
展览预告 | 刘銧銧《燃烧殆尽的梦》

GENE弥金 Gene弥金 2021-09-26

展期 / Duration: 2020.07.11 - 08.11

开幕 / Opening: 2020.07.11, 15:30 - 18:30

地址 / Address: 中国上海市愚园路1088弄愚园公共市集202室

Room 202, Yuyuan Public Market, Lane 1088, Yuyuan Rd, Shanghai, China


Gene gallery is pleased to present Burning Dream, a solo show by Liu Guangguang.




因此我乐衷于在画面中营造色彩对比强烈的繁复重叠,其质感与这个时代多维的“色彩”有关,色彩是能点醒灰暗掩盖的自我意识的工具。假设黑暗被一道光亮指明了方向,色彩则是创造世界的方法之一。欲望与快感,是想象与现实的笔,哪怕现实沾满笔触的压力,所带来的身体与精神崩溃, 接受早已成为一种选择。



Burning Dream
Author/Liu Guangguang

For me, painting is like a road movie filming process on this matter. As the path extends, the scenery keeps changing, new narrative points are constantly triggered, unknown situations happen by chance, and the temptations and struggles that follow. Everyone is bound by The Times, but also by desire and reality engulfed; Everyone has colorful foamy dreams, in which colorful bubbles form. Living in the present, I wonder if the facade of The Times will burn out someday. The ideal in it can only burn with it until it dies.

Therefore, I prefer to create a strong color contrast in the picture, which is related to the multi-dimensional "color" of this era. Color is a tool to wake up the self-consciousness covered by the dark. Assuming that darkness is directed by a light, color is one of the ways to create worlds. Desire and pleasure, is the pen of imagination and reality, even if the reality is stained with the pressure of the brush, brought by the physical and mental breakdown, acceptance has become a choice.

Classics and popularity have lost their rightful place in the face of The Times. I think all I can do and keep is just let my consciousness go with the wind.



About the Artist


主要个展有:《燃烧殆尽的梦》,弥金画廊,上海,中国(2020);《刘銧銧》,艺琅国际,北京,中国(2016);《宝石迷阵-刘銧銧个展》,空间站,北京,中国(2013 );《不应该的年代-刘銧銧个人作品展》,玉兰堂,DUN画廊,北京,中国(2010 ),近期参与的部分群展有:《我们一起去大厂吧》,七木空间,北京,中国 (2019 );《未来游戏——第四届德中青年艺术家发展基金联展》,Kommunale美术馆,柏林,德国(2019);《龙争虎斗》,蔓空间,北京,中国(2018 )

Liu Guangguang was born in Gan Su 1986 and graduated from Luxun Art College in 2009. Now he lives and works in Beijing. In recent years, his works have gradually stepped out of the dense purple narrative and focused on the individual existence under The Times. Through the overlapping of story situations, the diversion of network images, and the blending of multiple colors, he tries to construct the gaps between the imaginary world and the external reality on the canvas, so as to discuss how to resist the dark daily binding in a more humorous way.

His main solo exhibitions include Burning Dream, Gene Gallery, Shanghai, China (2020); Liu Guangguang, X Gallery, Beijing, China (2016); Bejeweled-Liu Guangguang Solo Exhibition, Space Station, Beijing, China (2013); Wrong-Age-Liu Guangguang Solo Exhibition, Dun Gallery, Beijing, China (2010), his main group exhibitions include Let's go to the Factory, Qimu space, Beijing, China (2019); Future games -- the 4th joint exhibition of the development fund for young and middle-aged German artists, Kommunale art museum, Berlin, Germany (2019); Enter the dragon, vine space, Beijing, China (2018).

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