
弥金对谈 | 艺术家专访:商思敏

GENE弥金 Gene弥金 2021-09-26

▲ 商思敏个展《一日之计在于晨》展览现场

商思敏个展《一日之计在于晨》现已开幕。展览介绍可见于展览预告 | 商思敏《一日之计在于晨》






Q: 你觉得观念艺术影响了你艺术创作的哪一方面?你在种树计划里借鉴了Michael Craig-Martin的概念,然后通过绘画语言表达出来,其实并没有逃离绘画的审美导向。

A: 应该来说是观念摄影的影响,例如图像并置和一些隐喻解读之类。在画面的表现上我还是会考虑视觉效果的。这也可以理解为不只是专注于色彩造型等的视觉艺术。

Q: 观念摄影之所以被提出,是为了与纪实摄影做区分的。

A: 观念摄影也可以和纪实摄影有重叠的部分。那一杯水,我也可以不用画的方式表现,雕塑、影像都可以。只是现在是用了布面丙烯。主要是这个作品想法的来源和想与观者营造的环境关系。

▲ You Will be Good,商思敏,布面丙烯,110x140cm

这是一件观念作品。作品的原型取自宜家的一个实验:在同样的外部环境下由两组小孩养育同样品种的两棵植物。每天都用同样的施肥浇水,但一组小孩会和植物说赞美他的语言,而另外一组和植物说诋毁他的语言。最后经受诋毁的植物枯萎而死,而另一株植物生长的很好。由此,我创造了一个画面,画中两只猫看着化身为一棵植物(橡树)的Pandan。在这个环境中,现实中的观者成为第三个观看植物生长的主体,此时观者及小猫三人共同在用观念或语言影响植物的生长。这杯水则是借用英国观念艺术家Michael Craig-Martin的一棵橡树。他无厘头式的指认一杯水为一棵橡树,并且对此观念加以完善的阐述。

▲ You Will be Great,商思敏,铝板微喷,30x23cm
▲ You Will be OK,商思敏,铝板微喷,30x23cm

Q: 你的造型语言是很成熟的,所以现在的问题是,为什么是绘画?

A: 应该就是对这类的视觉图像表达有兴趣吧

Q: 比如实物的波普化?超扁平化?

A:  差不多吧。基于以往的审美经验,比较善于把握这种风格。

Q: 你认为你的作品在什么层次上你与观念艺术/或摄影产生了关系?

A: 我觉得我应该是吸取了一些观念艺术中吸引我的部分,我不希望在画画的时候只是从形式语言出发。比如Kaws那类型。对画面的叙事或隐喻解读比较有兴趣。但其实也不是每幅画都有一个独立的强烈的观念。

Q: 能具体谈一谈《Get up early in the mourning》这幅画吗?

A:《Get up early in the mourning》这幅画的原型是一副在欧洲收来的印度教育宣传画,而我发现我对于宣传画里所禁止的行为感到兴奋(例如屋顶放风筝,往楼下倒垃圾,打架等等)。而起床就来自该做什么中的一个画面,下面的小字就是Get up early in the morning,画面中的小孩迎着阳光,露出在我看来非常虚假的笑容。我把morning替换成mourning,也体现了我很多作品中带有的悲观底色。

▲ 商思敏个展《一日之计在于晨》展览现场

我在思考这种世俗标准中对与错的行为之间的关系。热狗和蛋堡有一首歌,不吃早餐是一件很嘻哈的事情。是典型的代表青少年对世俗的反叛。画中起床的人物是我一直在画的主角Pandan,它在一个分不清是很早的凌晨还是很晚的深夜起床,准备吃热狗和蛋堡作为不确定时间的餐。被子上的图像是以往的pandan岛徽章的变体:一个用手指堵住耳朵的子宫。左下的人物是一个吃Nike鞋底(可联想just do it )的小孩。这也是源于现实中看到的真实景象。曾有在德国的朋友讲德国人对于小孩的身体健康没有那么关注,而对心理关注更多。东亚社会对子女精养和西方特别是黑人拉丁裔的粗放式养育是一个鲜明对比。


▲ 商思敏个展《一日之计在于晨》展览现场



Q: In what way do you think conceptual art has influenced your artistic creation? Because of the fact that conceptual art is skeptical of the actual painting, it pays more attention to the artists' behavior and the motivation behind the changes in time and space. You borrowed the concept of Michael Craig-Martin in the tree planting project, and then expressed it through the painting language, without actually escaping from the aesthetic orientation of painting.
A: It should be the influence of conceptual photography, such as image juxtaposition and some metaphorical interpretation. I will still consider the visual effect on the performance of the picture. This can also be understood as not just focus on color modeling visual art.

Q: Conceptual photography was proposed to distinguish it from documentary photography. Add subjective intention to the process of photography. But unlike painting, which is unaffected by photographic techniques, it implies a certain metaphor from the beginning. The construction of the painting is inseparable from symbolism.
A: Conceptual photography can also overlap with documentary photography.For that glass of water, I can express it without painting, either by sculpture or image. It's just that now we're using acrylic. The main reason is the origin of the idea of the work and the relationship between the environment and the audience. 

▲ 商思敏个展《一日之计在于晨》展览现场

Q: Your modeling language is very mature, so the question is, why painting?
A: You must be interested in this kind of visual representation

Q: Like pop art or super flat art?
A: Almost. Based on the previous aesthetic experience, I am good at grasping this style.

Q: At what level do you think your work relates to conceptual art/or photography?
A: I think I've absorbed some of the ideas that appeal to me in art. I don't want to start with a formal language when I paint. Like the Kaws type. Interested in narrative or metaphorical interpretation of the picture. But not every painting has a strong idea of its own.

Q: Can you talk specifically about the two paintings "Get up early in the mourning" ?
A: The prototype of the painting "Get up early in the mourning" is an Indian educational poster received in Europe. In one there are pictures of what to do, and in the other, there are pictures of what not to do. But I found that seeing what I shouldn't do was a lot of adrenaline. Flying kites on the roof, taking out the garbage downstairs, fighting, and so on. It even reminds me of the caricatures of the Spanish artist Joan Cornella. And getting up comes from a picture of what to do. The small print below is "Get up early in the morning. I replace morning with mourning, which also reflects the pessimistic undertone of many of my works.

▲ 商思敏个展《一日之计在于晨》展览现场

I'm thinking about the relationship between right and wrong behavior in this secular standard. Hot dogs and egg burgers have a song, and skipping breakfast is a hip hop thing. It is a typical example of adolescent rebellion against the world. The character that gets up in the painting is Pandan, the main character that I have been painting, and in previous works, I created her Pandan island, with badges, currency, etc. Pandan gets up early in the morning or late at night to eat hot dogs and egg burgers for an indeterminate meal. The image on the quilt is a variation of the previous pandan island badge. The shape of a uterus, with fingers in the ears, does not accept foreign information. The character at the bottom left is a child eating the Nike sole. This is also due to the real scene in the real world. Some friends in Germany said that germans pay less attention to the physical health of children and more attention to mental health. There is a stark contrast between east Asian societies' intensive parenting and the extensive parenting of blacks and Latinos in the west in particular.

A character on the roof outside the window is a chicken masquerading as an owl, we understand him as an owl, and this painting is at night, but sadly it's just a chicken masquerading. It's actually morning, the dogma hasn't changed. But in the end, the chicken's head is just a hood with a human hidden inside. So we don't know when to get up. The picture is inconclusive. The chameleon can also be said to be a symbol of uncertainty, secretly want to seize Hamburg, the erosion of the rebellious spirit?

▲ 商思敏个展《一日之计在于晨》展览现场

· 五一闭馆通知 ·

· May Day Closure Notice ·

弥金画廊将于5月1日至5月5日闭馆5天, 5月6日起对外预约开放,因此带来的不便我们深感歉意。
预约观展时间: 周二至周日 11时至6时30分
预约方式: shanghai@gene-gallery.com

Gene Gallery is closed from Friday1 May to Tuesday 5 May due to the May Day. The gallery will re-open by appointment from Wednesday 6 May onwards.
Appointment timings are available from 11:00 - 18:30, Tuesdays to Sundays. 

To make an appointment, kindly send an email to


indicating the appointment time, name, contact details and the number of accompanying visitors. 

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翟翌:造神,及匣中窥灵| 艺术汇 展评

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