蹦出来的时候,我整个人就傻掉了,就觉得他特别的强,又很有吸引力,雌雄同体的状态我觉得非常酷。在其他访问中我也有说过,我最喜欢的他的一个状态是因为他打破了你对Strength Power的认知,他不是一个野蛮粗暴的力量,一个很Man的力量,我觉得重点是说 Strength power can look like many thing,力量看起来可以是很多不同的方式。


O: From the "Hollahbackboi" which you co-operate with Samo DJ, we can hear some of the genres from Hong Kong and Taiwan in the 1980s and 1990s. what's the inspiration for you to make this track, and what is the trigger let you collobrate with samo DJ.

T: About 3-4 years ago, I invited him to come shelter to play, actually we cooperated few track at that time. And i was listening some Japanese city-pop in those days, I really like that kind of melody, but it can not be calledas Chinese songs, or 80s-90s HongKong/Taiwan songs, in fact, I was listening city-pop, however, maybe there were same feelings also in 80s-90s Amercian pop music, Japan had been influenced by that, but they got their ownstuff in, as well Taiwan . This is a big culture environment of 80s-90s. But I was “stolen” that beat from <Hoolahback Girl> Gwen Stefani,and remade it on midi,the beat was written by Pharrel who is from The Neptunes.

O: Could you please share with us about anyspecial experience and feelings when you played in Berghain?

T: I had played at Berghain twice, the second time was in the new room, called ‘Säule’. I felt more confidence and relaxed for the second time. But at first time, I was extremely nervous, I could not fall asleep for 2-3 days, and Berghain gave me a late time, started at 4-5am, last for 3 hours. It was very intense until I stood in front of DJ booth, everything got easier. Their sounds system was awesome. The monitor is really great, you could even heard the bass clearly. Moreover, the crowds really love to dance in there,when you got audiences like them,I feel so relaxed when I played my first track, everyone already into the vibe and give you such a good reaction. This would be  the easiest  moment for be a DJ.

O: Everyone knows that 2017 is a special year for you, is there any pressure and change when you making your new track caused by the sudden attention from many people? 

T: Absolutely it has made me feel more stressful, maybe make me more nervous and think more when i play. But this is a paradoxical point, I make music and I want more people to hear,and hope to make some contribution to the culture of society.

O: Have you ever felt like lack of inspiration,if so, what will you do to get through it?

T: You mean like haven't got any inspiration? I think if you haven'tgot any inspiration, the best way is do not make any music, and if you don’thave the inspiration forever, just don't make music forever. Making music is not like doingdaily job. Maybe someone take it as a job, then you could hear it from thatsong. Everyone need to go to work everyday. Imagine that you go out tohave fun at the weekend, but you heard that song which feel like a person isdoing his daily job. Isn't that a painful thing? So when you do not haveinspiration, please do not make any music. Give everybody a break, please.

O: What kind of music that you listen during your own time?

 T: The songs I listen in my own time which are maybe less rhythm kinds, not suitable for playing in clubs. I sometimes listen some old Chinese pop music, trap and hip-pop. If a friend recommend a song on Facebook which I like that song, I would listen to that song all day. Or when I was watch a movie and the background music might be arock band’s song from my high school time, that I would also look for it. Theway I listen to music is not necessarily and regardless of the type,and it doesn’t matter how I heard it,even the music was playing on the taxi radio, I thought it was Fxxking amazing and I would go for searching and listening it.

O: Do you think you are like “东方不败”? Can sacrifice anything for what you want the most?

T:No, I don’t think I am like “东方不败”, hhh, I love this characteris not because I think I am like him,, it is because when he show out at thecinema, he shocked me. He has great strength and is a attractive person. Ithink his androgyny state is very cool. In another interview i mentioned before,one of my favorite about him which he break your awareness of Strength Power,this is a strength not only brutal or violent, not just a Man power, I thinkthe point is: “Strength power can look like many thing”, It can be presented inmany different way.

* 来自友台 GhettoStudio新作的采访:<    g  “,Tzusing专访:我一直希望和中国的年轻人多一些共鸣>

在2011年他创建了“斯德哥尔摩综合症”,这成为了上海最重要的派对组织。其实六年前的Shelter环境并不像现在这样尽人意,Tzusing的音乐一开始也没有很快的就让人接受,反而第一次在Shelter演出就清空了一片舞池,但是Gas(Shelter老板)非常认可他的音乐,于是他与Gas 便共同展开了一场革命,尝试着想办法去吸引更多的年轻人来认识这类音乐,为中国地下电子乐做出了非常大的突破,且尤其是为上海的电子地下音乐场景创造了目前这番盛景。

Tzusing 2014-2016在纽约厂牌 L.I.E.S.先后发行了3张EP“A Name Out Of Place Pt~III”,今年他发行的两张EP使他的影响力在中国以及国际上得到了超乎想象的迅猛扩散。他的名字更是被RA多次的报道,从“东方不败”到“一瞬千击”,他将中国玄妙的东方世界元素融入于现代工业Techno和EBM的紧张声音当中,但是却并没有丝毫的让人觉得刻意造作。而EBM(Electric Body Music)这类并不经常被国内DJ所选择的凶猛音乐也有幸再次被他带回到大家的视野中。他也曾被邀参与过CTM festival,Unsound,ADE等各大知名音乐节活动。


—— Tzusing @Boiler Room Shanghai DJ Det 2016—— 


—— Fotan Laiki ——

火炭丽琪看起来可能就是当下非常典型的年轻人,不计划任何未来,也没有什么特别擅长,在如今这种人有种称呼“废青”但是她的态度和性格可能恰当的提炼和代表了当下一大部分香港年轻人的生活状态,这或许也是她非常受欢迎被崇拜的核心原因。她还为香港极度受欢迎的独立乐队My Little Airport 的一张(以她为名的专辑)《火炭丽琪》做过封面女郎;她与YoungQeenz 的合作MV 在 YouTube 也是非常火热,一瞬间她就成为了大家能够侃侃而谈的神秘人物。

Fotan Laiki may look and act like a 廢青 - the stereotypical good-for-nothing youngster without a plan for the future — and she obviously is one. But it's also her attitude and personality that represents the essence of the youth in Hong Kong today, which is very likely the core reason behind her cult popularity. Having been chosen to be the covergirl of Hong Kong's highly popular indie band My Little Airport's album (which is named after her) along with her hugely popular verse on the cult hit with YoungQueenz, Fotan Laiki has quickly become the mysterious character that everyone is talking about. So who the fuck is Fotan Laiki? No one knows.

—— Kelvin T (live) ——

Kelvin T,全名邓方正,是一名19岁在香港土生土长的DJ和音乐制作人。他从初中开始音乐制作,至今已完成了7张EP。远超他年纪的敏锐触觉使他在互联网音乐场景色上崭头露角。他先后加入了前卫上海厂牌 Genome 6.66 Mbp、本地团队 Absurd Trax、Hong Kong Community Radio、以及许留山会。他于每次演出中急速成长,陆续在现场试验live set、说唱、以及visual。满面稚气的他所制作的暗黑舞曲已多次被不同DJ选播于 NTS、Radar Radio、RBMA等网上电台。最近他又发了一张专辑EP “Sedative”,《Sedative》EP 是 Kelvin T 对于意识、自动模式和白日梦慨念上他对其主题中探索的声音记述,并反思成长经历路上,于这个音乐埸境中寻找自我本质的抽象表现。过程中受到不同的音乐艺术家比如Arca、 sega bodega、 SOPHIE MSMSMSM 、 Fatima Al Qadiri、 以及Tzusing 的间接启发和音乐影响ㄧ「或许要做自已的第一步就是先让自己成为其他人,从其再演变出另一个我。」

—— BB (Berlin Bunny) ——

Izabella Chrobok,BB aka berlin Bunny是她这个音乐项目的化名,生于波兰,后来居住在柏林。她的风格与强烈的Punk,Industrial以及Alternative music(另类音乐)背景相联系。她的舞蹈混音包含了morden electrionic techno,New wave,EBM,后朋克以及一些80~90 年代非常old school的音乐。Izabella Chrobok是专业的多学科设计师和艺术家,极力的参与着多种项目的制作,包括插画,摄影, 动画。 个人,以音乐作为工具,为乘客带来不同状态的旅行体验。

BB aka Berlin Bunny is DJ project of Izabella Chrobok originally from Poland but based in Berlin. Her style is connected with strong punk, industrial, alternative music background. Her dance-able mixes contain combination of modern electronic techno vibes, new wave, ebm, post punk and some old school and trashy sounds from 90 or 80. Izabella Chrobok is profesionally multidisciplinary designer & artist strongly involved in illustration, photography, video editing & animation. Individual, who brings the passengers on the travel through different states of mind using music as a tool.

1/20 OIL pres. Tzusing 被RA评为最有影响力的中国电子音乐人之一

  时间: 1月20日 星期六  


 22:00 ~ Late



 Fotan Laiki  

 Kelvin T (Live)

BB ( Berlin Bunny ) 

   早鸟    Early  Bird     : 50   RMB 

    预售        Pre-sale     :  70   RMB

      正票        On Door     :  90   RMB  

预售二维码🔗 :


RSVP : 18617150566

⬇️OIL抢票: ⬇️

OIL 将会提供两个名额放进我们的 guestlist>>

关注 OIL 油公众号


点赞数最高的我们将会在1月20日 6pm 前公布获奖者!!


This time we will be giving free guestlist for 2 lucky people and there is also a free limited drink for anyone who comes before 23:00pm !  ! Follow our official WeChat account, and write down a comment about them on this post for the chance to win.  We will announce the winner on Jan.20th 6pm !


1/13 Sat. Unchained Pres. The Prototypes + DJ SS @OIL

1/18 Ecstatic Bass Pres. Joe Nice @OIL

1/19 Fri. 瑞士建筑设计师的未来声音之旅 KONEKT ASIA Pres. Opuswerk


 —— ABOUT OIL —— 

OIL 是位于深圳的新晋 Underground Club,致力于为南中国的地下音乐场景注入新鲜活力,呈现最好的先锋电子音乐现场,OIL有着中国地下俱乐部中首屈一指的声音系统以及灯光效果。在第一周的试营业,OIL已经迎来了柏林先锋制作人 mechatok,电子爵士神童 Swindle,以及英国低音传奇和音乐厂牌 Hyperdub的老板 - Kode9。以及 DECISIONS主理人 Air Max '97。国内前沿厂牌 Genome6.66Mbp,和 Say Yes 呈现的俄罗斯 FullPanda 厂牌实力女将 Yuka,以及 Glasgow音乐人NIGHTWAVE,日本 UK Bass 推动者 Prettybwoy和上海制作人Swimful的助阵,第一位签约柏林厂牌 Tresor Record 的中国电子音乐人SHAO,和立陶宛国宝级的四位techno音乐人。亚洲最火的活动厂牌来自北京的 Asian Dope Boys 带来 Aisha Devi 和 Zone Unknown,以及由 Asian Eyez 和 Cyber 69成立的厂牌 APOCALYPTIC FANTASIES 带来多栖艺术家 Craxxxmurf。

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 Follow us for more information and surprise!


Address 地址:

深圳市福田区车公庙泰然大厦01层L1-11A (下沙站D出口 ) 

   11A Ground Floor,Tairan Mansion, Tairan 8th Rd 

   Xiasha Metro Station Exit D, Futian District Shenzhen 

RSVP : +86 - 18617150566

Email :info@oilsz.com


Fb:OIL Club

